


Iako je u Australiji zima,mi svejedno uzivamo u blagodatima razlicitih vrsta povrca.
Cesto kupim povrce koje ne mogu odjednom potrosuiti,pa se nadu dani kada bude "ciscenje"frizidera i onda nastanu novi 'sprcijaliteti'kako to moji ukucani zovu,jer cim nesto nisu jeli,odmah kazu "Mama je danas cistila frizider,nesto novo je na meniu"!:D
Ne obracam ja puno paznju na njihove podbadalice,sve dok ociste sto im je spremljeno na tanjuru!!

Ako zelite za ovaj recept mozete koristiti domace ili kupovno lisnato tijesto.
Ja sam koristila kupovno,jer ovaj recept je nastao bas od namirnica koje su se nalazile u frizideru...

70GR pistacija
2"SAKE" listica mente
2 cenja cesnjak
oko 4 zlice maslinovog ulja
50gr parmezana

jos sam koristila
3 paradajza(roma,sljivoliki,oblik)
1 zlica balsamiko octa
1 zlica maslinovog ulja
3 manje tikvice
1 zumanjak
10-ak crnih maslina
malo kapara
LISNATO tijesto

Za Pesto,operite listove mente,stavite u multipraktik i pustiti da ga isjecka,zatim dodati pistacije,pokrenuti motor da radi i polako sipati ulje,sve dok se napravi fina maziva smjesa.
Lisnato izvaditi da se odmrzne!

U meduvremenu oprati i posusiti povrce.
tikvice izrezati po duzini i poprziti na tavi ,ostaviti na tanjur i pokriti.
Paradajz prerezati na pola i rezanu stranu staviti gore,premazati s mjesavinom balsamico octa i ulja,staviti peci na 200C,oko 20-ak minuta.

Od lisnatog tijesta izvaditi krugove,oko12cm u promjeru,premazati zumanjkom ,ali ostaviti malo siru traku okolo,to NE premazivati,pa ce se prilikom pecenja taj prsten fino podignuti.

Premazati pestom,sloziti tikvice i paradajz,maslinu i kapare i sve to skupa vratiti na najjacu temperaturu u rernu na nekih 15-est minuta,vidjet cete kada se tijesto fino zarumeni i podigne sa strane.

Ukrasite sa listicima mente ili bosiljka.
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I went to Trader Joe's Friday night intending to just pick up some sugar and something for dinner when I got stopped by the gorgeous display of basil plants outside on sale. I'd had a couple of basil plants before, but because I travel so much and they need regular watering, I'd never managed to keep them alive for long. But these were so cheap, I justified getting another one by reasoning that it would have cost just as much to get a package of fresh basil leaves, and these could have the chance of being sustainable.

Having your own basil plant not only means needing to water it regularly (by the way, how often is "regularly" anways?) but also needing to cook a lot more with basil since the plant is so prolific! I was going to the beach on Saturday, so I decided I'd make a bruschetta topping and pack some marinated mozzarella balls and bagel chips (both also from TJ's) for lunch. I used the grape tomatoes and garlic I got in my Boston Organics delivery and just added 4 other ingredients: olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. I liked using the grape tomatoes because they have a lot of flavor, are a little sweeter, and are almost never mealy like salad tomatoes can get.


makes about 4 servings

1 pint grape tomatoes
Handful of fresh basil leaves
1 large garlic clove
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar (I used white)
Salt and pepper


Chop up the grape tomatoes using a serrated knife. Depending on the size of the tomato, I cut them into 4, 6, or 8 pieces each. Chop up the basil and throw it in with the tomatoes.


Crush the garlic clove using a garlic press (or mince it by hand) and add to the tomatoes as well.


Drizzle with the olive oil and vinegar. Mix well and salt and pepper to taste. Let sit for a bit to macerate. Serve with slices of toasted French bread or bagel chips.


These pictures are of the bruschetta right after it's been mixed together. It gets a lot more liquidy and wilted but starts to taste better and better as the flavors mix. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the bruschetta once it got to that point because I had gone to get a popsicle, and when I came back, the bruschetta was all gone. I think Jenny was even trying to lick the plastic container clean.

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Hrenovke u tijestu

Dosavsi u Australiju,promijenili smo dosta toga u nasoj ishrani.
Npr. hrenovke,njih u nasoj zemlji nisam gotovo nikada kupovala,a pitati cete se zasto,pa jednostavno smo imali uvijek svijezih i dimljenih,suhih kobasica i nekako smo njih vise konzumirali nego hrenovke,a i roditelji bi rekli;"Pa zasto jedes to "smece',kad imas domacu hranu!"
Medutim vremena se mijenjaju,ja i dalje mogu,a i ne moram da ih jedem,no,jako su mi pogodne za djecja okupljanja,rodendanske proslave, znam zasto ,ali djeca ih vole!

Za tijesto vam je potrebno:
150 g svježeg sira
4 žlice mlijeka
1 žumanjak
1/2 bjelanjka
4 žlice ulja
1 žličica soli
250 g brašna
1 vrećica Praška za pecivo

1/2 bjelanjka -koristiti za premaz tijesta

Sir pomiješajte s mlijekom,žumanjkom,pola bjelanjka, uljem, solju i brašnom izmješanim s praškom za pecivo.
Tijesto razvaljajte i izrežite prema velicini hrenovki,ja sam koristila manje hrenovke,a vi -po zelji.

Hrenovku zavijte u tijesto i premažite mlijekom, a sa strane bjelanjkom.
Pecite u namašćenom limu oko 20-tak minuta
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Uzitak od vanilije

Divna torta!Kupivsi puuuno zrelih ,slatkih i mirisljavih jagoda,dala sam se na pripremanje ove TORTE

Nisam je puno izmijenila,samo sam ispekla biskvit koji sam podijelila da mi bude za dno torte i za rolat ,koji sam premazala s demom od jagoda i kasnije isjekla u snite,te napravila vanjski sloj torte.

Ukusna je ,osvjezava i jako je lijepa !!!!

Za tortu vam je potrebno:
6 zlica secera
6zlica brasna

Jaja i secer zajedno mutiti dok se secer ne istopi i dok smjesa ne pobijeli,postane "pjenasta',zatim dodati brasno i rucno ,laganim pokretima umijesati.
Pripremiti jedan okrugli kalup za dno torte i jedan cetvrtasti za rolat.
Obloziti kalupe papirom za pecenje i rasporediti smjesu na njih,ja sam sve radila odokativno i dobila sam tanje biskvite.

Okrugli sam postavila za dno torte ,izvadila ga pecenog iz kalupa,skinula papir,stavila na tanjur na kome ce biti serviran,zatim stavila samo obruc od kalupa da mi bude zastita ,kako mi nebi padale snite od rolata koji treba sloziti okolo. Rolat sam premazala demom od jagode i zamotala,pa ga izrezala na snite i njima oblozila okrugli kalup.


500ml mlijeka
1 puding od vanilije
6 zlica secera
1 vrecica zelatine(9gr)
600ml slatkog vrhnja
500gr jagoda-ostaviti nekoliko jagoda za ukras

Puding razmutiti u malo mlijeka i pola secera,a ostali secer staviti u ostatak mlijeka i pustiti za zakuha.
skloniti s vatre i umijesati puding,koji se istopio s malo mlijeka.
Vratiti ponovo da prokuha,zatim skloniti i ohladiti.
Dok se puding hladi ,rastopiti zelatinu i umijesati u puding.
Slatko vrhnje utuci u slag i dodati u kremu.

Donji biskvit premazemo demom od jagoda,sipamo pola kreme,
posuti isjeckanim jagodama,pa sloziti ostatak rolatica,zatim sipati ostatak kreme,jagode i lijepo poravnati.
Ostaviti u frizider da se stegne,

Kada se stegnula torta/kolac,ukrasiti tucenim slatkim vrhnjem ili slagom.
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Bacon Caramel Maple Ice Cream

Bacon Caramels

I wasn't planning on doing another post on bacon and caramel after posting about bacon fat caramels and bacon caramel corn. But then I met the girl behind 3am Confections, Erika, and she started telling me about the bacon caramels that she makes, and I just knew I had to have some. These actually aren't on her website, but she made me a batch anyways and even hand-delivered them to me! Like the caramels I made, they're topped with Maldon salt and diced bacon. Unlike mine, they're butter based instead of made with bacon fat, which means they're not as soft at room temperature. Another huge difference is that she fries the bacon with a secret ingredient that gives the bacon a subtle kick.

Bacon Caramels

After eating four of these in a row (because I couldn't stop myself), I decided to assert some self control because I wanted to immortalize these in an ice cream. At first I was thinking of just dicing them up and adding them to a sweet cream base so as to really highlight the caramels themselves. But then I came up with the idea of adding them to a maple ice cream since I do so love dipping my bacon slices in maple syrup. I based the maple ice cream on the maple walnut ice cream recipe from Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book.

Bacon Caramel Maple Ice Cream

Bacon Caramel Maple Ice Cream
makes about 1 pint

1 large egg
4 tablespoons sugar
1/2 cup milk
1 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons maple syrup, grade B
1/2 cup 3am Confections bacon caramels, diced (about 8 caramels)

Whisk egg until light and frothy. Add sugar, a little at a time and whisk to dissolve. Add heavy cream, milk, and maple syrup. Cover and chill.

Freeze mixture in ice cream maker until almost firm, then fold in caramels. Transfer ice cream to an airtight container and put in freezer to harden.

Bacon Caramel Maple Ice Cream

I found the maple flavoring to be really subtle; if I had some, I probably would add some maple extract to the ice cream base to bring out the maple flavor even more. The recipe in the Ben & Jerry's book suggests using a grade C maple syrup which would probably help as well.

The caramels get pretty hard, but not to the point where it will crack your teeth or anything. If it's something you're wary of, though, I'd suggest dicing the caramels finely so that you don't get a big hard gob in your mouth.

Bacon Caramel Maple Ice Cream
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Amnesty Bread


After a post about World Peace Cookies, it only seems appropriate to follow up with a post on Amnesty Bread. The idea for the name came from David Lebovitz's Amnesty Cookies, which are really Compost Cookies. But the theory is that you declare a day of amnesty for your fridge and pantry and just throw everything you want to get rid of into this bread. I had a zucchini, a pear, and two bananas from my Boston Organics delivery that needed to be used up plus some leftover dried cranberries and walnuts. If I had had carrots I would've grated those up and thrown them in here, too. Raisins, chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, and other types of nuts would certainly have worked just as well in here. If you make any substitutions, I'd recommend trying to keep it a total of 2 cups of grated veggies or fruits and 1 cup total of dried fruits, nuts, or chocolate.


Amnesty Bread
makes 2 loaves or 24 muffins

3 eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 zucchini, grated
1 pear, peeled, cored, and grated
2 bananas, mashed
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour, divided
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 325°F. Grease and flour two 8"x4" bread loaf pans, a 10" tube pan, or line 24 muffin tins.

In a large bowl, beat eggs until light yellow and frothy. Add oil, brown sugar, white sugar, grated zucchini, pear, bananas, and vanilla; blend together until well combined. Stir in 2 3/4 cups of the flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Toss the remaining 1/4 cup flour with the cranberries and nuts and mix in with the rest of the batter. Divide the batter evenly between the two prepared loaf pans or muffin tins.

Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 50 minutes for the loaf pans and tube pan and 35 minutes for the muffins.

It's not the prettiest of breads or muffins, but it certainly does its job, which is to use up all those ingredients in a yummy way. It's quite moist, thanks to all the zucchini and fruits, but also a sturdy enough bread that you could slice and toast it and serve it with some butter.
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Prhke kiflice

Zima je i svi se guramo u kuhinju :)
Ma nije da svi hocemo kuhati,nego nam je jako prijatno uz tolu pec,i miris finih kiflica!!
Uvijek se vise pece,kuha,ma gotovo da sam svo vrijeme u kuhinji,ali to mi ne smeta,ja zaista volim da kuham,pa naravno i da jedem ,nije to nista cudno jer sam od malih nogu vezana za hranu,a posebno u zimskom periodu....
Sjecam se kao dijete da je u "spajzu' bilo dosta kanti sa svinjskom masti i mama je cesto pravila slatkise poput "sapica"i kiflica,za nesto komplikovanije kao pite i pecenje kora na poledini pleha,bila je glavna moja najstarija sestra Anica.
Stvarno je bila majstor za kolace,ali s vremenom i ona je prestala i radi sasvim neki drugi posao.
Ja debeljuca bila i ostala,nikada mi nije bilo tesko pocistiti ni zadnju mrvicu slatkisa sa tacne :)
Prhka tijesta jaako volim ...

 500gr brasna
150gr masti(ili 200gr maslaca
100ml kiselog vrhnja
1 zlica secera
15gr kvasca
malo mlijeka za kvasac

U malo toplog mlijeka(100ml)razmrviti kvasac,dodati secer i mrvicu soli i zlicu brasna ,pa pustiti da se kvasac "podigne'.
Mast ili maslac razmrvite u brasnu,pa zamijesite tijesto s nadoslim kvascem i vrhnje,
Ako je potrebno dodati jos mlijeka.
Pustiti da odstoji sat vremena,zatim ih razvaljajte i rezite kako vam najvise odgovra,da bi dobili kiflice.
Neko pravi krug(kao ja)pa reze trokutove od kojih pravim kiflice,a neko radi sa kockama pa samo preklopi suprotne coskove.
kiflice puniti s nadjevom po zelji..orasi i bjelanjaki malo secera ili ljesnjak,secer,bjelanjak,orasi smokve, puno kombinacija .


Peci na 200C,oko 15-20 minuta,da budu pecene ,ali da ostanu svijetle,pa ih onako tople uvaljati u secer u prahu .
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World Peace Cookies


The story behind these cookies is that Dorie Greenspan's neighbor had told her that the cookies were so good that, "in our house, we call them World Peace Cookies, because we're convinced that a daily dose of the cookies is all that's needed to ensure planetary peace and happiness." I've been meaning to make these cookies for quite a while, but it wasn't until the Boston Dragon Boat Festival dock staff kept bugging me for some homemade cookies that I finally decided to make them to appease the two Petes.

These are basically chocolate shortbreads, or sables, with chocolate chunks and a dash of salt. I made a whole batch, meaning to bring them to a party, but they were so good I decided to keep most of them for myself. They're perfect eating with a glass of cold milk, and if I had had any vanilla ice cream on hand, I would have totally made ice cream sandwiches with them.

World Peace Cookies (from Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours)
makes about 36 cookies

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 stick plus 3 tablespoons (11 tablespoons) unsalted butter, at room temperature
2/3 cup (packed) light brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
5 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped into chips, or a generous 3/4 cup store-bought mini chocolate chips

Sifting flour, cocoa, and baking soda
Sift the flour, cocoa and baking soda together.
Cocoa turds
Working with a stand mixer, preferably fitted with a paddle attachment, or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the butter on medium speed until soft and creamy. Add both sugars, the salt and vanilla extract and beat for 2 minutes more.
Chopping up the chocolate
Turn off the mixer. Pour in the dry ingredients, drape a kitchen towel over the stand mixer to protect yourself and your kitchen from flying flour and pulse the mixer at low speed about 5 times, a second or two each time. Take a peek — if there is still a lot of flour on the surface of the dough, pulse a couple of times more; if not, remove the towel. Continuing at low speed, mix for about 30 seconds more, just until the flour disappears into the dough — for the best texture, work the dough as little as possible once the flour is added, and don't be concerned if the dough looks a little crumbly. Toss in the chocolate pieces and mix only to incorporate.
Cooking dough log
Turn the dough out onto a work surface, gather it together and divide it in half. Working with one half at a time, shape the dough into logs that are 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Wrap the logs in plastic wrap and refrigerate them for at least 3 hours. (The dough can be refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 2 months. If you've frozen the dough, you needn't defrost it before baking — just slice the logs into cookies and bake the cookies 1 minute longer.)
Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 325°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment or silicone mats.
Using a sharp thin knife, slice the logs into rounds that are 1/2 inch thick. (The rounds are likely to crack as you're cutting them — don't be concerned, just squeeze the bits back onto each cookie.) Arrange the rounds on the baking sheets, leaving about 1 inch between them.
Bake the cookies one sheet at a time for 12 minutes — they won't look done, nor will they be firm, but that's just the way they should be. Transfer the baking sheet to a cooling rack and let the cookies rest until they are only just warm, at which point you can serve them or let them reach room temperature.
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Cheescake iz mikrovalne

Nisam osoba kojoj je neophodna mikrovalana,jednostavnoje ne volim.
djeca i muz podgrijavaju sto stignu,a ja ,pa...mozda ako sam stvarno u nekoj guzvi,tada cu se posluziti.Ovo pisem jer sam iz radoznalosti pravila cheesecake ,bas me zanimalo kako ce sve to da bude i ovog puta sam se iznenadila za razliku kad sam isprobavala kolac za 5 minuta,koji mi se apsolutno NE svida!!
Ovo je nesto ,sto mi se ucinilo jako interesantno staviti na papir za generaciju koja dolazi :)

Za ovaj kolac vam je potrebno:
120gr krem sira
180gr vrhnja
1 jaje
1 zlicica vanilija-extrakta
4 zlice secera
1 zlicica limunovog soka

100gr keksica,smrvljenih(ja sam imala amareto)
1 zlica maslaca

Krem sir i secer,dobro umutiti mixerom,zatim dodati jaje koje malo ulupamo vilicom,vrhnje ,extrakt od vanilije,limunov sok.
Rucno izmijesati da se sve sastavi,zatim istresti u vatrostalnu zdjelu,zapremnine 500ml.Kuhati na 800w,2 minuta.
U sredini ce se "tresti' smjesa,ali ne brinute jer ce se sve fino stisnuti dok se kolac ohladi.
Od zdrobljenog ili samljevenog keksa i malo malsaca napravite "mrvice',pa pospite odozgo po kolacu.Ostavite kolac u frizider da se hladi,najmanje 2 sata!!

original recept
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Pogacice od bundeve

Nemam izbora nego da zavrsim s mojom bundevom...ispekla sam i ostatak sto sam imala ,jedan manji komadic,uporedo s mesom dok se peklo u rerni.
Dobila sam 3 case pecenom bundevinog mesa!!!Eee sta sada da napravim???
Na poslu cesto pravim pogacice za dorucak,neki vole da stave dem,a neki sir,meni licno odgovaraju slane :D

2.5-3 case brasna
1/2 praska za pecivo
malo soli
30gr maslaca(sobne temperature)
2/3 case pirea od bundeve
1 jaje
1 casa jogurta
Prosijati u zdjelu brasno i prasak za pecivo.
Dodati sol i maslac ,pa izmrviti maslac u brasnu,napraviti mrvice.
U brasno dodati lagano umuceno jaje ,pire od bundeve i jogurt i zlicom zamjesiti dok se moze,kasnije uz dodatak brasna ,oblikovati tijesto.

Izvaditi na radnu povrsinu,malo pobrasniti stol i razviti tijesto do 2cm debljine ,pa vaditi pogacice.

Ako zelite mozete i deblje i vece pogacice da pravite,meni su ove sasvim dobre,jer su fini mali zalogaji i lijepo se ispeku.

Peci u predhodno zagrijanoj rerni 15-20 minuta na 200C.

ako su pogacice vece i vrijeme pecenja je duze.

Posluziti dok su tople,ali i hladne su mekane i ukusne.

Posto mi je ostalo jos bundeve,napravila sam i muffinse :D


1.5 case brasna
1/2 zlicice soli
1 casa secera
1 zlicica sode-bikarbone
1 casa pirea od bundeve
1/3 case istopljenog maslaca
2 jaja
1/4 case vode
po 1/2 zlicice,cimeta,morskog orascica i dumbira
1 casa oraha,krupnije sjeckanih
2 zlice usecerenog dumbira(sjeckanog)
Zagrijati rernu na 200C.
U zdjelu prosijati brasno sa sodom,dodati sve zacine,pa u sredinu napraviti udubljenje u koje stavite pire od bundeve,vodu,jaja i sve laganim pokretima izmijesati,ali ne predugo.dugo mijesanje tijesta napravi muffinse zilave.

Zlicom puniti kosarice ili podmazan i pobrasnjen kalup za muffinse.
Peci oko 30 minuta.
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Nije da smo bas ludi za bundevom,ali svako toliko je pripremim .
Pomalo navikavam svoje ukucane jer ja sam je jela od malih nogu,pa sam navikla i meni je lijepa i u slatkim i u slanim jelima .

Baka je ,kradom od tate pekla u vanjskom sporetu,koji je sluzio za kuhanje krompira u zimskom periodu za svinje,pa je ujedno iskoristila i rernu.
Zvala bi me da sidem dolje,ispod kuce je bio veeeliki podrum,ali je to bilo sve cisto i uredno jer moj pok. Otac je bio "svojeglav";moralo je svako drvo biti isto odrezano i sve jednako slozeno za zimu,o ostalom da i ne pricam.
U jesen kada pocme berba kukuruza,tada je bio gl. vozac,pa tko uskoci da se poveze,povezen je,tko ne,valja mu pjesaciti!!!

Sve se znalo kad je cemu vrijeme,dorucak ,rucak,vecera,nista se nije mijenjalo ni kada se na njivi radilo,u isto vrijeme ,se sjedalo i jelo...ali je zato sve na vrijeme bilo gotovo.
ali da ja nastavim sa mojom bundevom:)
Baka je mene i naucila da jedem budndevu jer smo podkradom to jele ,samo nas dvije,ako bi slucajno tata vidio bundevu,prijsjelo bi joj ,jer je on smatrao da to samo svinje jedu,e pa prevario se !!:))

Punjena pecena bundeva

1 cijela bundeva(oko 3kg)
30gr maslaca
1 zlicica crvene paprike(one sto mirise na dim )
2 cesnja cesnjaka
150gr chorizo kobasice(moze domaca)
200gr bijelog poieceg mesa
1 zlica maslinovog ulja
1 glavica luka
1 crvena paprika
750-800ml pileceg temeljca(juhe)
malo saffrona
200gr arborio rize
(ili neku koju vi koristite)
150gr paradajza(isjeckati)
persunov list
40gr graska(zamrznuti)

Zagrijati rernu na 180C.
Bundevu oprati,posusiti papirnim ubrusom,zatim izrezati nozem poklopac na vrhu.
Poklopac otvoriti,pa zlicom pokupiti sve sjemenke(i sa poklopca).
Cesnjak protisnuti,otopiti maslac,pa pomijesati sa cesnjakom i paprikom.
dodati soli i bibera i tom smjesom namazati unutrasnjost bundeve.


staviti u tepsiju i peci oko 1 sat,tj dok ne omekani(noz lako prode kroz stjenku bundeve kad je pecena ).

U meduvremenu isjeckati kobasicu i piletinu.
N ulju malo proprziti kobacicu,izvaditi je zatim na tanjur i ostaviti na stranu,pa na istou masnocu dodati komadice piletine i njih lijepo proprziti .
Piletinu takoder izvaditi kod kobacice i ostaviti poklopljeno.
Sada u tavu dodati isjeckan luk,malo proprziti,dodati cesnjak i crvenu papriku.
Kada pocme da se siri miris paprike i luka,dodati rizu ,pa samo je pustiti da 'postakli',zatim sipati kutlacu po kutlacu zagrijanog temeljca u koji stevite saffron(ako imate).
Kada je riza skoro gotova,pocela da upija sve sokove,dodati paradajz, kobacicu i piletinu,zatim grasak i persunov list,koji isjeckamo.

Ostaviti rizoto na stranu.

Izvaditi pecenu bundevu,skinuti poklopac,pa puniti rizom.
Polopiti poklopcem i vratiti jos 20-ak minuta u rernu.

Pustiti da odstoji 10-ak minuta prije nego pocnete sjeci.
ako volite iscjedite krisku limuna po rizotu.

Recept je preuzet iz "Women's Weekly" magazina.
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Elote (Mexican Grilled Corn)


I tried elote for the first time a while ago at La Verdad, but I wasn't totally blown away. Then I tried it at Toro a couple of weeks ago, and wow, I couldn't get enough of it! (As an aside, I had always assumed that Toro was a Japanese sushi place because to me, toro = fatty bluefin tuna belly. So I was a little surprised to find out it was actually a tapas restaurant, where toro = Spanish for bull.)


A couple days later I was going to a bbq, so I decided to look up how to make it myself. What I came up with is an amalgam of what I found and a few adjustments to make the corn more similar to how I remember they made it at Toro. I chose to pre-cook the corn before grilling it so that I could ensure that the corn was cooked all the way through and also so that I wouldn't be hogging up time and space on the grill. I also added some raw garlic and the spices to the mayonnaise since I remember there was a garlicky taste in their sauce, which was pink. I found the cotija cheese, a mild, aged cheese, at Whole Foods, but if you can't find it, you can substitute either grated Parmesan or crumbled feta cheese.

Elote (Mexican Grilled Corn)
makes 12 servings

12 ears of corn
1 cup mayonnaise
2 garlic cloves
4 limes
Cayenne pepper
Chile powder
1 cup crumbled cotija cheese

Preheat oven to 350 °F. Place corn in husks directly on the middle rack of the oven for 30 minutes, or until corn is soft to the touch. After it has cooled, remove the silk and husks. If you like, you can break the ears in half.


Run the garlic cloves through a garlic press (or mince well) and add to the mayonnaise. Add the juice from half of a lime and quarter the rest of the limes. Mix in cayenne pepper, chile powder, and paprika to taste.


Grill the corn on a hot grill until lightly charred. Top with the mayonnaise sauce and crumbled cotija cheese. Sprinkle on more cayenne pepper and/or chile powder as desired, and serve with lime wedges.

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Homemade Dulce de Leche and Dulce de Leche Ice Cream

Hola! Did you miss me? Sorry for the unexpected break, but the last month has been full of exciting happenings including bumping into the cast of Glee on a flight from Chicago to New York, racing in the Boston Dragon Boat Festival with The Boat for Kids Who Don't Paddle Good, and a vacation to Argentina and Brazil.


It was down in Buenos Aires that I fell in love with dulce de leche. I used my Marriott points to stay at the Marriott Plaza Hotel, and because I'm a Gold Elite member, we got to eat breakfast in the Concierge Lounge each morning. And each morning they put out little jars of dulce de leche to spread on the pastries. It was so good, I ended up putting some in my coffee, too! I just knew I had to try to make some at home, and luckily, there is a rather easy (and safe*) method. Basically all you do is put a can (or two or three) of sweetened condensed milk in a crock pot, fill it with water, turn it on low, and let it cook for 8 hours. That's it! Obviously, you'll want to wait for the cans to come back down to room temperature before attempting to open them, or else you'll risk having hot dulce de leche squirting out of the can.


I'll admit that it doesn't taste quite as good as the real thing, but for how easy it was to make, it's pretty darn close. Now my only problem was what to do with the dulce de leche. See, while it was great spreading it all over pastries and stirring into my coffee, I don't really have pastries just sitting around at home, nor do I usually make coffee at home. So I figured I'd look for a recipe to make dulce de leche ice cream. I came across this one on Epicurious with the following description: "This is not just the best dulce de leche ice cream we've ever had, it's one of the best ice creams we've ever had, period." With a testimonial like that, how could I not try to make it?

Dulce de Leche Ice Cream with Toasted Pecans (from Epicurious)
makes about 1.5 quarts

2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
1 pound dulce de leche (this ended up being a little more than 1 can of homemade dulce de leche)
1/8 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup chopped pecans (2 1/2 to 3 oz), toasted

Bring milk and cream just to a boil in a 3-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat, then remove from heat and whisk in dulce de leche until dissolved. Whisk in vanilla and transfer to a metal bowl. Quick-chill by putting bowl in a larger bowl of ice and cold water and stirring occasionally until cold, 15 to 20 minutes.


Freeze mixture in ice cream maker until almost firm, then fold in pecans.


Transfer ice cream to an airtight container and put in freezer to harden, at least 1 hour.


To be honest, I still think the passion fruit ice cream was the best ice cream I ever made. But this one is definitely high up on the list. The addition of the toasted pecans almost made it taste like butter pecan ice cream, but with a richer, caramelized flavor. Probably the hardest part of making this was making sure the pecans didn't burn when toasting them. I almost always end up throwing out the first batch because I forget about them and soon I'm left with blackened, useless pecans. So make sure you keep a careful eye on the pecans! The added flavor from toasting them is so worth the extra effort.

*Safe because the alternative way to make this is to add a can of sweetened condensed milk to boiling water and boiling it for several hours, which could possibly lead to exploding cans. One of my friends from Taiwan used to call this, "Danger Pudding" for that reason.
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