

Potato Curry With Fresh Spice Powder/ Urulaikizhangu Podi Curry

          Once again, another potato curry, but do we get tired of potatoes, definitely no. This curry is similar to the Kathirikkai Podi Curry, with only a little variation here and there, but still I thought I should do a separate post on it. It tasted awesome with a mild fenugreek flavor and goes well with almost anything, especially  tastes very good with sambar and curd rice..

Need To Have

  • Baby Potatoes - 3 cups, boiled and peeled
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Asafoetida Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 10
  • Salt - to taste

To Powder

  • Coriander Seeds - 2 teaspoons
  • Chana Dal/ Bengal Gram - 1 teaspoon
  • Dried Red Chillies - 4
  • Fenugreek Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon


          Roast the ingredients given under ' to powder ' in  very little oil, in the order given, adding the fenugreek seeds last, taking care not to burn the fenugreek seeds, tastes bitter. Cool, powder coarsely and keep.

          Heat some oil, add the mustard seeds, when it starts spluttering, add the potatoes and keep roasting on low heat for 5 to 7 minutes.

          Then add the turmeric powder, salt, asafoetida and the ground powder, mix for 2 minutes. Add the curry leaves, if needed a little more oil and keep frying for another 3 to 4 minutes. Remove and serve warm.

You should do this curry with potatoes that don't become mushy while frying, don't use the ones used for mashed potatoes.
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Strawberry Almond Milkshake

          It's already very hot here in India, especially the afternoons, no longer do I feel like having hot coffee or tea, even kids want to have something cold. Milkshakes are the best, kids get their daily dose of milk, plus, when you add fruits and nuts to it, makes it even more nutritious. Since strawberries are now in season, I made this Strawberry Almond Milkshake, very easy to make and very delicious..

Need To Have

  • Strawberries - 15 small ones
  • Almonds - 8 
  • Cold Milk - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons


          Soak the almonds in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes, remove the skin and keep. Take the almonds, strawberries ( washed ), and sugar, blend smoothly, adding very little milk. Once you get a smooth paste, add the rest of the milk, blend it once more, serve cold.

Can replace sugar with honey.
While grinding the almonds and strawberries, add as little milk as possible, then only you'll get a smooth paste.
The amount of sugar added depends on the sweetness of the strawberries.
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Punjena jaja i rolovana sunka

Kao sto je rekla moja internetska prijateljica:"Prelijep ukras i dodatak za svecani rucak!"

Ja dodajem,dobra ideja za iskoristiti kuhana jaja i ugostiti se na drugaciji nacin !!

*malo maslaca
*malo persuna
*malo soli,senfa,kiselog vrhnja
*slani incuni ili kapari

Tvrdo kuhana jaja ohladiti, oguliti i prerezati popola.
Izvaditi žumance i propasirati ga vilicom. Maslac posoliti i popapriti pa ga izraditi vilicom da bude kremast. Pomiješati sa žumancem i dodati malo sitno rezanog peršina.
Tom smjesom puniti polovice bjelanjaka, žlicom ili staviti smjesu u vrećicu za ukrašavanje sa ravnim nastavkom i napraviti valove..
Ukrasiti slanim inćunima ili srdelama i sitno rezanim peršinom.
Umjesto inćuna možete staviti kapare.

* malo,znaci onoliko koliko vas ukus zahtjeva,jaja koliko imate i zelite,punite sa ovom smjesom,ja sam imala 4 jajeta,koje sam prerezala na pola i dodala 2 zlice maslaca i dodavala po ikusu soli,senfa,zlicu kiselog vrhnja

I jos jedan divan recept......


kuhana sunka
slatko vrhnje
hren iz tube ili teglice
(gotov kupljen)
ili domaci hren narendati

Ponovo  je recept raden na kolicini sunke koju sam imala....

Svaku snitu sunke,premazati cvrsto ulupanim vrhnjem u koje dodati hren,zatim je urolati kao rolat.

Servirati sa kuhanjim jajima.
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Kothavarangai Poriyal/ Cluster Beans Curry

          Kothavarangai also known as Guar Beans and Cluster Beans is widely used in Indian cooking. In Southern India, the kothavarangai paruppu usili is a very common dish. In my house, I also make this simple poriyal/ curry with it, the chana dal and fresh coconut added to the curry gives it a nice taste and it goes well with rice and dal or sambar..

Need To Have

  • Kothavarangai - 2 cups, chopped
  • Dried Red Chilly - 1
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Chana Dal/ Bengal Gram - 21/2 tablespoons
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Grated Coconut - 1 tablespoon
  • Curry Leaves - 5 to 10
  • Salt - to taste


          Heat some oil, add the mustard seeds and chana dal, when the mustard seeds starts spluttering, add the asafoetida, dried red chilly and curry leaves. Mix once and add the chopped cluster beans, salt and about 1/4 cup water. Mix, cover and cook on reduced heat till the vegetable is done, soft to the bite. Remove the lid, mix in the grated coconut and switch off.

You can do the same curry with regular french beans, but cluster beans has a unique taste.
You'll find cluster beans in Indian and some Chinese or Korean grocery stores.
If the cluster beans is really tender, then the water that I have given is enough, if you feel that the vegetable is not cooked, sprinkle some more water and cook a little longer.
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Dal Parathas/ Flat Breads With Lentil Filling

          Dal Parathas, flat breads stuffed with a lentil filling, I had tasted this so many years back, during our stay in Singapore. Whenever I made polis/ flatbreads stuffed with a sweet lentil filling, I had always wanted to try out a savory version with a spicy lentil filling, this is the first time I made it. I have used split moong dal and added some minced ginger and coriander to add some flavor to the filling. It was very filling and makes a complete meal with a vegetable curry..

Need To Have
For The Outer Layer

  • Whole Wheat Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt

For The Filling

  • Split, Husked Moong Dal/ Green Gram - 1/2 cup
  • Green Chilly - 1
  • Chopped Ginger - 2 teaspoons
  • Chopped Coriander Leaves - 3 tablespoons
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Coriander Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste


          Make a soft dough with the whole wheat flour, salt and water, keep it aside. Soak the moong dal for an hour, cook it with about 2 cups of water on medium heat, till done and all the water is gone, mash and keep. Grind coarsely the green chilly, coriander leaves and ginger.

          Heat some oil, add the asafoetida powder, followed by the ground mixture, mix for about a minute. Add the coriander powder and salt, mix it well.

          Reduce the heat and mix in the cooked dal. Remove and cool a little and divide the dough and the filling into 6 portions.

          Roll out the dough a little, place the filling, close the dough as shown, dusting with some flour, roll it out as thinly as possible.

          Cook on a hot skillet/ tawa, applying some oil, till you see gold spots on both sides. Remove and serve warm.

Always flip the flatbreads only thrice to get it soft, once when you see it bubbling slightly, flip, apply oil, flip, apply oil on the other side and cook till the first side is done, then flip and cook the second side and remove.
You can even add some grated garlic instead of asfoetida to the filling and mint instead of coriander.
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Zora kolac


          Ovaj kolac je dobro poznat po Slavonskim svadbama ,kirvajima i raznim proslavama,posebno za vrijeme Bozica ,tada se nade gotovo kod svake domacinske kuce.

Jednostavan za pripremu,ukusan....svojim izgledom podsjeca na tzv"Djedove brkove "ili "Macje oci".

Pogodan je za putovanja i za zamrzavanje,ali nema potreb za zamrzavanjem jer se brzo napravi .


300gr brasna
70gr secera
70gr maslaca
1 cijelo jaje
1 zumanjak
1 prasak za pecivo
hladnoh mlijeka-po potrebi


100gr maslaca 100gr mljevenih oraha ili badema ili ljesnjaka
1 bjelanjak
marmelada-neka koja je malo kiselkasta

   Brasno prosijati sa praskom za pecivo u posudu u kojoj cemo raditi tijesto.
dodati ostale sastojke i zamjesiti tijesto.
staviti da tijesto odmari,taman toliko dok spremimo nadjev.

Za nadjev,pomijesati sve sastojke,dobro izmijesati,nabolje izraditi mikserom,da se dobije maziva snjesa.

Odmoreno tijesto podjeliti na dva dijela,svaki razviti cetvrtasto na duzinu tepsije u kojoj ce se peci.

Preko tijesta namazati tanki sloj marmelade po vasoj zelji/ukusu,pa pola nadjeva.
Zamotati roladte sa obje strane,duzinski,tako da se negdje na sredini spoje.

Tako uraditi i sa drugim dijelom tijesta.

Oba zarolana tijesta staviti u tepsiju i peci na 170C oko 25-30 minuta.

Jos toli kolac posuti secerom u prahu.

***akjo zelite  slobodno se moze dodati secera po vasem ukusu i u nadjev,ja licno ne dodajem jer mi bude dovoljno slatko od marmelade i secera kojim pospem kolac !!

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Eggless Lemon Cranberry Muffins

          It's going to be a little slow here, in my blog, since I am going to be in the US for the next one month, so not much cooking, I'll be doing some posts though, from drafts, and of course I'll be visiting other blogs whenever I get time. Coming to today's post, it's been a long time that I had made muffins, and I had these dried sweetened cranberries, that I wanted to finish up, so googled a little and came up with these eggless Lemon Cranberry Muffins. They came out very well, a little denser since I had replaced half of the flour with whole wheat flour, perfect breakfast muffins with a nice citrus flavor..

Need To Have

  • All Purpose Flour - 1/2 cup
  • Whole Wheat Flour - 1/2 cup
  • Yogurt/ Curd - 1/2 cup
  • Dried Sweetened Cranberries - 1/4 cup
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Baking Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Baking Soda - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Chopped Walnuts - 1/6 cup
  • Lemon Juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Warm Water - 1/2 cup


          Sift the flours, baking powder and baking soda. Take the oil, yogurt, sugar, lemon juice, water, salt, beat it till well mixed. Dust the cranberries with little flour and keep.

          Add the sifted flour to the wet ingredients and mix. Finally mix in the walnuts and cranberries. Pour it into prepared muffin pans, bake at 180 C for 20 minutes. Cool and serve.

Can replace cranberries with raisins.
Since the cranberries are sweetened I used only 2 tablespoons of sugar, and the muffins tasted perfect for us, but if you want it more sweeter, double the sugar.
Keeps good in the refrigerator for at least a week, just warm it in the microwave before serving.
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Badem torta

   Trebalo je obiljeziti jos jedan rodendan i da nije to samo rodendan ,nego je to lijepa brojka.

 Moj muz je proslavio svoj 50-ti rodendan,skromno i jednostavno.

Obiljezili jesmo a nadam se da cemo uspjeti naci vremena kada cemo u drustvu svojih najmilijih i proslaviti,do tada ,za uspomenu imamo ovu predivnu tortu radenu po Snecinom receptu.

  Badem torta

Biskvit 1

6 jaja,odvojiti bjelanjke od zutanjaka
(od bjelanjka napraviti snijeg)
150gr secera
100gr mljevenih badema
2 stangle cokolade,narendati

Biskvit 2

6 zutanjaka
150gr secera
100gr mljevenih badema

Pjenasto umutiti zutanjke sa secerom,da smjesa pobijeli,zatim dodati rendanu cokoladu,bademe i lagano rucno umijesati snijeg od bjalanjaka.

Peci na velikom plehu koji postavimo papirom za pecenje,na 200C

Gotov biskvit presjeci na 2 dijela,prepoloviti.

Ispeci sada  biskvit 2

U snijeg od bjelanjaka dodati postepeno secer,nekoliko kapi limunovog soka,te bademe,pa sve istresti na pleh za pecenje,postavljen papirom za pecenje i susiti biskvit na 170c oko 45 min uta...ipak provjeriti  nakon 30-ak minuta  kako izgleda biskvit da se ne presusi.

Ispeceni biskvit presjeci na dva dijela,prepoloviti.


6 zutanjaka
200gr secera
1 vanilin secer
1 zlica brasna
3 dl. mlijeka
150gr mljevenih badema

Zumanjke umutiti sa secerom,vanilin secerom.
Dodati brasno i skuhati u mlijeku,skuhati kao  puding kada se kuha.

U ohladeno umutiti omeksali maslac.


2.5 dl slatkog vrhnja
150gr tamne cokolade
50gr badema
3 zlice marmelade

Za ukrasavanje listici badema,cokoladne kuglice

Zagrijati vrhnje do vrenja,dodati cokoladu i lagano mijesajuci  je otopiti.
Ohalditi,ostaviti da se malo stegne.

Kada smo sve napravili sada tortu slazete kako volite,posto sam ja tortu sjekla na pola ,a ne na 3 dijela kao u originalu,slagala sam je tako da sam svaku koru premazivala filom 1,pa filom 2 i sve do kraja,zadnju koru nisam premazivala,nju sam prelila cokoladom.

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Vegetable Hakka Noodles

          This is my first noodles dish here, though I have made it a couple of times, I wanted to get it perfectly before I blogged about it. A very easy dish, if you get your noodles cooked perfectly, just follow the instructions on the noodles packet, you should be fine. With the vegetables and tofu added, this makes a complete meal..

Need To Have

  • Ching's Vegetarian Noodles - 1 packet
  • Cubed Tofu - 1 cup
  • Carrot - 1/2 cup, sliced into thin strips
  • Capsicum - 1 cup, sliced 
  • Shredded Cabbage - 2 cups
  • Onion - 1 small, sliced
  • Spring Onions - 1 cup, chopped
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Soy Sauce - 21/2 teaspoons
  • Ching's Red Chilli Sauce - 31/2 teaspoons
  • Black Pepper Powder - 1 teaspoon


          Saute the cubed tofu in a little oil, till it turns golden brown.

          Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the packet, in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes. Drain, mix in some oil and separate the noodles and let it cool.

          Heat some oil, add the garlic, toast till it's golden, remove it. To the same oil, add the onion and spring onions ( saving a little of the green part for garnishing). Saute for 2 minutes, then add the carrots and capsicum, saute again for another 2 minutes. Then add the cabbage and keep sauteing for 2 more minutes.

          Now add the soy sauce, the red chilly sauce and salt, mix it , add the cooked noodles and tofu. Mix it gently, finally add the pepper powder, mix it well, garnish with the spring onions and serve it hot.

Don't overcook the noodles, then it'll be a mushy dish.
Serve it with some soy sauce, chilly flakes and black pepper on the side, so that you can add them according to your level of spiciness.
Be a little generous with the oil.
Always make in small batches, it's easy to mix in the noodles and it comes out perfect.
Serves 2 to 3 people.
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Queen of pudding


2 case mrvica-od kruha ili nekog kolaca
1 vanilin secer
25 gr maslaca
2 case mlijeka
4zlice secera
mrvica soli
rendabna korica limuna
2 jaja-odvojeno
3-4 zlice dema od maline ,ribizla ili nekog kiselkastog voca

Napraviti mrvice od kolaca ili kruha.
Mlijeko sa 2 zlice secera staviti u serpicu da zakuha,dodati malac ,pustiti da se maslac istopi,zatim preliti mrvice.
Pustiti 20 minuta da mrvice upiju mlijeko.

Kada se ohladi dodati umucene zumanjke,sve izmijesati i rasporediti u posudice...zdjelice ili case.

Staviti peci na 180C oo 20-25 minuta.

Provjeriti da li je puding pecen, da se jos "mrda" da nije tvrd..tada ga izvaditi iz rerne  i premazati djemom,i odozgo staviti preko djema ulupane bjelanjke...vratiti ponovo u rernu i pustiti da se bjelanci "zarumene",nekih 15-estak minuta.

Smjesa ce biti jos mekana ,ali vidi se na obodu zdjelice/posudice da je peceno jer se odvojilo od nje.

**koristiti vatrostalne case ili zdjelice ili teglice od djema one sto i zimnicu spremamo ....

Ja sam koristila OBICNU casu koju sam do pola umotala u aluminjijsku foliju ...pokazala se odlicno,casa nije pukla !!
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Rodendanska torta


            Puno toga sam propustila u pisanju,ali sam uspjela da obiljezim momenat koji mi svakako nesto znaci....godinu dana starija  ali i sretnija zadovoljnija.
Svoj rodendan sam obiljezila uz ovu predivnu tortu,koja je radena po receptu jedne coolinarke.


10 bjelanjaka
10zlica secera
4 zlica brasna
200gr mljevenih badema
200gr secera u prahu

krema/fil 1

200gr secera u prahu
500ml mlijeka
1 puding s okusom  vanilije
1 zlica brasna
250gr maslaca

krema/fil 2

500gr zamrznutog sumskog voca
5 zlica secera
300ml vode ili soka od borovnice
1 puding s okusom vanilije ili jagode

Ukrasavanje torte

125gr svjezih malina
500ml vrhnja za slag
200gr bijele cokolade,malo ulja
5-6 zlica vocnog fila2


 Bjelanjke umutiti sa secerom u prahu.
Bademe i brasno izmijesati i prosijati ako zelite,pa lagano rucno dodati u bjelanjke.

Smjesu podijeliti na dva jednaka dijela ,kod mene su to bili kalupi za tortu (promjer 24cm).

Peci kore u predhodno zagrijanoj erni na 180c oko 20minuta,ne smije se presusiti.

Ohladiti i prerezati na pola...morate imati strpljenje jer su korice krhke ali polako i uspjeh nece izostati.


Smjesu podjelite na dva velika lima iz pecnice i kasnije ih samo prerezete na pola,tako cete dobiti isto 4 kore samo cetvrtastog oblika,ali ne mari !

Krema 1 se kuha kao puding...znaci mlijeko stavite da kuha  ali predhodno oduzmete 100ml mlijeka i zajedno sa zumanjcima i secerom te pudingom u prahu  izmijesati ,pa kada mlijko provri smaknuti s vatre i lagano ukuhati smjesu  jaja,secera i pudinga.

Skuhano,prohladiti i dodati 250 gr maslaca,dobro izraditi i ostaviti na stranu do filovanja torte.

Pripremiti kremu 2.

staviti zamrznuto voce u serpu,dodati secer i lagano kuhati..voce ce se polako odmrzavati i kuhati,pomocu secera se dobije gusta pekmezasta smjesa...dodati 300ml vode ili soka od borovnice u kojem smo izmijesali prasak za puding s okusom vanilije ili jagode,te skuhati gustu ,pekmezastu kasicu,prohladiti.

  Kada je sve ispeceno ,skuhano i prohladeno ,filujemo i slazemo tortu.

Najprije se nade tacna ili tanjur na cega ce se staviti torta,postavi se prva kora,premaze jednim ,pa drugim filom i sve tako dok se ne zavrsi.

****Ja sam ostavila malo fila 2,od voca,pa sam dodatno izmixala 500ml vrhnja za slag u koje sam dodala tu vocnu kasicu i njome ukrasila tortu okolo

Po vrhu sam istopila 200gr bijele cokolade sa par zlica ulja i prelila.
dodatno sam ukrasila sa svjezim malinama .

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Pomegranate Juice

          Pomegranate, I am not going to go into a discussion about this wonderful fruit's health benefits, enough has been said, and also I am in the middle of so many things now, so straight off to the dish or drink. Pomegranate juice, unlike back in the US, here in India, whenever I tasted it, it's made with a little milk and tastes lot more sweeter, I think kids would prefer this much more. It's very easy to prepare, just takes about 5 minutes and perfect for the hot weather..

Need To Have

  • Pomegranate Arils (the seed like red edible part) - 1 cup
  • Milk - 1/2 cup
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon


          There's is not a big method for making this, take everything in a blender and blend well. Strain it and serve chilled.

You can make this entirely with milk, but we like it with milk and water, so the final product is more like a juice than a milkshake, without too much of milk flavor.
Can replace sugar with honey, again the amount varies depending on the sweetness of the fruit.
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Rolat od cokolade i kave

  • Biskvit

  •  -6 jaja-odvojiti bjelanjake od zutanjaka
  •  -185gr sitnijeg secera
  •  -50gr brasna
  •  -2 zlicice praska za pecivo
  •  -30gr mljevenog badema
  •  -40gr kakao u prahu
  •  -50gr tamne cokolade(izrendati)ili cokolada u prahu
  • Krema od kave

  •  -250ml vrhnja
  •  -300gr bijele cokolade
  •  -250gr maslaca
  •  -90gr mljevenog secera
  •  -2 zlice likera od cokolade ili kave
  •  -2 zlice instant kave

  1. Pripremiti lim za rolat
    (veliki iz rerne),staviti papir
    za pecenje, da se lakse uvije poslije pecenja.

  2. Umutiti bjelanjke, polako dodavajuci
    secer, dodati zumanjke i rucno umijesati
    u smjesu.
    U drugoj zdjeli prosijati brasno, kakao, prasak
    za pecivo,badem i cokoladu u prahu, pa sve lagano
    dodati u bjelanjke.

  3. Smjesu istresti u lim i staviti peci
    na 180c oko 20minuta.
    Pecen izvaditi sa papirom i tako ga i umotati.

  4. Umeduvremenu napraviti kremu
    Pustiti vrhnje da zakipi, skloniti u stranu, pa
    dodati bijelu cokoladu;
    mijesati dok se ne istopi, pa ostaviti
    dok pripremite ostalo.

  5. Mixerom umutiti maslac i secer, zatim dodati
    liker i kavu(ja sam samo kavu)
    pa sjediniti sa cokoladom, mutiti
    da bude kremasto.
    Ostaviti na str, malo kreme za ukrasavanje.

  6. Odviti rolat, fino poravnati strane, pa
    premazati sa kremom i ponovo uviti u rolat.

  7. Premazati odvojenom kremom ,posuti sa
    cokoladom u prahu i dodati cokoladne ukrase
    UKRASE mozete napraviti, tako da na pari otopite cokoladu
  8. stavite u vrecicu za ukrasavanje i na papiru za pecenje
    crtate oblike koje hocete ili jednostavno ukrasite po vasem ukusu i zelji.

Umijesto kave i likera,mozete dodati narendane narancine korice
i sok od narance(2zlice).....

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Cucumber Raitha/ Cucumber With Curds

          Cucumber Raitha, this is the most common raitha that's served with Briyanis and Pilafs. Very simple to put together with grated cucumber and curds, so refreshing especially in this hot Indian summer. My daughter just loves this, another reason, I make this very often..

Need To Have

  • Grated Cucumber - 1/4 cup
  • Grated Ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Curd/ Yogurt - 1/2 cup
  • Roasted Cumin Powder - 1/8 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste


          There's no big procedure, just mix everything together and serve it with your favorite rice or just have it as such, like my daughter.

The ginger gives a nice flavor to the raitha, leave it only if you don't like it, you can also add some chopped green chillies and tomatoes to this.
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