

Pear Bread

Faced with a surfeit of pears from Boston Organics, I decided to make Smitten Kitchen's Pear Bread. I'd never eaten pear bread before, but after trying it, I'd describe it as banana bread, only without the bananas. I don't taste the pears at all, but the fruit does add a lot of moistness to the cake along with just the tiniest bit of the gritty pear texture. I actually substituted 1/2 cup of the all-purpose flour with 1/2 cup of white whole wheat flour since I'm trying to use up the sack I bought by accident.

Pear Bread
Pear Bread (from Smitten Kitchen)
makes 2 loaves or one tube cake
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
3/4 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups sugar
2 to 4 pears firm, ripe pears, depending on size (you’ll need 2 grated cups total, but don’t grate them until you are about to use them so that they don’t brown)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Heat your oven to 350°F and lightly grease and flour a 10-inch tube pan or two 9-by-5-inch loaf pans.
Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon in a large mixing bowl, and stir with a fork to mix everything well. If you’re using nuts, scoop out about 1/4 cup of the flour mixture and combine it in a small bowl with the chopped walnuts, stirring and tossing to coat the nuts with the flour.
Peel and core pears, then grate them. You’ll want two grated cups total; set them briefly aside. In a medium bowl, combine the butter or oil, eggs, sugar, grated pear, nuts (if using), and vanilla, and stir to mix everything well. Scrape the pear mixture into the flour mixture and stir just until the flour disappears and the batter is evenly moistened.
Quickly scrape the batter into the prepared pans and bake at 350°F for 60 to 70 minutes, or until the bread is handsomely browned and firm on top and a wooden skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
Pear Bread

I ended up not adding the sprinkle of confectioner's sugar or glaze that Deb suggests because it was sweet enough as is. It's also pretty crumbly, so I didn't want to have to deal with another potential factor for messiness. I think if I were to make this again, I might add some chocolate chips to it (giving them the same flour coating treatment as the nuts so that they don't sink). Deb says in her post that the bread got better day after day. I'm not sure if I'd agree, although it certainly doesn't get worse. I'd say that it remains a good, homey slice of comfort. And if I wanted to be super decadent, I'd toast this and spread some honey butter on top.

Pear Bread

Edited to Add (on 1/26/10): I take back what I said about this bread not getting better. I just had some for breakfast 3 days after I baked it, and I don't know what happened between yesterday and today, but it is definitely better today. It seems like the baking soda and salt are standing out a bit more leaving this tang on my tongue that demands more pear bread. I can't stop eating it!

One year ago:  Luo Buo Gao (Chinese Turnip Cake)
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Dani su dugi,temperature visoke,a djeca na skolskom raspustu.
Ovo zadnje mi najvise zadaje glavobolje,jer uobicajeno Januar mjesec idemo negde van NSW,ali ove godine smo nije mi tesko palo jer prosla godina je bila jako naporna i jedva sam cekala da se odmorim.Kako su velike vrucine,tako nema ni nekog velikog spremanja jela!Pretezno se jede pasta,salate i voce,sokovi i voda se pije u neogranicenim kolicinama!!
Nedavno sam napravila tri salate koje su nam se jako svidjele,tako da cu ih zapisati,pa neka se nade nekome pri ruci,jer su zaista osvijezavajuce.


-crvena rotkvica
-kiselo vrhnje
-hren(iz stklenke,gotovi)
-soli ,po potrebi

Rotkvicu oprati,isjeci na snitice,pa dodati ostale namirnice.
Dobro ohladiti i ohladeno posluziti!
Kolicine stavljate,po zelji!


-feta sir
-svjezi origano
-maslinovo ulje,ocat balsamico

Paradaj,ako je veliki,prepoloviti,idubiti(ocistiti)unutrasnjis,tako da ostanu samo stjenke paradajza,a ako je manji,odrezati pri vrhu,iscistiti unutrasnjost,pa puniti sa ostalim povrcem i sirom,koje izrezemo na kockice,
Odozgo preliti s mjesavinom maslinovog ulja,balsamico octa i sitno sjeckanog origana.
Dobro ohladiti i uzivati u osvjezenju !


-250gr cherry paradajzica
-100gr sinata(mladi listovi)
-3 luka(mladi i zeleni dio)

Oprati povrce,sloziti u zdjelu za salatu.
Paradajz,prepoloviti na pola ,ako je veci.

Preliti da umakom(dressing) za salatu

1/2 zavezljaja(bunch) listova bosiljka
1 zlica maslinovog ulja
1 zlica limunovog soka
Staviti sve u mali multipraktik i isjeckati da bude kao namaz!!
Dodati soli i bibera,po ukusu i preliti samo pola umaka,pa laganim pokretima salatu izmijesati da umak oblozi svaki listic.

Dodati jos umaka,ako je potrebmo.
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Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Maple Cinnamon Sage Brown Butter

I had two sweet potatoes left from my Boston Organics delivery, so I decided to try to make sweet potato gnocchi. The only other time I had ever made gnocchi was when I made the ricotta gnocchi for the Daring Cooks challenge back in May. That was definitely a pretty complicated recipe, but the sweet potato gnocchi recipe in Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything was a lot simpler.

That recipe didn't mention what sauce to pair with the gnocchi, though, so I turned to Google for some inspiration. The first hit for a search for "sweet potato gnocchi" was Giada's "Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Maple Cinnamon Sage Brown Butter". Can you say yum?

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Maple Sage Brown Butter

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Maple Cinnamon Sage Brown Butter (based on Mark Bittman's recipe in How to Cook Everything and Giada De Laurentiis' recipe here)
makes 3-4 servings

1 lb. sweet potatoes (about 2)
Salt and pepper
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup butter
15 fresh sage leaves
2 teaspoons maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 dash nutmeg

Start boiling a pot of water.

Peel the sweet potatoes and cut into small 1" chunks. Place in a microwaveable bowl with a little water and cover. Microwave for five minutes or until the sweet potatoes are done. Drain, season with salt and pepper, and mash with a fork.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi Dough

Add about a half cup of the flour and stir. Continue adding the flour in small increments until you get a dough that you can handle. You want to add as little flour as possible to keep the gnocchi from being too dense. Pinch off a small piece and drop into boiling water to make sure it will keep its shape.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi Dough

Place the dough onto a floured counter top (or cutting board). Divide in half and roll each piece into a 1/2 inch wide snake. Cut the dough into 1 inch long pieces and roll over the tines of a fork. Place shaped pieces onto a floured plate without them touching one another.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi

Cook the gnocchi in the boiling water in batches. You don't want there to be more gnocchi in the pot than can cover the surface of the water. The gnocchi is done about a minute after it starts floating.

While the gnocchi is cooking, melt the butter in a separate small saucepan. Once it is melted, add the sage leaves and continue to cook until the milk solids in the butter have browned. Remove from heat and add the maple syrup, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt to taste.

Maple Brown Butter with Sage

Toss the cooked gnocchi with the browned butter sauce and serve hot.

Leftovers can be refrigerated and pan-fried the next day for a slightly different texture.

Pan-fried Sweet Potato Gnocchi

I found dough could be quite sticky and gluey before I finally added enough flour for it to be workable. In hindsight, I probably should have drained the potatoes better before adding the dough. While this gnocchi was considerably heavier than the ricotta gnocchi I had made before, it was still a lot lighter than say, the big, thick Shanghainese and Korean rice cakes. The gnocchi itself didn't have much flavor, but the brown butter sauce more than made up for that. I really liked how the sage and maple syrup brought out the flavor of the sweet potatoes. What kind of surprised me was that I actually wanted to add a little more black pepper to this dish even though I normally don't really like black pepper.

I had some leftovers, which I pan-fried in the butter sauce (no additional oil needs to be added), although I removed most of the sage first and added it back in when the gnocchi was almost done so that it didn't burn. While I did like the light crispiness the pan-frying added to the gnocchi, I think it was better overall when it was fresh.

One year ago:  Scallion Pancakes
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Za ljubav moga muza!!

20.01..Krsna Slava,Sv.Jovan

Kazu da razlicite vjere ne mogu zajedno,da svako vuce na svoju stranu i da dolazi do razlaza bracnih parova.
Istina,do rastave dode i kod bracnih parova iste vjeroispovijesti,pa zato ja ne vjerujem u to,a to mogu licno da potvrdim !!
U mijesovitom braku sam 23godine i ako se supruznici podpomazu,razumiju,sve nesuglasice se mogu rijesiti bez problema.
Moj muz je prije 5 godina izgubio majku,a to znaci da su oba roditelja otisla na vjecni pocinak,a kako je po Pravoslavnom obicaju red,sin preuzima Krsnu Slavu!!
Moj muz nije nikada bio bogomoljac,nije pridavao vaznost za obicaje,tradiciju..
Ja sam uvijek zeljela da vidim kako to drugi rade ,te sam svake godine,dok smo bili u Bosni posmatrala moju pok. svekrvu kako to ona radi.
Svekrva je uvijek voljela da ja napravim sarmu i ispecem kolace,a sve ostalo je uradila ona i djed,tako je zvala svog muza.
Ja danas u znak zahvalnosti mojim pok. svekru i svekrvi, sto su mi podarili divnog muza,a mom muzu za svu ljubav i paznju koju poklanja meni i nasoj djeci,odrzavam tradiciju Krsne Slave,jer vidim da taj obicaj,moga muza cini sretnim.
Vidim da je radost na njegovom licu svake godine kad se susretnu najblizi nam prijatelji,kumovi.

U Australiji smo nas cetvero sami,pa sama pomisao da su sestre i braca daleko od tebe,smisao starih obicaja dobiva na jacem i snaznijem sjecanju,sjecanju na djetinjstvo,roditelje kojih vise nema i jacu povezanost s ostatkom rodbine.

Spremaju se raznorazne delicije iz rodnog kraja,od juhi,corbi,sarme,pecenja,pa sve do kolaca,vina,rakije,piva,...

Ja sam pravila i isprobala divne recepteod svih Vas,tako da Vam se ovom prilikom zahvaljujem!!

Delicije su spremljene s puno ljubavi i postovanja,prema Njima,Vama i mojim bliznjima !!

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Kalua Pork

Nope, that's not a typo. This isn't pork made with Kahlua. This is kalua pork, the Hawaiian roasted pork served at luaus. Traditionally, a whole salted pig is put into a pit filled with hot rocks and banana leaves and covered so that it can cook all day. I got to go to Hawaii years and years ago for a family reunion (relatives from Taiwan and the US met halfway) and still remember loving this dish. The pork was moist, fall-off-the-bone tender, and had a depth of flavor that I thought could only be delivered via cooking in a pit for hours and hours.

Luckily for those of us who don't have easy access to whole pigs, pits, hot rocks, and banana leaves, you can make kalua pork in a slow cooker with only 2 ingredients: pork butt and smoked salt! The first you can get from almost any grocer store; just make sure it'll fit into your slow cooker. Apparently, pork butt is actually the same thing as pork shoulder, so either would work.

Smoked Hawaiian Sea Salt

I found smoked Hawaiian sea salt at Narrin's Spice and Salt in Cleveland's West Side Market. I had actually bought this a couple of years ago but never figured out what to use it in until now. This particular product has a blend of Hawaiian black and pink salt along with regular white sea salt. If you can't find smoked sea salt, you can also use liquid smoke with regular sea salt.

Kalua Pork
makes about 6 servings

2.5 lbs. pork butt (or shoulder)
2 tablespoons smoked Hawaiian sea salt

Pork Shoulder

Using a steak knife, poke the pork all over and then rub the salt all over.

Kalu Pork

Place the pork in a slow cooker and cook on low for 20 hours, turning once halfway through. Pork is done when it can be easily shredded with a fork.

Kalu Pork

That's it! With only two ingredients and two lines of instructions, you'll be surprised how flavorful the finished product is. During the slow cooking process, all the fat starts to render out of the meat so that at the end, it's cooking in its own juices, a sort of pork confit if you will. While I wouldn't consider the top half of the meat (that isn't sitting in the juices) to be dry, it is drier and less salty than the bottom half. I tried to turn the meat again when it was done to try to even it out, but the pork was so tender, I wasn't sure I could get it flipped without totally mangling it. If I had had more time, I would've shredded all the meat and served it with the reserved juices on the side for people to add if they wanted. Instead, I just brought the whole thing to a potluck and served it with some shredded cabbage sauteed with garlic and rice, letting people shred off as much as they wanted.

Kalu Pork

One year ago:  Mayonnaise Shrimp with Candied Walnuts, Char Siu Bao
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Banana Bread Yeasted Waffles

When I was originally looking for yeasted waffle recipes, I stumbled across this one for Banana Bread Waffles. I know, right? What an awesomely yummy idea! The more I thought about it, the more I was tempted to skip the waffle face off and just make these. But ordinances must be followed, so I saved this one for last. The only thing I changed was that I added some walnut pieces to the batter right before cooking since I had some lying around, and since I didn't have ground ginger or ground cloves, I added a pinch of allspice. Oh, and I halved the original recipe since I only had 2 bananas.


Banana Bread Yeasted Waffles (from seven spoons)
makes 2-3 servings

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tablespoon dark brown sugar, packed
3/4 teaspoons yeast
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Pinch of allspice
1 egg, beaten lightly
1/2 cup mashed ripe banana, about 1 1/2 bananas
1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
1/4 cup walnut pieces (optional)

In a small bowl, whisk together the butter, milk and vanilla. Set aside, the mixture should be warm but not hot.

In a large mixing bowl, sift or whisk together the flour, brown sugar, yeast, salt and spices. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry, whisking until smooth. Stir in the beaten eggs. Cover the bowl loosely and refrigerate for at least 12 hours, but up to 24.

About 30 minutes before you want to make waffles, take the batter out of the refrigerator to come up to room temperature slightly. It should be doubled in size and the surface will be covered in bubbles.

When ready to begin, stir the sour cream into the mashed bananas and then mix the fruit and walnuts (if using) into the batter. It will deflate, but use a light, quick hand to thoroughly combine.

Heat your waffle iron and bake the waffles as per the manufacturer's instruction.

Serve with maple syrup and additional slices of fresh bananas and walnuts, if desired.

Leftovers can be frozen and then reheated in a toaster or in an oven; keep the heat low and an eye on them though, they brown quickly.


I found that I needed more than 30 minutes at room temperature for the batter to double, so I stuck it in a slightly warm oven for 15 minutes. In the end, I found these waffles to be more soft than crispy and the flavor wasn't very memorable. In fact, right now I'm thinking that griddling a slice of real banana bread on a waffle iron might be even better....

One year ago:  Nian Gao (Mochi Cake), Red Bean Ice Cream
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Peceni ricotta sir sa rajcicom i slaninom

Ako od ranog jutra krenete sa obavezama,tada se cesto nademo u situaciji da smo propustili dorucak,a rucak nam je jos daleko.
Sprijeciti glad ili uzeti neki "slatkis"uz kavicu,pa cemo na glad zaboraviti!!
To moze proci kod mog muza,jer on ustvari ne pije kavu s kolacem,on jede kolac
s kavom !!Mogu ja i tako,ali ce mi u podsvijesti stalno biti na pameti dorucak koji sam propustila.
Danas sam se nasla u slicnoj situaciji,ali sam imala sve namirnice kuci,tako da sam pocela s pripremom i dok se sve to peklo,mi smo popili kavicu bez kolaca,ali smo zato imalo ovo !!

Sastojci- 3 krompira(oko350gr)
- 250gr suhog mesa(po vasem izboru)
- 2 jaja
- 1kg ricotta sira
- 50gr parmezan,izrendanti
- 1/2 case,mix zacina(persun,bosiljak,origano,vlasac)
- 250gr cherry rajcica
- maslinovo ulje,balsamic ocat
- extra slaninice i kruh,salata


Zagrijati rernu na 180C
Krompir ocistiti i staviti da se kuha.
Ne smije biti prekuhan !

Isjeckati sto sitnije suho meso(po vasem izboru)
ja sam koristila suhi vrat.

Isjeckati sve zacinske biljcice.

Skuhani krompir izrendati,pa staviti u vecu zdjelu i dodati
zacisko bilje,suho meso.

Siru dodati jaja i DOBRO izmutiti(mozete staviti u multipraktik)
da bude maziv,pa dodati u zdjelu ostalim namirnicama.
Dodati soli i bibera,po ukusu .

Lim velicine10×30cm obloziti papirom za pecenje,pa napuniti
dobivenom smjesom ,te staviti peci
Peci oko 25-30 minuta,da dobije finu rumenu boju !!

Izvaditi vani i pustiti jos 10 minuta da stoji u limu .

U medu vremenu staviti na drugi lim chery rajcice,politi malo s maslinovim uljem i slaninicu,koju zarezete kao lepezu,da se pece na 200coko 10minuta!

Na tanjur staviti par listica zelene salate,poslagati pecenu rajcicu,odrezati dva komada sira i uz sir sloziti slaninicu.

Preliti sa malo mijesavine maslinovog ulja i balsamico octa.
Posoliti i pobiberiti,ako zelite !!

Pazite na slaninicu ako je previse tanka,bice brze pecena od rajcice!!

Mozete dodati prepeceni kruh !
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Savici od patlidzana

Vremenske prilike i ne prilike su uobicajene za Australiju.
Ovih dana su temperature dosegle 38C,tako da izaci vani stvarno predstavlja glavobolju.Ja ne mogu piti vodu ako predhodno nesto ne pojedem,ne znam zasto,ali takva sam ,a sada je suvise kasno da se mijenjam :)
Ljeti dosta jedem povrca,moji ukucani nisu bas ljubitelji,ali nemaju izbor,osim da si sami kuhaju,a kuhati na vrucini,eee,to samo mama moze !!

Potrebno je
- 1,2 kg patlidana(2 srednje vel.patlidzana)
- ulje ili (ulje u spreyu
- 350gr spinata(ja imala pola od toga)
- 250gr svjezeg sira(ricotta)
- 2 zlice kiseleog vrhnja
- 1 cen cesnjaka

SALATA- 3 srednja paradajza
- 10 crnih maslina
- 2 zlice kapara
- 2 zlice persunovog lista-sjeckanog
- 1 zlica maslinovog ulja + limunova korica(narendana)
- parmezan,koliko volite

Patlidzan oprati,posusiti i narezati po duzini.
Zagrijati tavu,posprejati uljem i peci snite patlidzana sa obadvije strane.
Pecene sloziti na tanjur.
U serpicu staviti vrhnje,sir i spinat.

Spinat ako je svjezi,treba ga skuhati,samo 1 minut,
toliko da uvene,pa ga dobro iscijediti od vode.

Ako je zamrznut,odmrznuti ga ,ocijediti od viska tekucine,
isjeckati,pa dodati u serpicu,zajedno sa cesnjakom.

Pustiti da se zagrije,zaciniti po zelji.

Zatim svaku snitu patlidzana premazati duzinski sa

pripremljenom smjesom i zarolati.
Svaki taj savitak staviti u masnocom namazanu posudu
za pecenje i prekriti folijom.
Peci na 180C oko 10 minuta.

Paradajz isjeckati na sitne kockice
maslinama povaditi kostice i isjeckati ih.
Kapare oprati i dodati smjesi.

Isjeckati persunov list,pa ga isto dodati mjesavini
paradajza,maslina i kapara.

Malo pouljiti,naribati limunovu koricu i posoliti.
Preliti preko savitaka i posluziti.

ILI,ovako,u sosu od paradajza


8 zlica maslinovog ulja
- 2 cenja cesnjaka/bijelog luka
- 1 zlica origana
- 1 zlica bosiljka
- 800gr svjezeg paradajza ILI iz konzerve
- 1 glavica luka
- 1 zeleni dio(pero,drska)celera
- morka so,svjeze mljeveni crni biber
- 1 zlica secera


Na ulju dinstati sitno isjeckani luk,pa kada pocme mijenjati boju,
dodati sitno sjeckan celer,prziti par minuta,pa dodati cesnjak,
prziti 1 minut,zatim dodati paradajz,...
smanjiti temperaturu,te pustiti da polako kuha.

Dodati zacine i secer!
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Sedmo nebo

Kolac s okusom kave !!


- 1 oblatna(list)
- 4 jaja
- 180gr secera
- 100gr oraha

- 200gr maslaca(margarin)
- 1 zumanjak
- 150 gr secera u prahu
- 4 zlice jake kuhane kave

-Pjenasto umutiti jaja sa secerom i na kraju
lagano umijesati orahe i snijeg od bjelanjaka.
Pripremljeno tijesto izliti na oblatnu(1 list)i ispeci.

Krema-Pjenasto izraditi maslac(margarin) sa secerom,dodati zumanjak i kuhanu kavu.
Premazati ohladeni kolac i ukrasiti prema zelji.

-ja sam stavila cokoladnu glazuru-200gr cokolade za kuhanje

-4 zlice ulja
sve sam otopila na pari,prohladila i premazala kolac.
Moja bilješka:
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Dip od oraha i paprike

Nisam ja veliki ljubitelj dipova,ma ustavri "ne znam" da jedem ta posluzenja!!
Sjediti i grickati,nisam navikla,uvijek sam u pokretu,a kada sam gladna,uzmem nesto konkretno i najedem se.
Za mene grickalice,samo pokvare rucak,dok moja kcerka voli umakalice,grickalicei naravno TV ili knjigu za citanje,ja suprotno od svega toga!!
Posto moji ukucani nose hranu sa sobom,svi osim mene :),dosta cesto koristim ovaj dip,kao namaz po kruhu !!

- 3 velike crvene paprike
- 1 ljuta feferona(ako volite ljuto)??
- 2 cesnja cesnjaka
- 1/2 case svijezih mrvica
- 1/2 case oraha(przenih)
- 1 zlica limunovog soka
- 1 zlicica cumin -ako volite??
- 1/4 case maslinovog ulja
Papriku,oprati,obrisati i staviti peci(kao za salatu).
Pecenu oguliti i ocistiti od sjemenki.
Napraviti svijeze mrvice!

U multipraktik staviti papriku(i feferonu ako volite ljuto),
cesnjak,orahe(malo proprzene),limunov sok,pa samljeti…da se dobije fina maziva smjesa.

Dodati ulje i vise ako je potrebno,svijeze mrvice,pa sve sjediniti.
Zacini po zelji(soli,bibera).
Staviti u zdjelice i posluziti.


2 zlice maslinovog ulja
- 1 zlicica cumin (ako volite)
- 1zlicica coriander(ako volite)
- malo suhog chilli-a
- 2 velike mrkve ili (300gr bundeve)
- 2 cesnja cesnjaka
- 400gr slanutka(ja koristila iz konzerve)
- 1 zlica Tahini paste
- 1 zlica limunovog soka
- tople vode-po potrebi
Mtkvu osistiti,nasjeckati,pa staviti u
serpicu na maslinovo ulje da se przi.

Dodati cesnjak i zajedno dinstati pod poklopcem,
uz dodatak vode,dok mrkva ne omeksa.

Ohladiti,pa staviti u multipraktik,zajedno sa svim ostalim
dodacima i umutiti smjesu,koja se fino moze razmazivati,

Zaciniti po ukusu i posluziti
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Gaufres de Leige (Belgian Waffles)

I know I had said I'd try to post something more colorful, but I fear that won't be happening anytime soon. Because I have become obsessed with making waffles. Even after deciding I liked The Waffle of Insane Greatness better than Mark Bittman's Overnight Waffles, which many people said were the best waffles ever, I decided to give yeasted waffles another chance. Especially after I saw this post for "The Best Waffle You'll Ever Eat: Gaufres de Liege" on The Kitchn in one of their end of the year roundups. You can probably tell that I am quite influenced by hyperboles.


I really was excited to find a recipe for a real Belgium waffle that used turbinado sugar instead of pearl sugar since it's ever so much easier to find turbinado sugar in Boston. I didn't have any bread flour so I used regular all-purpose flour instead. I can't tell you how much of a difference it made, but I definitely did end up with a dough more than a batter at the end. The post mentions that any waffle iron should work as long as "the pockets are fairly deep". I'm not sure my waffle iron falls into that category, but I didn't notice any uncooked portions so don't let that deter you. Lastly, the recipe calls for the use of a stand mixer. I don't have a stand mixer. I'd love a stand mixer. I will gladly accept a stand mixer. But until then, I have a hand mixer, and that's what I used. Since the recipe did mention that the dough would be quite stiff, I switched out the usual beaters I use for batters and used the special beaters that the manufacturers stated would work better for stiff doughs. It worked, but I can definitely see why a stand mixer (or an extra hand) would have been ideal.

Gaufres de Liege (from Chichi on The Kitchn)
makes 12 small waffles
6 tablespoons warm milk (no hotter than 110°F)
1/2 teaspoons granulated sugar 

2 teaspoons instant yeast
1 1/2 cups (230 grams) bread flour, sifted (all-purpose flour seemed to work fine for me)
1 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoons salt
1 medium egg
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup (4 oz) unsalted butter, at slightly cooler than room temperature
140 grams turbinado sugar, or pearl sugar if you choose
Cooking spray
Dissolve the sugar in the warm milk; then add the yeast. Make sure that the milk is not too hot, lest it kill the yeast instead of promoting its growth. Place a plate or some kind of cover on top of the bowl with the milk, sugar and yeast. Set aside for about five minutes. When you check on it, the yeast should have bubbled up, looking light brown and spongy.
Meanwhile, mix the sifted bread flour with the cinnamon, vanilla extract, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer. Pour in the yeast mixture; then add the whole egg and egg yolk. Mix on medium speed until it is fully combined. The dough will be yellow and stiff, yielding only slightly to a poke.
Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rest in a warm place for about thirty minutes.
Beat in the butter piece by piece; you do not have to wait for the prior piece to be fully incorporated before adding the next. When the dough has incorporated about half of the butter, the mixture will be like a very thick, somewhat broken-up paste. If you keep engaging the mixer on medium-high speed, the dough will eventually become a cohesive whole, looking smoother and more feeling more elastic. Scrape the sides of the bowl if needed.
Kneading very gently, incorporate the sugar crystals just enough to get them evenly distributed. Work quickly so as not to soften the buttery dough too much.
Divide the dough into a dozen equal pieces, gently forming them into balls.
Place the balls of dough on a cutting board in a warmish place for fifteen minutes or so. During the last two minutes of this resting time, preheat your waffle iron until it is very warm, but not hot.
Spray the griddles with cooking oil. Place each ball of dough in a whole square or section of the waffle iron. Like regular waffle batter, the dough will start to puff up. Cook the waffles until the surface is golden to dark brown. Be sure that the waffle iron you are using is appropriately deep, or else the interior of the waffle will not be cooked through.
Set the waffles on a cooling rack as they come out of the iron to promote a crispy exterior. Serve immediately with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.
Any leftover waffles, if they are not dark brown, can be carefully re-cooked in a toaster for approximately thirty to sixty seconds. Leftover waffles may also be kept in an airtight container between sheets of parchment paper, for up to three days.

My roommate declared these waffles better than the previous two. Personally, I think they're a whole other species of waffle so it's hard to compare. These seem more like cookies that I can eat with my hands rather than needing a plate, utensils, and maple syrup. I found that they were sweet enough (and a whole heck of a lot cleaner) to eat without the powdered sugar. The waffles didn't really seem to crisp up as much as get uniformly solid, but the turbinado sugar definitely kept its crunch and gave it a nice, fun texture.

One year ago:   Buckeyes
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Cokoladno-bademasti kolac

Svake godine Januar mijesec mi je prepun obaveza.
Uvijek radim za Praznike,pa tako sam i ove godine izasla u susret svom mladom kolegi i sastavila 2 nedjelje rada bez odmora,ma nije to nista za jednu 43-ogodisnju,zenu,majku dvoje djece i najdobrijeg muza na Svijetu !!

Mom kolegi je 28 god,ima 3 pomocice i kaze da je umoran od posla!!:))Ja nisam !!
Danas sam napravila par vrsta kolaca,za meni dragu osobu,jer se priblizava Pravoslavni Bozic,pa da su kolaci gotovi!!

Kako su svi kolaci bili namjenjeni drugome,morala sam i jedan napraviti za nas.
Fin,cokoladni i ne tako veliki,da se brzo pojede !!:)

- 80ml vrele vode
- 150 gr otopljene cokolade
- 150gr neslanog maslaca
- 265gr smedeg secera
- 125gr badema(samljevenih)
- 4 jaja
- 35gr kakao u prahu
Zagrijati rernu do 180c !

U vreloj vodi razmutiti kakao u prahu,pa dodati

Sve mijesati dok se sve namirnice fino ne povezu,zatim dodati
jedan po jedan zumanjak,bademe i cvrsto ulupane bjelanjke,
koje zicom za mucenje,lagano u dva puta umijesamo u cokoladnu smijesu .

Lim,cetvrtast(19×19),obloziti papirom za pecenje,
pa sipati dobivenu cokoladnu smjesu i staviti peci

na 180C,oko 40-45minuta !!
Kolac se ne smije presusiti,mora ostati vlazan u sredini,ali ne i ne pecen!

Ohladiti,pa izrezati na kocke i posuti sa dosta
kakaa u prahu ili cokolade !!

Moze se posluziti sa vocem i slagom ili po Vasoj zelji !!!!
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Slani muffins

Volim hranu !!
Bila sam uvijek veliko i napredno dijete,a kako i necu,kad sam se rodila sa 5.5kg,nesto malo vise nego moj sin!! :)
Mama me je hranila grizom i "papicom",to meni dode kao Bechamel sos,ona tada nije znala za taj naziv !!
Kruh se pekao svakodnevno,sto je ostala tradicija i u mojoj kuci,mada ga ne pecem toliko puno,ali sta cesto pravim i da se uvijek pojedede,su muffinsi.
Muffinse sam otkrila dolaskom u Australiju.
Volimo i slatke i slane,ali mogu reci da su slani vise zastupljeni na jelovniku.

Ovaj je bio zadnja "novina"u mom spravljanju muffinsa,slanih,dakako !! :)


- 1.5 casa brasna
- 1 zlicica praska za pecivo
- malo crvene paprike(pola zlicice)
- 1 krompir(izrendati)
- 3 mlada luka ili(pola glavice obicnog luka)
- 1/2 case susenog paradajza iz ulja
- 1.5 casa tvrdog sira (podravec ili sl.)izrendati
- oko 1/2 case mlijeka(ili jogurta)
- 1 jaje
- jos malo paradajza i sira za posuti odozgo!!


U zdjelu staviti prvo suhe sastojke,zatim dodati povrce,sir
i izmuceno jaje s mlijekom ili jogurtom,pa sve izmijesati da se
spoji i stavljati u kalupe za muffin.

Smjese ima za 12 muffina!
Peci u predhodno zagrijanoj rernina 180C,oko20 minuta.

Posluziti dok su jos topli
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