

Eggless Chocolate Cornets

          This is my first month with the Eggless Baking Group at Gayathri's Cook Spot, and the challenge was chocolate cornets. At the beginning of the month, she had sent a link to a video on the youtube. The recipe requires specific molds called 'cream horn molds', I thought it would be available easily, so I kept putting it off until last week. Only then did I realize that these molds were not to be found so easily and I had to order online, now I didn't have the time to do that, but I didn't want to miss posting too. So I made the molds (deserves me right for being lazy), of course the video gave instructions for that too. So, finally I did everything yesterday, the result was good, I did six of them and the chocolate custard filling was too good with the coffee flavor. The process is pretty easy if you had your molds ready, I would definitely do this again but only after getting the molds..

Need To Have

  • All Purpose Flour - 1 cup
  • Dry Yeast - 1 teaspoon
  • Mawa - 1 tablespoon
  • Milk - 2 tablespoon + 1/4 cup
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Brown Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon

For The Chocolate Custard Filling

  • Vanilla Custard Powder (Eggless) - 2 tablespoons
  • Cocoa Powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 3 heaped tablespoons
  • Milk - 200 ml + 1/4 cup
  • Butter - 1/2 tablespoon
  • Chocolate - 30 gm ( I used 1/3 of a 100 gm bar)
  • Instant Coffee Powder - 1 teaspoon

For The Molds
Parchment paper, Aluminium Foil and a small stapler

          Mix the yeast in 2 tablespoon warm milk and leave it for at least 5 mins or till you see the yeast has bubbled up. Melt the butter, add the brown sugar, salt, mix, then add the sifted flour, mawa, mix it, add yeast and make a dough by adding the 1/4 cup milk little by little. You'll have a tablespoon or more of the milk remaining, save it for glazing. Make a ball of the dough, cover it with a wrap and leave it in a warm place for an hour till it doubles up.
          In the meantime, mix the 2 tablespoon of custard powder and the coco powder in the 1/4 cup cold milk. Boil the remaining 200ml of milk with the sugar, remove from the heat and add the custard powder mixture, mix well and put it back on the stove and keep stirring till it becomes thick to custard consistency. Remove and while it is still hot, mix in the butter, coffee powder and the chocolate, keep it over some ice cubes, covered with a plastic wrap.

          Now, coming back to the dough, see if it has doubled up, take it, punch it down and divide it into six equal parts and leave for 5 mins. Then roll each one of them into a thin string of about a foot long, a little thick at one end. Take the thin side and press it on the cone mold, starting a little down from the tip, and roll the dough string on the mold and pinch the dough together at the end to hold it. Leave this to rise for another hour on a parchment paper lined baking tray. Then brush them with some milk and bake it for 10 to 12 mins at 390F. Remove and after 3 mins, wiggle out the mold and cool the cornets completely.
          Once cooled, fill a piping bag with the chocolate custard ( use the tip that is long and narrow, used for piping filling into cupcakes and pastries) and fill the cornets with it and serve them warm.
You can see the video here, it also gives you instructions for the molds, I used parchment paper instead of the kraft paper.

Sending it to Sizzling Tastebuds for Vardhini's Bake Fest event.
                to Sara's Corner for the Women's Day Celebration event,
                to Vegetarian Food And Me for I'm The Star event and
                to Food Corner for the Midweek Fiesta event.       

Don't over bake the cornets, check after 10 mins. If you leave it longer, it'll become harder.
Can replace milk powder for mawa.

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Malo neobican kolac,zar ne ??
Nije kolac ali je zato divna,brza poslastica koja nimalo ne zaostaje okusom pravog kolaca sa sirom.
Potrebno je:
250gr krem sira
190ml zasladenog kondenziranog mlijeka
100ml vrhnja za kuhanje
korica od 1-og limuna + sok
Amaretti keksici
U zdjelu staviti krem sir i dobro ga umutiti,dodati zasladeno kond.mlijeko i dalje mutiti da se dobije glatka krema.
Vrhnje ulupati u slag ,pa ga rucno dodati i spojiti s kremom.Dodati rendanu koricu limuna,zatim iscjediti sok koji takoder dodamo u kremu.
Keksice usitniti.
U case ili zdjelice slagati red keksica,pa red kreme.
Ohladiti i posluziti.
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Pasta with Kumato Tomatoes

          Ever since I read about these tomatoes in Priya's Now Serving, I had wanted to try them. Couple of weeks back when I saw them, I picked a whole pack of them.These tomatoes are a reddish brown in color and have a unique taste, not too sour and not too sweet. Well, I was thinking of ways to use it, of course not in the regular Indian way but where you can taste the tomatoes in the dish. I couldn't come up with anything, except for eating it raw, so I finally decided to use it in a pasta dish. It turned out to be really.. good, I had also added some roasted eggplants and asparagus to it. If you find these tomatoes at your grocer's, do give it a try, you will love it..

Need To Have

  • Whole Grain Medium Shells Pasta - the full box (375g or approximately 5 cups)
  • Kumato Tomatoes - 4 medium sized, chopped
  • Asparagus - 1 + 1/2 cup chopped into 1" pieces
  • Big Eggplant - 1/2 of it diced
  • Chilli Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Dry Basil - 1 + 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt & Pepper - as per taste

          Cook the pasta according to the instructions in the box. Mix the eggplant, asparagus, 1 teaspoon basil, salt and a dash of freshly ground pepper and spread in a oven proof dish and roast them for 20 mins at 400F, turning them in between. Once the pasta and the vegetables are done, you can put together the dish in a jiffy. Heat some olive oil, add the chopped tomatoes, saute till mushy, add the roasted vegetables and salt, mix, finally add the pasta and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon basil. Mix everything together, check for salt and pepper and serve it warm.

Sending it to Sara's Corner for the Women's Day Celebration event,
                to Shama's Easy2cook Recipes for Sara's Cooking With Love - Granddad Series event,
                to Vegetarian Food And Me for I'm The Star event,
                to Spicy Treats for the Show Me The Hits - Fiber Rich Foods event,
                to Sumee's Culinary Bites for the Bon Vivant event,
                 to Taste Of Pearl City for the Healthy Morsels - Pregnancy event,
                to Srav's Cooking Concepts for the Vegan Diet - Only Plant Based event and
                to Food Corner for the Midweek Fiesta event.

Don't overcook the shells, you want the shells to be separate not sticking to each other.
Can drizzle some more olive oil in the end, before serving.

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Cauliflower Lima Beans Fry

          Cauliflower is one vegetable I like to always have in the fridge, you can come up with so many curries with it, from simple stir fries, to kurmas and appetizers like pakoras or the most loved manchurian. I simply love this vegetable, my daughter would not agree with me on this, except might be when she gets her pakoras. Today's recipe is a simple fry, I also added some lima beans, which is also something that I always have in the freezer. It blends very well with the cauliflower and also makes the dish more wholesome..

Need To Have
  • Cauliflower - 1 small
  • Lima Beans - 3/4 cup
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Chilli Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Coriander Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Roasted cumin Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Black Pepper Powder - 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 1 sprig
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Urad Dal - 1 teaspoon

          Cut the cauliflower into medium size florets. Heat oil, add the urad dal, mustard and cumin seeds, once the spluttering stops, add  the curry leaves and the asafoetida, followed by the cauliflower, lima beans, turmeric powder and salt. Cover and cook till 3/4th done, add the chilli and coriander powder, reduce the heat and keep cooking till the cauliflower gets light brown spots. Finally, add the cumin and pepper powder, mix well and serve with some rice and dal.

Sending it to Sara's Corner for the Women's Day Celebration event,
                to Shama's Easy2cook Recipes for Sara's Cooking With Love - Granddad Series event,
                to Vegetarian Food And Me for I'm The Star event,
                to Spicy Treats for the Show Me The Hits - Fiber Rich Foods event,
                to Sumee's Culinary Bites for the Bon Vivant event,
                to Zesty Palette for Vidhya's Love Lock Series - Legumes event and
                to Srav's Cooking Concepts for the Vegan Diet - Only Plant Based event.

Do not overcook the cauliflower, can replace lima beans with peas or other beans.
Can also add some crushed garlic, will give a nice flavor to the dish.
You can also do this in the oven.

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Parsley Dal (Lentils)

          Few weeks back, when I bought this big bunch of parsley, I didn't have a clue where to use it or how to use it, yet I got it, thanks to food blogging. But now, I think I can do at least a couple of dishes with it like the potato parsley parathas, parsley pilaf and now this dal. I used chana dal or bengal gram dal in this, which is very diabetic friendly because of its low glycemic index and also parsley is a good source of fiber. It tasted great, a nice combination with both rice or rotis..

Need To Have
  • Chana Dal - 1 cup
  • Chopped Parsley - 1/2 cup and some more to garnish
  • Red Pepper Or Capsicum - 1 big chopped
  • Onion - 1 chopped
  • Garlic - 3 cloves chopped
  • Tomato - 1 chopped
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Chilli Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Roasted Cumin Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Garam Masala - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • Cloves - 2

          Pressure cook the chana dal with the turmeric powder. Heat oil, add the cloves and cumin seeds, once the spluttering stops add the onion and garlic till the raw smell goes. Then add the tomatoes, saute for a couple of mins, add the capsicum and 1/2 cup parsley, saute for some more time. Add the chilli, coriander and the cumin powder, mix for some more time, add the cooked dal and some water. Simmer for 5 more mins and add the garam masala and the remaining parsley, mix and switch off. The dal was very flavorful, and went perfectly well with the rotis.

Sending it to Sara's Corner for the Women's Day Celebration event,
                to Shama's Easy2cook Recipes for Sara's Cooking With Love - Granddad Series event,
                to Vegetarian Food And Me for I'm The Star event,
                to Spicy Treats for the Show Me The Hits - Fiber Rich Foods event,
                to Sumee's Culinary Bites for the Bon Vivant event,
                to Zesty Palette for Vidhya's Love Lock Series - Legumes event,
                to Taste Of Pearl City for the Healthy Morsels - Pregnancy event,
                to Zesty South Indian Kitchen for the Hearth And Soul Blog Hop event and
                to Srav's Cooking Concepts for the Vegan Diet - Only Plant Based event.

You can soak the chana dal for a couple of hours and cook it in a pot instead of pressure cooking. 
Can leave out the garlic and add ginger or use both.

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Slani Tart

Tart s paradajzom i feta sirom
200gr brasna
110gr hladnog maslaca
4 zlice narendanog sira(cheder)
3 zlice hladne vode
1 zlica suhog origana
U procesor staviti brasno,suhi origano,hladni na kockice izrezan maslac i pulsirati da se dobiju mrvice..polako dodavati vodu,stalno pulsirajuci da se formira tijesto.
Dobiveno tijesto formiratiti u disk,zamotati u prozirnu foliju i ostaviti 20-ak minuta u frizider.
Pripremiti fil/NADJEV
5 kom.roma paradajza
(moze i obicni ali je ovaj sladeg okusa)
150gr marinirane fete u kockicama
1 zlicica cesnjaka u granulama
4 zlice maslinovog ulja
2 zlice svjeze sjeckanog bosiljka
1 zlica rendanog parmezana
1 zlica krusnih mrvica
Ohladeno tijesto podijeliti na pola,pa svki dio rastanjiti u krugoko23cm,zavisi od vas koliko zelite da tijesto bude debelo...
Na svaki krug rasporediti mijesavinu mrvica i parmezana,ali paziti da 2 prsta od kraja tijesto ostane cisto!!
Paradajz isjeci na snite,zatim ga sloziti u krug preko mrvica,tako da se na krajevima preklapaju..odozgo staviti mariniranu fetu i listice bosiljka.
Sada polako dignuti okolo tijesto sve u krug da se formira tart.
Ivice tijesta premazati maslinovim uljem.
Ako zelite pospite tijesto s malo susama i prostalo ulje samo pokapajte po paradajzu.
Stavite peci u predhodno zagrijanu rernu na 180c oko 30 minuta.
Servirati uz salatu.
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Vegan Banana Date Muffins

            Couple of days back, I had tried baking a vegan cake, but it flopped, it slightly stuck to the pan, but I was determined to try again. This time I made these muffins with bananas and dates, not only did I make them vegan but also, I didn't add any sugar and used only whole wheat flour. I was so happy and extremely satisfied with the result and couldn't wait to share it here..

Need To Have
  • Whole Wheat Flour - 1 cup
  • Ripe Bananas - 2 
  • Chopped Dates - 1/2 cup
  • Almond Milk - 1/2 cup + 6 tablespoons
  • Oil - 1/4 cup
  • Flax Seeds Powder - 2 tablespoons
  • Baking Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Baking Soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Cardamom Powder - 1 teaspoon

          Soak the flax seed powder in the 6 tablespoons almond milk for 10 mins. Sift together the flour, baking soda and baking powder. Mash the bananas into a smooth mixture and mix the chopped dates with some sifted flour and keep. After 10 mins, beat the flax seed mixture till it becomes slightly fluffy, to it add the oil, remaining 1/2 cup almond milk, cardamom powder and the bananas, mix well. Now, mix in the flour little by little, finally blend in the dates. Pour into greased muffin pans and bake at 350F for 25 mins. Serve warm as such or with some maple syrup.

Sending it to Tickling Palates for the I Love Baking event,
                to Sizzling Tastebuds for Vardhini's Bake Fest event.
                to Sara's Corner for the Women's Day Celebration event,
                to Shama's Easy2cook Recipes for Sara's Cooking With Love - Granddad Series event,
                to Vegetarian Food And Me for I'm The Star event,
                to Spicy Treats for the Show Me The Hits - Fiber Rich Foods event,
                to Ramya's Recipe for the Fruit Fiesta event and
                to Srav's Cooking Concepts for the Vegan Diet - Only Plant Based event.

I got 24 mini muffins, for some reason, the muffins that I did in the muffin liners stuck to the paper, but the ones that I did directly in the pan came out clean.
The muffins were sweet enough, but if you want it more sweeter, either mix in some maple syrup to the batter or as I mentioned earlier, serve it with the maple syrup.

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Kolac s kruskom

Trebao je biti okrugli veliki kolac s kruskama ali ....imala sam puno krusaka koje sam trebala iskoristiti iako ih jako puno jedem svejednodno ih nisam mogla sve pojesti,pa su zavrsile ovako u malim pojedinacnim kolacicima.
Za veliki kolac je potrebno:
185gr maslaca
200gr smedeg secera
2 zlicice vanila esencije
125gr mljevenih pecan oraha
340gr brasna
! prasak za pecivo
185ml mlijeka
2 zrele kruske
3 zlice djema od marelice
Zagrijati rernu na 180C.
Pripremiti kalup za kolac(promjera23cm),koji lagano premazete uljem i pobrasnite ili samo stavite papir za pecenje.
U dublju zdjelu staviti maslac,secer,vanila esenciju i mixati dok se ne zapjeni smjesa.
Dodavati jedno po jedno jaje i mlijeko.
Na kraju lagano,rucno umijesati brasno s praskom za pecivo i mljevene orahe.
sve izmijesati da ne ostane nigdje brasna u smjesi.
Istresti smjesu u pripremljen kalup,poravnati povrsinu.
Kruske oguliti ,odstraniti sjemne i isjeci na snite.
Isjecene kruske poslagati u krug po povrsini kolaca.
staviti peci u predhodno zagrijanu rernu.
Peci kolac oko 50 sigurnost provjeriti na strai isproban nacin..cackalicom,ako na drvcetu ima tijesta kada ga izvadite iz kolaca,treba jos peci,ako je suho,izvaditi kolac.
Zagrijati djem od marelice i njime premazati kolac odozgo.
Pustiti kolac da malo stane.
**Kolac se moze posluziti topao uz sladoled ili hladan uz salicu caja ili kave !!
Ako zelite male kolace kao moji mna slici,tada kruske ogulice,prokuhate par minuta u zasladenoj vodi s limunom ,samo da malo omekanu. i svaku stavite u sredinu kolaca .
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