


Mogu biti slatki i slani,kako zelite.
Ponekada kada mi treba kruh,pogacica ,tada su mi oni zamjena,a isto tako i za slatko,posebno za popodnevnu kavicu/caj,kada vam se jede nesto ,sto nije bas kolac...tijesto jedno,a nadjeva 100,po zelji i ukusu.

Osnovno/Temeljno tijesto:
3 salice brasna
1 vrecica praska za pecivo
300ml vrhnja za kuhanje
1/3 salice limunade(sprite ili sl. gazirano pice)

   Prosijati brasno s praskom za pecivo,dodati vrhnje i gazirano pice(limunadu),te zamjesiti tijesto.
ako pravite slako tijesto dodati 1 zlicu secera,a za slano,dodati 1 zlicicu soli.


Osnovno/temeljno tijesto
1 tikvica,koju irendamo ,osjedimo od tekucine i dodamo u tijesto.

Za premaza i nadjev nam treba:

1 glavica luka
2 zlice maslinovog ulja
   Luk isjeckati i proprziti na ulju da lijpo porumeni,karamelizuje se.
150gr feta ili ricotta sir

Tijesto razviti na dimenzije 24x12cm,premazati lukom,zatim izmrviti sir.
Zarolati u rolat i isjeci na 8-10 komada/feta.
staviti na pleh postavljen papirom za pecenje i peci na 180C oko 20 minuta.


Premazani ricotta sirom i isjeckanom rajcicom iz ulja !!

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Pesto, Cucumber And Tomato Sandwich

          While going through my blog, I noticed that it has very few sandwich recipes, in fact there is only one, have to add some more in the future. To start with, today's post is this Pesto, Cucumber And Tomato Sandwich that I made for breakfast, a couple of days back. I have used store bought basil pesto and reduced fat cheese slices, making the sandwich a little more healthier. This is not only very easy to make, but a very filling one too..

Need To Have

  • Bread Slices
  • Basil Pesto
  • Tomato Slices
  • Cucumber Slices
  • Sundried Tomatoes In Olive Oil, chopped
  • White Cheese Slices
  • Pepper Powder


          For a single sandwich, I have used three slices of bread. Toast two slices on one side only and the third one on both sides. Take one slice, the toasted side facing you, spread a little basil pesto, place a cheese slice on the top, followed by the tomato slices. Add a dash of black pepper and place the bread slice that is toasted on both sides.

          Now arrange the cucumber slices and then the sun-dried tomatoes. Then place the third slice on the top, with the side that is not toasted on the outside. Apply a little olive oil, and toast on both sides on a hot skillet, pressing it lightly on the top while toasting. Remove, slice it into half and serve it warm.

I have not given measurements for any of the ingredients, use as many slices of tomatoes or cucumber, depending on the size of the bread slices,everything can be increased or decreased according to your taste.
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Jim Lahey's No-Knead Bread

A new chapter of my life started recently when I became a homeowner for the first time.  The first picture I saw of the place was of the kitchen, and it basically had me at hello.

It's not the biggest, nor is it the brightest, but something about it just called out to me in a way that none of the other listings I'd been looking at for the last 2 months did.  It was the first place I physically went to look at, and I made an offer the same day!

The kitchen was the very first room that I unpacked; can you spot my Vitamix blender, Kitchenaid stand mixer, and Lello gelato maker?  I also acquired my very first piece of Le Creuset!  I picked up the Dutch oven from Bed, Bath, and Beyond for half off (old, discontinued model) on tax-free weekend with a 20% off coupon.  ^_^

I decided the first thing I would make in my new home in the Le Creuset would be Jim Lahey's No-Knead Bread.  After all, what's more homey than homemade bread?

This recipe was printed in The New York Times in 2006 and pretty much revolutionized homemade bread baking.  The recipe calls for a very wet, shaggy dough which you let rise overnight and is baked in a Dutch oven with the lid on for the first half hour.  This allows steam to build up in the Dutch oven which does something to the dough so that you get the most gorgeous, crispy crust after the lid is removed.  My guess is that it has something to do with keeping the exterior of the dough from cooking too much before the inside has had a chance to bake through.  Usually it's almost impossible to get this kind of crust from a home oven, but the use of a super-wet dough and the Dutch oven changed all that.

No-Knead Bread (adapted from The New York Times)
makes 1 small loaf

1 1/2 cups bread flour, more for dusting
1/8 teaspoon instant yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup water

In a large bowl combine flour, yeast and salt. Add water, and stir until blended; dough will be shaggy and sticky. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rest at least 12 hours, preferably about 18, at warm room temperature, about 70°F.

Dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles. Lightly flour a work surface and place dough on it; sprinkle it with a little more flour and fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rest about 15 minutes.

Using just enough flour to keep dough from sticking to work surface or to your fingers, gently and quickly shape dough into a ball. Generously coat a cotton towel (not terry cloth) with flour; put dough seam side down on towel and dust with more flour. Cover with another cotton towel and let rise for about 2 hours. When it is ready, dough will be more than double in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger.

At least a half-hour before dough is ready, heat oven to 450°F. Put a 5-quart heavy covered pot (cast iron, enamel, Pyrex or ceramic) in oven as it heats. When dough is ready, carefully remove pot from oven. Slide your hand under towel and turn dough over into pot, seam side up; it may look like a mess, but that is okay. Shake pan once or twice if dough is unevenly distributed; it will straighten out as it bakes. Cover with lid and bake 30 minutes, then remove lid and bake another 15 to 30 minutes, until loaf is beautifully browned. Cool on a rack.

I was quite pleased with the texture of the bread and especially the crust.  I would say this is a good, dependable recipe to use for making crusty, white bread, but I think I'm going to experiment a little bit with making my own starter for some more complexity of flavor....

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Cokoladna torta

                Mogu samo reci da je jednostavna za pripremu a jako ukusna !!

Krema i kore se mute zajedno,a potom se jedan dio smjese odvoji za kremu a od ostatak se istrese u pleh i pece.


250gr maslaca
12  jaja
250gr secera
200gr cokolade za kuhanje
2 zlice samljevenog keksa
200gr mljevenih oraha

+ cokoaldna glazura -po vasoj zelji

(200gr cokolade,4 zlice ulja ,1 zlica mlijeka)

               Razdvojiti jaja,pa posebno umutiti bjelanca od zumanjak.
zumanjke mutiti sa secero,dok ne posvjetli,zatim dodati otopljenu cokoladu.

Jako mekan maslac dodati u smjesu jaja i secera i izmjesajte dfa se spoje.

Od dobivene smjese odvojiti 1/3 za fil

U 2/3 dodati samljeveni keks i orahe,lagano izmjesati,pa na kraju lagano rucno umijesati snijeg od bjelanjaka.

Smjesu istresti u mom slucaju,okrugli kalup za tortu(24cm)i peci na 180c oko 35 minuta.
Peceni biskvit prerezati 2 x da se dobiju 3 biskvita.

filovati svaki sloj i ostaviti fila da se namaze torta okolo.

Otopiti 200gr tamne cokolade ,dodati 4 zlice ulja i zlicu mlijeka ili stavite neku cokoladnu glazuru po vasoj zelji.


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Cannoli Siciliana

Prhke tubice,punjene sirnim nadjevom,nadopunjeni ukraom od orasastih plodova.

    Cannoli Siciliana


2 salice brasna
2 zlice maslaca
1 zlicica secera
prstohvat soli
3/4 salice desertnog bijelog vina
1 bjelance

Sirni nadjev:

1 salice ricotta sira
1 salica kiselog vrhnja
1/2 salice vrhnja za slag
1/2 salice secera u prahu
2 vanilin secera
rendana korica limuna

secer u prahu za posip i pistacije za ukras

      Da bi napravili tubice,poijesamo zajedno brasno,maslac,secer i sol.
Dodavati vino po malo i mijesiti tijesto..kada se zamjesi tijesto,doraditi ga i oblikovati u kuglu,zamotati u plasticnu foliju i ostaviti ga na hlano mijesto da odmara.

**Ja sam ostavila cijelu noc i dan jer nisam imala vremena da  pravim cannole i svejedno je bilo odlicno tijesto.

Razvaljati tijesto oklagijom sto tanje jer se prilikom pecenja tijesto malo napuse...vaditi krugove  ili sjeci kvadrate.

**Pokusala sam sa kvadratima pa mi se odmah odlijepilo tijesto kada sam stavila u zagrijano ulje,zatim sam vadila casom krugove ,premazivala bjelanjkom i dooobro pritisnula  i tako przila u ulju,no svejedno su se neki odlijepili.

Nakon przenja cannole staviti na papirne salvete da upiju masnocu.

Ohladene puniti sirnim nadjevom.
Za nadjev sve sastojke dobro umutiti i filovati tubice,poseceriti i stranice umociti u orasaste plodove  ili kako zelite.

Nakon svega ,ja sam zakljucila da se cannoli striktno moraju prziti na 150C  i tada se nece odlijepiti tijesto...mozda nisam u pravu,ali svaki slijedeci koji sam pravila i przila na 150C ispao je savrseno !!

*** U originalnom receptu,medu komentarima se moze procitati da ako nemate ovakve kalupe kao kod mene,mozete ih napraviti od drveta..pretezno se u trgovinama nalaze drske za metlu,barem ih ima ovdje kod mene,pa od nje se mogu izrezati i kalupici!!

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Carrot Raitha

          Raitha is a must in my home, whenever I make parathas or briyanis, even otherwise my daughter  loves to have cucumber raitha just like that. We can make it with almost all vegetables and it's a healthy accompaniment to any meal. For today's raitha, I have used grated carrots and chopped tomatoes, very simple to make and the extra flavor comes from the seasoning..

Need To Have

  • Carrot - 1 cup grated
  • Tomato - 1 medium, chopped
  • Grated Ginger - 2 teaspoons
  • Coriander - 1 tablespoon, chopped
  • Curd/ Yogurt - 1 cup
  • Green chilli - 1, deseeded  and chopped finely
  • Nigella seeds/ Onion seeds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste


          Take the grated carrots, ginger, tomatoes and coriander in a bowl. Add the curd and salt and mix well.

          Heat some oil, add the nigella seeds, when it starts sizzling, add the chopped green chilli, stir for a few seconds and mix it with the carrot and curd mixture.

Can add 2 teaspoons of grated coconut, if you don't like or don't have nigella or onion seeds, you can do the seasoning with black mustard seeds, but onion seeds definitely gives a different flavor to this raitha. 
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Mozzarella Stuffed Arancini (Risotto Balls)

While I love making risotto, I love eating arancini even more!  So every time I make risotto, I make sure I have enough leftover to make some of these fried risotto balls.  The traditional breading would be breadcrumbs with Italian seasonings, but I make mine with panko flakes for some added crunch.  And if you cut up a stick of mozzarella string cheese and stick them inside the arancini, it gets all warm and gooey after you fry it up and makes for even more of a texture contrast.

Mozzarella Stuffed Arancini
makes 6-7 balls

About 1 1/2 cups leftover risotto
1 stick mozzarella string cheese, cut into 6 pieces
Flour for coating
1 egg, beaten
Panko bread crumbs
Oil for frying

Scoop up about 1/4 cup of risotto into your hand and place a piece of the cheese in the middle.  Mold the risotto up and around the cheese to enclose it.  Pat the risotto into a ball (it will be too sticky to properly roll).  Repeat 5 more times.  Place the risotto balls on a plate a refrigerate for at least half an hour.

Prepare your breading station:  place some flour into a wide bowl, the beaten egg in another wide bowl, and some panko bread crumbs in another wide bowl.  Pour enough oil into a saucepan to reach a depth of 2 inches and start heating on high to 350°F.

Remove the balls from the fridge and one at a time, roll them in the flour to coat, the beaten egg to coat the flour, and the panko bread crumbs to coat the egg.

When the oil has reached 350°F, fry the risotto balls a few minutes on each side until golden brown.  Drain on a rack set over paper towels.  Serve warm.

These are also good at room temperature and great to pack and eat on the run.  You can also add other leftovers to the risotto balls:  cooked peas, chopped up chicken, ham, or sausages, etc. I would refrain from adding anything too wet like tomatoes for fear of making the arancini a soggy mess, though.
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Crimini Mushroom Risotto

If I had to pinpoint the one dish that made me love cooking, it'd be risotto. It's not one of those quick, easy recipes that you can throw together in 15 minutes or less. It takes time and almost-constant attention, which you can only give something you love.

You start with arborio rice, a short grain rice, which is chewier and starchier than long grain rice. The rice is sauteed first before any liquids are added, until the edges start to get translucent and the center is still opaque. Then some white wine is added to deglaze the pan and add some depth of flavor. Once the wine has been fully absorbed, hot stock is added a ladleful at a time. In between each addition of stock, you need to stir the risotto and make sure that all the liquid has been absorbed before adding the next ladleful. This is what gives the risotto the velvety, creamy texture.  That, and love.

I love mushroom risotto because it's a great way to showcase the sometimes subtle flavor of mushrooms.  I finally got a shipment of crimini mushrooms in my Boston Organics delivery last week so I was excited to make this dish with them.  It's even better if you have wild mushrooms, though, like morels if you can get your hands on them.

Crimini Mushroom Risotto
makes 4 servings

1/2 lb. crimini mushrooms, finely chopped
1 tablespoon olive oil
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
Kosher salt
1 small onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 2/3 cup arborio rice
1/4 cup white wine
1 quart mushroom, vegetable, or chicken stock, hot
1 teaspoon parsley, chopped
1/3-1/2 cup Parmesan reggiano cheese, grated
Truffle salt (optional)

Heat the olive oil and 2 tablespoons of butter in a large saute pan on medium heat.  Add the mushrooms and saute until softened.  Season to taste with salt, transfer to a bowl (along with the juices), and set aside.

In the same pan, melt 2 more tablespoons of butter and add the chopped onions.  Once the onions start to sweat, add the garlic and cook for another minute or two until softened.

Add the arborio rice and stir so that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.  After about 5 minutes, once the rice has started to turn translucent on the edges but is still opaque in the center, add the white wine and stir to deglaze the pan.

Once the wine has been absorbed, add a ladleful of hot stock and keep stirring.  Continue to add the stock a ladleful at a time once the rice has absorbed all the liquid.

When all the stock has been used up, add the mushrooms along with their juices back into the rice and stir.  Cover the rice for 2 minutes to finish cooking.

Remove from heat and stir in the chopped parsley, remaining 2 tablespoons of butter, and cheese.  Finish with truffle salt, if using.  Serve immediately.

Even though the dish gets all creamy, the rice should still have some bite to it and not be all mushy.  If you do happen to have leftovers, make sure you refrigerate them so that you can make arancini (risotto balls) out of them (recipe coming up next)!
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Eggplant And Double Beans Masala

          At last, back to blogging, it's been more than a month, a move and couple of trips had kept me very busy, slowly settling down in Bangalore and missing Chennai very much. Have been missing my fellow bloggers, will catch up soon. Coming to today's dish, Eggplants and Double Beans Masala, this is an excellent side dish to go with both rice and rotis. I have used the small purple eggplants and fresh double beans, which makes this dish really very delicious and the fennel seeds and coconut paste gives a nice flavor to this dish..

Need To Have

  • Diced Eggplant - 3 cups
  • Fresh Double Beans - 1 cup
  • Tomato - 1 chopped
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 6 to 10
  • Salt - to taste

For The Masala

  • Grated Coconut - 1 tablespoon
  • Shallots/ Small Onions - 4
  • Dried Red Chillies - 4
  • Fennel Seeds - 1 teaspoon


          Grind coarsely, without adding water, all the ingredients given under 'Masala'.

          Heat some oil, add the mustard seeds, when it starts spluttering, add the eggplant pieces and saute for 2 minutes. Then add the butter beans, mix, add the turmeric powder and salt, cover and cook on reduced heat.

          When the double beans are cooked, add the tomatoes, cover and cook for another 2 minutes, until the tomatoes break down.

          Now add the ground masala and curry leaves, keep mixing for another 5 minutes and switch off.

If fresh butter beans are not in season, can use dried ones, soak it and pressure cook it and then add it to the curry.
Can also use pinto beans instead of butter beans.
You can make this like a gravy, just grind the masala into a fine paste and add some water while cooking it.
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       U slucaju da imate glavicu karfiol/cvjetace,a sami ne znate sta bih uradili s njime,evo jedan preijedlog!
Ja ponekad kaznim djecu jer ne vole jesti karfiol,pa napravim ovako:

                 Skuhati 300 gr paste(makaroni)krace vrijeme od vremena koji je dato na poledini paketa ili inace kako kuhate.
u serpi na 50gr maslaca proprzite 1 glavicu sitno isjeckanog luka,kad luk pozuti pospite brasno (50gr),promijesajte kutlacom da se sjedini sa lukom i malo proprzi,uklonite sa sporeta i sipajte oko 750ml toplog mlijeka,konstantno mijesajuci da se napravi bijeli sos. vratitie na sporet,ali ponovo mijesajte i pustite da pocme kuhati i postane fini gusti kremasti sos,tada je gotov i sklonite sa sporeta...

..dodajte 1 zlicu senfa i 180 gr gratanog parmezana(ostaviti malo za posuti odozgo).

Dodajte pastu i cvijetice karfiola(oko 500gr) u sos,sve promijesajte i prerucite u vatrostalnu zdjelu(2.5lit)ili tepsiju,odozgo stavite bocconcini sir,ali ga rastrgajte,isto tako malo prsuta ili sunke isjeckati i posuti odozgo.

sve skupa zapeci u rerni na 200C,oko 25 minuta,dok se sir ne otopi

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Pasteta od tune

              Kao dijete sam uzivala u kupovnoj pasteti,moja mama nije znala ni koliko je to lose ni kolio ima kojekavih nepoznanica u sastavu, tko je to citao??

Bitno je da se najedes i ides dalje...

Danas ako ja ili moji zaista zele tu pastetu,kupim je i jedu,ne,ne gledam ninasta jer mi je sve to dosadilo i pretjerano u svakom pogledu,toliko toga nam vise smeta za nas organizam ,pa se svejedno toga ne odricemo,najlakse je pricati...

Ja volim tunu iz konzerve i mogu je uvijek jesti kad sam gladan i to sa slanim krekerima,jednostavno mi tako pase..ova pasteta je meni jako ukusna,moze da stoji 3-5 dana bez problema samo mora biti sa slojem ulja na vrhu, hermeticki zatvorena i stajati u frizideru.

  Potrebno je:

2 velike konzerve tune
(Rio Mare)
2 tvrdo kuhaana jaja
1 zlicica kapara 
2 kisela krastavca
100gr maslaca
3 zlice majoneze
1 mala zlicica senfa
50gr (ABC) sira
3fileta imcuna
limunovog soka po potrebi
2 cenja cesnajka
biber,persin-po zelji

U blender staviti sve sastojke i samljeti u pastetu.
Zaciniti okus po zelji.

Posluziti na kriskama domaceg kruha,predivno !!!!!

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Muffins sa makom i bademom

             Jos jedan u nizu teta Aninih finih recepata !!

Za ove mufense/kuglofice, vam je potrebno:

220gr brasna
1 zlicica praska za pecivo
90gr mljevenog badema

2 jaja
200gr secera
60gr  jako mekanog maslaca
60ml mlijeka
60ml ulja
2 zlice limunovog soka
1 zlica korice limuna
1 zlica korice narance
3 zlice maka,ne mljevenog

250gr secera
250ml vode
125 ml limunovog soka

           U dublju zdjelu staviti jaja i secer i dobro umutiti.
Dodati mlijeko,ulje,maslac,naribanu koricu narance i limuna,te sve izmijesati.

Sada dodati prosijano brasno s praskom za pecivo,mljeveni badem i mak...spjiti smjesu i sipati u kalupice za mufene.

Peci na 200c oko 20-25 minuta.

        U meduvremenu prokuhati secer i vodu,kuhati oko 30 minuta na srednoj temperaturi,zatim dodati limunov sok i jos 5 minuta ostaviti na ringli.

Pecene mafense izbockati cackalicom zatim polako zlicom zalivati sa zlicom sve dok se ne utrosi sirup.

Mafensi budu socni ali ne previse da se raspadaju.
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Shakshuka Pizza

I had my first shakshuka when I was in Israel a few years ago at this restaurant I'll never be able to find again. I'd heard of the dish--eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce--before and was very curious about how it'd taste. I found it to be warming and comforting without being heavy.

It's pretty easy to make at home, but the limiting factor for me is always not having any bread to eat along with it. But then one day I had an extra ball of pizza dough and thought, why don't I just cook the eggs and tomato sauce on top of it? And thus shakshuka pizza was born.

The first time I made it I wasn't sure if the 7 minutes in the oven would be enough to cook the eggs so I made sure the tomato sauce was still hot when I topped the pizza. I guessed wrong, though, and the yolks ended up setting by the time I took the pizza out of the oven. I prefer my yolks still runny while the whites are set so the next time I refrigerated the sauce first and they came out perfect. 

I like to scoop up all the runny yolk and spread it all around the top of the pizza.  It might not be pretty, but it sure is yummy!

Shakshuka Pizza 
makes two 10" pizzas

2 balls of pizza dough
3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 small onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 pinch red pepper flakes
1 cup tomato sauce
Salt, to taste
4 eggs
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
Parsley, chopped

Place a pizza stone on an oven rack set at the top 1/3 of the oven.  Preheat the oven to 550°F.

In a small saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil on medium.  Add the chopped onions and saute until starting to soften.  Add the garlic and continue to cook for another minute or two until the garlic has lost its bite.  Add the cumin, chili powder, and red pepper flakes and cook until the spices are toasty and fragrant.

Add the tomato sauce and simmer for 15 minutes.  Add salt to taste.  If you want your egg yolks to be set, use the sauce while it's still hot.  If you want your egg yolks to be runny, cool the sauce down and chill in the fridge before using.

Stretch the dough onto a parchment paper-lined flexible cutting board.

Spread half a tablespoon of olive oil on top of the dough.  Top with half of the tomato sauce.

Crack two eggs onto the pizza.  Top with half of the feta cheese.

Slide one of the pizzas and parchment paper onto the pizza stone and bake for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, turn the oven to broil and broil for 1-2 minutes.  Bake until the eggs are set to your liking and the crust is golden with spots of brown and a few small spots of char. 

Use tongs to slide the pizza with the parchment paper from the pizza stone onto a cutting board.  Top the pizza with the chopped parsley.  Slice and serve!

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