

Whole Green Gram And Potato Curry

          Whole Green Gram also known as whole moong beans is even more nutritious than the split, husked moong dal since it has more fiber from the skin which is not removed. It finds its way in a variety of dishes in the Indian cuisine, from a simple dal to the delicious pesarattu ( a crepe made from ground moong beans). I always have a stock of it in my pantry, and it doesn't require any soaking. Whole green gram and potatoes go very well together, and the best part of today's dish, everything is done in one pot, the pressure pan, so less cleaning later. It goes well with both rice and rotis..

Need To Have
  • Whole Green Gram - 1 cup
  • Potatoes - 4 medium diced
  • Tomato - 1 chopped
  • Tomato Puree - 5 tablespoons
  • Chilli Powder - 1 + 1/2 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 10

          Wash the green gram. Heat some oil, add the mustard and the cumin seeds, when it starts spluttering, reduce the heat, add the asafoetida, turmeric and chilli powders, mix and then add the curry leaves. Then add the chopped tomatoes and the tomato puree, saute for 3 to 5 minutes. Finally add the potatoes and the moong beans and 4 to 5 cups water, Cover and pressure cook it for 13 mins.Let the pressure settle down, remove and serve it with rotis, rice or even with plain bread.
Sending it to Cuisine Delights for the Spotlight - Curries/Gravies event.

This dish gets all its flavors from the curry leaves and the chilli and turmeric powders added directly to the oil.
If you don't have a pressure cooker, soak the beans overnight and cook, it'll take less time to cook.
You can also saute some ginger and garlic along with the mustard and cumin seeds for more flavor.
Can cook the beans and potato first and then add the sauteed spices and tomatoes to it, mix and serve.

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Zucchini Stir Fry

          This is yet another simple yet tasty curry, anyone can make this, and zucchini being a vegetable that cooks faster and can be easily chopped, it's one of my favorite curry too. It goes very well with rotis, can use it as a filling for a sandwich or even as a side dish with rice and dal..

Need To Have
  • Zucchinis - 6 medium ones
  • Chilly Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 5 to 10 leaves

          Chop the zucchini into 1" cubes. Heat some oil, add the mustard and cumin seeds, when they start spluttering, remove the pan from the stove and add the asafoetida, turmeric and chilli powder, give it a mix. Put it back on the stove and add the curry leaves and the zucchini. Mix well, cover and cook for 3 mins on medium heat. Then remove the lid and cook it on high for few more minutes till almost dry.

Remove the pan from the stove when you add the powders or reduce the heat, you don't want to burn the powders.
You can also add 1/2 teaspoon of coriander powder and 1/4 teaspoon of cumin powder for more flavor.
Don't overcook the vegetable, it will become a mushy mess.
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         Adding a little lemon juice to many fruit juices gives a nice taste to the juice, in fact it is way of increasing the sweetness of a juice without actually adding more sugar. But for today's watermelonade, I didn't add lemon juice to the watermelon juice, instead I added some frozen water melon cubes to the regular lemonade, this made it more interesting..

Need To Have 
  • Watermelon Pieces - 1 cup
  • Lemon -1 
  • Sugar - as desired
  • Water - 1 to 2 cups

         Blend the watermelon pieces in a blender to get the juice, you can use this juice just like that or strain and use it. Pour the juice into ice cube trays and freeze them. Then squeeze the lemon juice, add the water and the sugar, mix well and chill it. To serve, pour the lemonade, top with the watermelon cubes, the dissolving watermelon cubes will start making the lemonade pink

I didn't add any sugar to the watermelon cubes, it was sweet enough, if needed add some sugar.
Also you can add some ginger while blending the watermelon, this will give a nice kick to the drink.
Increase or decrease the amount of water for the lemonade, depending on the sourness of the lemon.
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Keksici sa komadicima cokolade

Jedno jutro nisam imala pomocnika u kuhinji pa sam ja pravila kolac za jutarnji caj/kavu.

Vrijeme je vec poodmaklo i najbrze mi je bilo spremiti ove keksice,ciji sam recept nasla u knjizi  kuhinje u kojoj radim.

Nisam imala uopce predosjecaj kakav ce okus imati jer umijesto maslaca korisila sam ulje i mijesajuci sve namirnice,stalno su mi komadici cokolade ispadali dok ja to nisam uhvatila rukama i propustila  kroz svoje prste :) ..bili su to fini prhki kolacici ali su imali neku prozracnost u tijestu,ne prtvrdi ali ni mekani.

Za 15 komada keksica vam je potrebno:

70gr smedeg secera
1 jaje

malo vanilinog extrakta
komadica cokolade
(ja sam stavila nepunu casu od 250ml)
1/2 case ulja
30gr kokosa
200gr brasna + 1 zlicica praska za pecivo

 U dublju zdjelu staviti secer ,vanilin extrakt i jaje i umutiti da posvijetli,postane kremasto.
Dodati ostale sastojke i izmijesajte rukom,tako se nabolje poveze smjesa.

Od dobivene smijese napraviti 15 kuglica,staviti ih na lim koji postavimo papirom za pecenje i malo pritisnemo  svaku guglicu odozgo..

Peci u predhodno zagrijanoj rerni na 200C oko 15 minuta.

*Mozda ce biti potrebno pogledati i ranije da se keksici ne prepeku,sve zavisi od rerne.
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Jelo za sva godisnja doba.
Ljtni je njaljepsi jer su sve namirnice tako svjeze i daju bozansven okus jelu,no ako ste u zimskom periodu kao ja,tada se zadovoljite onim sta imate.
Meni se bas jelo nesto corbasto ali ne preteskog okusa,pa sam odlucila da napravim pasta -fazol sto  inace samo na poslu kuham i tamo se i najedem jer moji ukucani kuci pobiraju samo grah  a pastu ostave,sto se za divno cudo juce nije desilo,jeli su sve djuture nisu nista odvajali.
Pasta-fazol je meni u Slavoniji bilo nepojmljivo za jesti jer zna se kako se grah kuha sa puuuno mesa :) .

Prvi puta sam probala  ovo jelo u Puli kada smo imali na meniu/skolska nastava..tada sam zaista bila odusevljena  jer nisam osjetila tezinu  u zelucu,kao sto to bude  ako grah kuham sa dosta suhog mesa,onako kako sam naucena kod kuce.

Istra ima dosta utjecaja  Talijanske kuhinje,pa je tako nastalo i ovo jelo i kao sto sam pomenula,radim u Talijanskom  Domu za stare i oni obozavaju  pasta-fazol jer ja im i domaci kruh napravim i odusevljenje bude na nivou !!!!


1 casa(250ml) graha
Suhog ili svjezeg
2 limenke od 400gr konzerviranog graha
maslinovo ulje -po potrebi
100gr pancete
1 stabljika celera
(gornji zeleni dio)
1 mrkva
2 cesnja cesnjaka
1 glavica luka
2 lovorova lista
400gr paradajza
(konzerviran ,isjeckan)
oko 5 casa temeljca
150gr malih sitnoh makarona
   Ako se koristi suhi grah,treba ga preko noci namociti u vodu.
U serpu sipati malo maslinovog ulja i dodati isjeckanu pancetu,luk i cesnja..pustiti da luk zazuti a panceta pusti miris.
Dodati celer i mrkvu koju smo isjeckali na male kockice,mogu i vece ali ja volim ovako tako da se ne vidi puno povrce u jelu(djeca vide duplo!)

Dodati grah,lovor,paradajz i sipati temeljac,pokriti i kuhati na laganoj vatri,dok grah ne omeksa.
Ako volite da jelo bude gusto,tada izvadite malo graha i stapnim mixerom usitnite,pa vratite u serpu ili kao ja ..ostavite sve kako jeste ,samo dodati oko 100gr male paste(ditalini ili macaroni)i kada se pasta skuha ,meni je to dovoljno gusto i nista drugo ne dodajem,ni pest jer sam pancetu stavila na pocetku zajedno sa cesnjakom.

Jedino jos kod samog jela dodam malo maslinovog ulja ,samo za ukus..moze se narendati i malo sira ,po zelji !!

**Ako zelite ubrzati proces pripreme,tada koristite konzervirani grah,jelo ce biti isto tako ukusno a brze pripremljeno !!
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Vegan Orange Cranberry Cake

         The first time, I tried baking a vegan bake, it didn't come out well, was too dense to be called a cake. This was my second attempt, orange cranberry cake and was I satisfied, absolutely, it was the perfect cake, got the beautiful texture. Very simple to make, you can have it either as a simple tea cake or do some frosting and have it as a delicious dessert, whichever way, you'll be completely satisfied..

Need To Have
  • All Purpose Flour - 1 + 1/4 cup
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Dried Cranberries - 1/4 cup
  • Fresh Orange Juice - 3/4 cup
  • Oil - 1/4 cup
  • Baking Soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Baking Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Vanilla Extract - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/8 teaspoon

         Preheat the oven to 350F. Sift the flour with the baking powder and baking soda. Mix the cranberries with a little amount of the sifted flour ( so that they do not sink to the bottom of the cake while baking). Beat the orange juice, oil, vanilla extract and the sugar, to this add the salt and the sifted flour ( a little at a time) and mix well. Finally fold in the cranberries. Pour into a greased baking dish and bake it for 25 minutes. Cool and remove the cake. I used a square pan, sliced the cake and dusted some confectioners sugar on top.
Sending it to Tickling Palates for the I Love Baking event and
                to Daily Cuppa for Vardhini's Bake Fest event.

Oven temperatures vary and also depending on the baking pan the baking time could vary, so keep an eye.
Cool the cake well before removing (I removed it before it cooled completely and a little bit of the cake(in the center) stuck to the pan.
You can place a paper stencil in the center of the cake and then dust the sugar to make it a little more prettier.

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Rice Kheer (Pudding)

          Rice kheer is one of the few Indian desserts that my daughter likes, she likes it the way it's done in a nearby Indian restaurant (back in the US). I had wanted to make this at home but had been putting it off, thinking that it would be a very time consuming task. But then, I made it for her, last month on her birthday, it came out very well and I was wrong, it was not at all difficult to make. I would definitely do this again and again..

Need To Have

  • Basmati Rice - 1/2 cup
  • Milk - 4 cups
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons
  • Cardamom - 3 crushed

          Wash and cook the basmati rice in the 4 cups of milk. Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat and cook till the rice is cooked well, stirring in between so that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the vessel. When the rice is cooked completely, mash it slightly and switch off the stove. Now, add the sugar and the cardamom powder and mix it well. Serve it chilled. See to that the final consistency is not too thick, add little more milk or some water if needed, so that it does not become a thick mass after you refrigerate it.

You can use slightly broken rice for this, so you need not mash at the end.
Important, that you add the sugar after switching off the stove, otherwise, you will not get the pure white color, it will become a light cream color, if sugar gets cooked.
Use a heavy bottom vessel like a pressure pan.
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Cabbage Rice

          With all the initial settling down process, I've not been able to do a post or visit my blogger friends regularly, might be in another couple of days, will be able to do so. This is one other dish that I had made earlier, cabbage rice. The main ingredient is of course cabbage, with some fresh ground masala, a very flavorful and tasty one pot meal..

Need To Have

  • Basmati Rice - 2 cups
  • Shredded Cabbage - 6 cups
  • Capsicum - 1 big chopped
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Black Gram Or Urad Dal - 1 tablespoon
  • Curry Leaves - a handful to garnish

To Powder

  • Roasted Peanuts - 3 tablespoons
  • Coriander Seeds - 1 tablespoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Sesame Seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • Chana Dal - 1 tablespoon
  • Fenugreek Seeds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Dried Red Chillies - 5

          Cook the basmati rice and cool it. Roast all the ingredients given under 'to powder' and grind it with the roasted peanuts into a coarse powder. Heat some oil, add the mustard and cumin seeds, when it starts spluttering, add the urad dal, fry till it turns golden. Now add the cabbage, capsicum and salt, cover and cook till done, now add the curry leaves and the ground masala and mix it well. Reduce the heat to minimum, add the cooked rice and mix it well till slightly warm. Serve it with some pappads or chips and any raitha.

Do not overcook the vegetable, the cabbage should have a slight crunch.
Chana Dal is split black chickpeas without the skin.
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Kokos snite

Mogu biti snite ili torta,kako vam se vise svida.

Jedino sto se mora paziti jesu kore koje u sebi nemaju brasno ,pa se lako kidaju,stoga ako se pravi veca torta ,dobro je peci cetvrtasti oblik,kako bi se kore pekle u cetvrtastom plehu od rerne i presjecale na pola,kao sto sam ja radila za jednog djecaka i njegovu Prvu Pricest

 ili okrugla,tada sam radila pojedinacno svaku koru jer sam se plasila da je necu moci presjeci.

9 kom jaja
 (samo bjelanca) 
 300 gr kokosa
9 kasikasecera


 200 grcokolade za kuhanje
200gr bijele cokolade
100 grsecera
250 gr maslaca
                                            500ml vrhnja za slag/kuhanje                                                           


Bjelanca sa secerom ulupati u cvrst snijeg.
 Dodajte kokosovo brasno i lagano izmjesajte.
 Masu istresti u pleh oblozen
 papirom za pecenje i pecite u ugrijanoj rerni na 200C oko 10 minuta,da bude pecena i ostane bijela..ja sam je pustila da ipak malo dobije rumenila.
 Pecenu i rashladjenu koru izrezite u cetiri trake.

Zumanjke sa secerom mutite na pari dok se ne pocnu zgusnjavati.

 Sklonite sa serpice  u kojoj je topla voda i uz povremeno mijesanje, ostavite da se ohladi.

U ohladjenu masu stavite maslac i mutite dok ne dobijete lijepu, kremastu, pufnastu masu.

 Podijelite na pola,pa dodajte u jedan dio otopljenu bijelu cokoladu,umutite,a u drugi dio tamnu otopljenu cokoladu,umutite smjesu.
 (cokolada ne smije biti vruca da se puter ne rastopi!)

Sada slatko vrhnje ulupajte u slag i podijelite pola u bijeli dio,i drugu polovinu u tamni dio.

Kolac/snite,slazite i filujte kako vama odgovara....ili pravite po originalu !!

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Spinach & Feta Cheese Puffs

         Again this is another dish that I had made before leaving to India. I had a box of feta cheese and a sheet of puff pastry that I had to finish up, since my daughter is a big fan of puffs ( which is nothing but puff pastry with some filling), I made this. It's a simple recipe, very easy to put together, but nevertheless very tasty and a perfect appetizer or starter..

Need To Have

  • Puff Pastry - 1 sheet
  • Onions - 2
  • Chopped Spinach - 1 cup
  • Potato - 1
  • Feta Cheese - 2 oz
  • Red Chilly Flakes - 1/2 teaspoon

          Thaw the puff pastry sheet and boil the potato. Heat some oil, add the chopped onions, saute till transparent, then add the chopped spinach and the chilly flakes. Keep sauteing till the spinach wilts and the water dries up. Peel and mash the potatoes slightly, add it to the spinach, mix well. Now remove from heat, add the feta cheese, check the salt and spice level, cool it completely. Preheat the oven to 400F. Now, dust some flour and spread out the puffy pastry sheet, using a rolling pin, roll it out a little. Cut it out into 20 little squares, place the filling on one side of the square and fold the other side over it (it will be in the shape of small rectangles). Arrange them on a baking pan, leaving a little space in between and bake them for 15 minutes. Serve them warm with some tomato sauce.
Sending it to Cooks Joy for Srivalli's Kids Delight - Evening Snacks/Tiffin event,
                to Tickling Palates for the I Love Baking event and
                to Daily Cuppa for Vardhini's Bake Fest event.

You can leave out the potato.
Can fold the sheets into small triangles.

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Corbasto nam prija  ovih dana.
Ponovo sam  pocela raditi(imala sam malo duzu pauzu)pa sam ovih dana  u stalnoj zurbi.
Svi vi koji radite puno radno vrijeme razumijete o cemu pricam,samo eto ja zavrsim kuhanje na poslu ,pa dodem kuci i nastavim dalje...umorim se ,vjerovali ili ne.
Dobro pa je zimski period tako da corbica uvijek spasi gladnu situaciju dok  glavni obrok bude gotov.
Nova sredina zahtjeva puuuno brzih pokreta,svaki obrok treba na vrijeme da izade iz kuhinje,tako da sam samu sebe iznenadila koliko sam fizicki spremna,a psihicki se predam cim dodem trebam vise toliko razmisljati :)
Ima dosta toga preko cega trebam preci i zazmuriti,pokusavam,trudim se da ne kazem nista pogresno.

Evo moje corbice kojom se okrijepi cijela moja porodica...

  Corba od povrca i makarona
(nesto kao Minestrone)

1 lavica luka ili poriluka
1 mrkva
1 krompir
1/2 crvene paprike
(moze i druga boja  ali meni crvena paprika da slatkasti okus i zbog toga je volim)
2 cenja cesnjaka
1celer,zeleni dio
100gr suhog vrata ili pancete
(treba mirisati na dim)
400gr paradajza iz konzerve,moze i svjezi
1 zlicica secera
lovorov list
sol,biber,suhi zacini kao bosiljak ili origano
2 zlice isjeckanog svijezeg persuna
2 litre povrtnog temeljca
50gr sitnih makarona

suhi vrat isjeckati i proprziti da pusti masnocu na koju redom stavljate  na kockice isjeckano svo povrce..prvo luk da zazuti,zatim mrkva,celer,krompir i ostalo kraju dodajte tikvicu da se nebi raskuhala,dodajte paradajz,temeljac i pustitte da lagano kuha sve dok povrce ne omekani..pred kraj dodati makaronice i zaciniti.
Poklopiti serpu u kojoj je corba i ostaviti da se mararone skuhaju ,na iskljucenoj ringli...tako se nece prekuhati jer to i ne zelimo !!

Servirati po zelji,ja volim dodati pesto,volim i dobar sir dodati u corbu i sve to uz domace pecivo,glavno jelo vam i ne treba  :)
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Black-Eyed Peas & Pineapple Salad

        With the hot weather outside, you don't feel like eating anything heavy, salads seem to be perfect for these days. I had some cooked black-eyed peas, made a salad with it along with some pineapple and cucumber, it is a very refreshing salad, wholesome enough for a light lunch..

Need To Have
  • Cooked Black-Eyed Peas - 1/2 cup
  • Chopped Cucumber - 1/2 cup
  • Chopped Tomatoes - 1/4 cup
  • Pineapple Pieces - 1/4 cup
  • Lime Juice - 1/2 teaspoon 
  • Chopped Coriander - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt & Pepper - to taste

          Mix together the black-eyed peas, cucumber, pineapples, tomatoes. Add the lime juice, salt and pepper and serve garnished with the coriander leaves.

Serve it as a cold salad or even as a salsa or dip with some corn chips.
Can also add some chopped green chillies for more spiciness.
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Keksici s okusom kave

Volim okus kave u kolacima isto kao sto je volim i piti,ne puno ali mora biti jaka ;)

Keksici s okusom kave

175 gr maslaca,sobne temperature
200gr smedeg secera
(moze i bijeli ali smedi daje boju i aromu karamela)
1 jaje
70gr integralnog brasna
70gr obicnog bijelog brasna
1 mala zlicica sode-bikarbone
1 zlica instant kave
(rastopiti u malo /1 zlica/vrele vode)
100-150gr cokoladnih kapljica/komadica cokolade
185gr ovsenih pahuljica
100gr przenih ljesnjaka
(krupno isjeckati)

U dubljoj zdjeli pjenasto umutiti maslac sa secerom,pa dodati jaje.

Kavu rastopiti s malo vrele vode pa dodati u smjesu.
Redom dodavati ostale sastojke,brasno jednu i drugu vrstu,sodu-bikarbonu,cokoladne kapljice,ovsene pahuljice,ljesnjake.

Od dobivene smjese praviti kuglice 30-ak grama tezine i slagati na papirom za pecenje prekrivenu tepsiju.
Svaku kuglicu malo pritisnuti zlicom/spljostiti.

Peci u predhodnozagrijanpj rerni na 200C oko 12-es minuta.
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Chana Masala (Chickpeas Curry)

         Chana Masala made with chickpeas (garbonza beans) is another common side dish that is mostly served with pooris (Indian puffed breads). My daughter loves this, so I make it quite often and it goes well with any rice or rotis too. Everybody has their own version, this is one that I had jotted down from a magazine long time back..

Need To Have

  • Chana Or Chickpeas - 2 cups
  • Onion - 1 large
  • Tomato Puree - 8 tablespoons
  • Garam Masala - 1 teaspoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • Cloves - 4
  • Chopped Coriander Leaves - to garnish

Make A Paste

  • Onion - 1 small
  • Grated Ginger - 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic Cloves - 4
  • Red Chilli Powder - 3 teaspoons
  • Coriander Seeds - 1 tablespoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • Cooked Chickpeas - 3 tablespoons

          Soak the chickpeas overnight and pressure cook it. Heat some oil, add the cloves and cumin seeds, once it starts sizzling, add the chopped onions, saute till transparent, then add the paste and the tomato puree, saute well till the raw smell goes away ( for at least 10 mins, adding little water when it sticks to the pan). Now add the cooked chana  and 1 to 2 cups of water ( depending on how thick you want the gravy), simmer for 5 mins, add the garam masala , mix well. Serve it, garnished with coriander leaves.
Sending it to Torview for Cooking With Love - Aunt event.

Cook the chickpeas well but do not make it mushy, you can also soak it for 5 hours in hot water.
Can also use the canned garbonza beans.

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Oats And Gram Flour Pancakes

         Oats is not a favorite with the husband or daughter, so I try to include it in the diet by adding it like this, in pancakes or other dishes. Oats along with besan or gram flour and sauteed onions tasted very good in these pancakes, they were very filling, a good breakfast or even a healthy after school snack..

Need To Have

  • Gram Flour - 1 cup
  • Quick Cooking Oats - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 big chopped
  • Tomato - 1 chopped
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Chilli Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Coriander Leaves - 1/4 cup chopped
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon

         Mix the gram flour and oats in water and keep. Heat some oil, add the cumin seeds, once it starts sizzling add the chopped onions, saute till it turns transparent. Now add the tomatoes, salt, turmeric and chilli powders, keep sauteing till the tomatoes break down and turn mushy, finally add the coriander leaves, mix it and remove. Now add this mix to the oats and gram flour, mix everything well, add more water if needed to form a pancake batter. Heat a pan, pour a laddle of batter, spread it slightly, add some oil on the sides, cover and cook on one side, then flip it over and cook till brown spots appear on the second side too. Remove and serve it with some tomato sauce or even some yogurt.
Sending it to Zesty South Indian Kitchen for the Hearth And Soul Blog Hop event.

You can even add some grated carrots or some chopped mint leaves to the pancakes.
Cook it on low heat, don't make the pancakes too thin, it'll be difficult to flip them.
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Pineapple Juice With Ginger

         Pineapple is one of my favorite fruits, just love it in any form, plain slices, or sprinkled with some salt and chilli powder or as a juice. And also since the whole family likes it, I buy it very often. As always, fresh juice tastes better than the ones available in cartons. I also add some ginger to it, this makes it taste even better, adds more flavor and on the whole, a very simple and refreshing summer cooler..

Need To Have

  • Pineapple pieces - 1/2 cup
  • Grated Ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon Juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 1/2 cup

        Grind the pineapple pieces into a nice pulp. To this add the ginger, pulse it one more time. Then add the lemon juice and the water, blend everything well and serve it cold.
Sending it to Recipe Junction for Spotlight - Summer Cooler event,
                to Srav's Culinary Concepts for CC- Splash Into Summer event,
                to Divya's Culinary Journey for Showcase- Fun In The Sun event,
                to Pages for the Cool Summer Sips event,
                to Tickling Palates for Let's Cook - Kid's Special event and
I find that adding the lemon juice boosts the sweetness of the juice without adding any extra sugar.
If the pineapple is very sour then you might need some sugar.
You can strain the juice or serve it as such.

Let's Cook - Kids Special

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