


I went to Trader Joe's Friday night intending to just pick up some sugar and something for dinner when I got stopped by the gorgeous display of basil plants outside on sale. I'd had a couple of basil plants before, but because I travel so much and they need regular watering, I'd never managed to keep them alive for long. But these were so cheap, I justified getting another one by reasoning that it would have cost just as much to get a package of fresh basil leaves, and these could have the chance of being sustainable.

Having your own basil plant not only means needing to water it regularly (by the way, how often is "regularly" anways?) but also needing to cook a lot more with basil since the plant is so prolific! I was going to the beach on Saturday, so I decided I'd make a bruschetta topping and pack some marinated mozzarella balls and bagel chips (both also from TJ's) for lunch. I used the grape tomatoes and garlic I got in my Boston Organics delivery and just added 4 other ingredients: olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. I liked using the grape tomatoes because they have a lot of flavor, are a little sweeter, and are almost never mealy like salad tomatoes can get.


makes about 4 servings

1 pint grape tomatoes
Handful of fresh basil leaves
1 large garlic clove
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar (I used white)
Salt and pepper


Chop up the grape tomatoes using a serrated knife. Depending on the size of the tomato, I cut them into 4, 6, or 8 pieces each. Chop up the basil and throw it in with the tomatoes.


Crush the garlic clove using a garlic press (or mince it by hand) and add to the tomatoes as well.


Drizzle with the olive oil and vinegar. Mix well and salt and pepper to taste. Let sit for a bit to macerate. Serve with slices of toasted French bread or bagel chips.


These pictures are of the bruschetta right after it's been mixed together. It gets a lot more liquidy and wilted but starts to taste better and better as the flavors mix. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the bruschetta once it got to that point because I had gone to get a popsicle, and when I came back, the bruschetta was all gone. I think Jenny was even trying to lick the plastic container clean.


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