

Compost Cookies


When my friend, Stephen, turned 30, I asked him what he'd like me to make for his birthday party, and he replied, "I am a fan of all types of cookies." Which was great, because I've been wanting to make Momofuku Milk Bar's Compost Cookies for a long time now, but I kind of needed the right occasion to make them because there was no way I was going to be able to eat them all by myself. And these cookies deserve an audience.

Sure, the name might cause people to pause, but I'm guessing the reason behind it is that you throw a little bit of everything into these cookies: potato chips, pretzels, chocolate chips, etc. If you're a fan of the sweet and salty, you'll love these cookies. I ended up making a batch of the 6 oz. cookies and a batch of cookies where I portioned out the dough into 1" balls, which ended up giving me about 50 "normal" sized cookies. And to save time, I alternated between using a parchment lined stoneware baking sheet and a silpat lined metal baking sheet, both of which worked well in protecting the cookies from getting burnt.


Compost Cookies (from here)
makes 15 big cookies or 50 smaller cookies

1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1 tablespoon corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1 3/4 cups AP flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 1/2 cups your favorite baking ingredients! (I used semi-sweet chocolate chips and Heath toffee bits)
1 1/2 cups your favorite snack foods (I used Wavy potato chips and peanut butter pretzel sandwiches)


In a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, cream butter, sugars and corn syrup on medium high for 2-3 minutes until fluffy and pale yellow in color. Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula.

On a lower speed, add eggs and vanilla to incorporate. Increase mixing speed to medium-high and start a timer for 10 minutes. During this time the sugar granules will fully dissolve, the mixture will become an almost pale white color and your creamed mixture will double in size.


When time is up, add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Mix by hand just until your dough comes together and all remnants of dry ingredients have incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula.


Add in the hodgepodge of your favorite baking ingredients and mix until they are evenly incorporated into the dough. Add in your favorite snack foods last, until they are just incorporated.


Portion cookie dough into 6 oz. mounds onto a plate. Wrap portioned cookie dough tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour or up to 1 week.

DO NOT BAKE your cookies from room temperature or they will not hold their shape.

Preheat the conventional oven to 400°F.


When the oven reads 400°F and your cookie dough has been chilled at least an hour, roll the cookie dough mounds into balls and arrange on a parchment or silpat-lined sheet pan a minimum of 4" apart in any direction.

Bake 9-11 minutes. While in the oven, the cookies will puff, crackle and spread.


At 9 minutes the cookies should be browned on the edges and just beginning to brown towards the center. Leave the cookies in the oven for the additional minutes if these colors don't match up and your cookies stills seem pale and doughy on the surface.

Cool the cookies completely on the sheet pan before transferring to a plate or an airtight container or tin for storage. At room temperature, cookies will keep fresh 5 days. In the freezer, cookies will keep fresh 1 month.

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U Slavoniji je rijetkos napraviti kolac koji se ne pece.Tako da sam ja seljakajuci se po Ex-Jugoslaviji,iskusila i tu pripremu.Boraveci i druzeci se na coolinarici takoder sam nasla i isprobala jako puno recepata sto zbog svoje znatizelje,sto zbog porudzbina koje sam imala za kolacice,dok nisam pocela da radim.
Jedan od jako lijepih i dekorativnih kolacica su lubenice koji mi se cesto nade na popisu pravljenja kolaca.

Lijepo izgledaju,divnog su okusa,a ima ih dosta!!
Evo original recepta za LUBENICE

Sastoji se od dvije smjese,a tri boje.

250 gr. badema
250 gr. secera kristal
100 ml vode
malo crvenog extrakta ili crvene boje
1 zlicica maslaca

250 gr. oraha
200 gr. secera
100 ml. vode
malo zelene prehrambene boje

odvojiti cetvrtinu od gore smjese od badema

Skuvati sirup od secera i vode za obje smjese .
Zamijesiti smjesu sa bademima i posebno sa orasima.

U smjesu sa bademima dodati komadic maslaca,pa odvojiti odmah cetvrtinu od bijele smijese sa bademima i ostaviti sa strane.

Ostatak bademove smjese obojiti crveno i podijeliti na pet loptica.

To isto uraditi sa masom od oraha!!
zamjesiti orahe sa secernim sirupom i dodati zelenu boju (samo malo na cackalicu boje).Podijeliti na pet loptica.

Izmedju plasticne folije ravaljati jednu bijelu koricu pa obmotati crvenu i to isto uraditi sa zelenom i obmotati preko bijele loptice.

Loptice ostaviti u frizider da se stegne do sutradan.
Izrezati na kriskice

Pomocu cackalice dodati kospice od malo rastopljene cokolade.

Jos jedan,meni jako drag kolac od oblatni je BECAR SNITE.
Nisam ja bas neki veliki ljubitelj oblatni ,ali ove imaju nesto sto me privlaci,a to je trostruki okus tog kolaca,ponajvise suha smokva,koju jako volim.


Krema I :
250gr suhih smokava
100gr grozdica
150gr secera u prahu
2zlice cvrstog pekmeza
kora i sok od jedne ne prskane narance

Pripremiti 4 lista oblatne.
Samljeti smokve,grozdice i narancu,dodati pekmez i secer,pa sve izmijesati.
Kremom premazati jedan list oblatne i pokriti drugim listom oblatne.

Krema II :
250gr oraha
250gr secera u prahu
120ml mlijeka
1 zlica ruma

Mljevene orahe i secer preliti vrelim mlijekom i rumom.Ohladiti kremu,pa njome premazati drugi list oblatne i pokriti trecim listom.

Krema III:
4 zumanjka
150gr secera u prahu
sok od pola limuna
150gr maslaca

Zumanjke i secer kuhati na pari.
U ohladeno dodati izradeni maslac i sok od pola limuna.
Kremom premazati trecu oblatnu i pokriti cetvrtim listom oblatne,tako da glatka strana bude okrenuta prema gore.

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Lilikoi Malasadas (or Portuguese Donuts filled with Passion Fruit Curd)

About a month ago, I got an e-mail from my brother with a link to a recipe for lilikoi malasadas. He asked if I thought they would be hard to make because he had had some in Hawaii and they were "amaaazing". I skimmed through the recipe quickly and replied, "Doesn't sound that hard as long as you can get me some unsweetened lilikoi (or passion fruit) concentrate and unsweetened guava concentrate. No idea where I'd even find that stuff.... Also, if you can get me a stand mixer with a dough hook, I'd be all set." And that was the end of that conversation.

Until last week when I announced on Facebook that I had finally caved in and bought a KitchenAid stand mixer. While most of my friends were congratulating me on the purchase, Timmy's only comment was "can you try making those lilikoi malasadas now?" Can you tell he's a younger brother?

There was still the issue of finding lilikoi concentrate and guava concentrate in the Boston area. I checked Shaws and Harvest and even Whole Foods with no luck. Then I looked on-line, and there were some suggestions of trying a local Brazilian grocery store, but then I saw some posts that mentioned I should be able to find it at Shaws in the frozen foods section where the Goya products are. So I went back to Shaws, and lo and behold, there was frozen passion fruit pulp! And when I went back to Harvest later on, I was able to find frozen guava pulp there!

Now that I had all the ingredients and equipment I needed (I actually had to borrow a stand mixer from Susan because mine hadn't come in yet; thanks, Susan!), I had no more excuses, so I spent this past Saturday making these beauties. Note: this recipe does take quite a bit of time what with making the dough, letting it rise, then chilling it for 2 hours, then shaping and letting it rise again, then frying it, and finally filling the malasadas with the passion fruit curd. But it's so, so worth it, especially if you don't live in Hawaii and can't just buy these at a local bakery whenever you want. Also, I did make the guava coulis from the original recipe, but I thought the resulting coulis was way too watery, so I'm not including it here. The malasadas were more than fine without it.


Lilikoi Malasadas (from here)
makes 50 donuts

Lilikoi Curd
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup thawed lilikoi (passion fruit) pulp
6 egg yolks, beaten

In a small saucepan, mix together the sugar, butter, lemon and lilikoi pulp; bring to a boil.

In a small mixing bowl, whip the eggs yolks with 1/4 of the hot lilikoi mixture; pour the yolk mixture back to the saucepan.

Simmer, uncovered, whisking continuously until thickened and starts to bubble. Do not allow the lilikoi curd to come to a to a full boil or the eggs will start curdling. Strain and chill.

3 cups bread flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon + 1/2 teaspoon dry yeast
7 eggs
2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 cups butter, softened to room temperature
Vegetable oil for deep frying

In a large bowl of an electric mixer use the dough hook to mix together the flour, sugar, and yeast.

Mix in the eggs, one at a time to form a thick paste; continue to mix at medium speed for 15 more minutes, then add the salt. Add the softened butter, 1/2 cup at a time, while continuing to mix at medium speed.


Transfer dough to a large bowl, cover, and allow to rise at room temperature until doubled in bulk.
Refrigerate for 2 hours. Form the dough into 1-inch balls and allow it to rise once more at room temperature.

Heat oil to 375°F. Fry the dough until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Roll in sugar.


Fill the malasadas with the lilikoi curd using a pastry bag.


The lilikoi curd is seriously one of the best things I have tasted in a long time. It's tart and sweet and buttery and custardy all at the same time, and you just want to start spreading it on everything. Then I tried a freshly fried malasada, and I knew the lilikoi curd had met its match. The outside was crispy from the frying and crunchy from the granulated sugar while the inside was soft and chewy and slightly sweet. I only wish I had been able to pipe in more of the lilikoi curd because the little squirt I got in there just wasn't enough.
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Barramundi sa salsom verde

Ovo je moja omiljena riba,pored dimljenog lososa,kojeg obozavam!!
Moji nisu odmah prihvatili ribu u ishrani ,ali ja im namecem svako-toliko,tako
uspostavljamo dobar kontakt s pojedinim vrstama ribe.

Ako nisam bas raspolozena od jedne vrste praviti tri jela,tada cu svakako uzeti Barramundi i stvar je rijesena.

Rijecna riba ,koju i australski ribolovci vole.Delikatnog okusa,lako se prilagodila u nasem jelovniku.
Uglavnom je spremam na ovaj nacin i svi su zadovoljni.

Za pocetak napravite Salsa verde
1 kriska bijelog kruha,odstraniti koricu
4 zlice mlijeka,natopiti kruh
1 svezanj svjezih listova persuna
sok od 1-og limuna
6 incuna
3 cenja cesnjak
1 casa(250ml) kvalitetnog maslinovog ulja

Barramundi fileti(moze i neka druga riba)

Ukloniti kruhu koricu,staviti u dublji tanjur i preliti s mlijekom.
Kad je kruh omekanio staviti u multipraktik,dodati:
Persunov list,cesnjak,incune i malo maslinovog ulja.
dok masina radi dodavati ulje,da se napravi fina pasta.
ako je malo ulja,slobodno dodati jos.

Pospremiti u cistu staklenku i ostaviti u frizider do upotrebe.

Riblje filete isjeci na zeljene komade,ali zadrzati kozu na filetima,
koju malo posolite.

U tavu staviti 2 zlice ulja,pustiti da se dobro zagrije(jako vrelo),zatim
staviti filet da se pece,prvo stranu s kozicom,zatim okrenuti.
Svaku stranu peci oko2-3 minuta,zavisno od velicine komada ribe koju pecete.

Staviti na zagrijane tanjure i preliti sa salsa verde.

Ribu koju moji bas ne vole puno,spremam tako,da od 1-og komada napravim dva jela,pa medusobno isprobavamo i vjerujte mi da svaki puta upali !:)


Jednostavno komad tune prepolovim,
Jedan dio posolim,prelijem sa sasvim malo limunovog soka,i rukom ismijesam.
Izrezati na kockice i svaku kockicu uvaljati u mijesavinu bijelih i crnih sjenenki susama.

Zagrijati ulje ,da bude malo vise ulja u tavi ili posudi u kojoj przite,pa pustiti tunu na 15-20 sekundi.

Treba da bude roza boje u sredini i za to je dovoljno 15 sec.,no kako moji to nebi jeli,ja je pustim jos par sekundica i stavrno je super.

Uz to serviram Wasabi majonezu ili u obisnu majonezu dodati 1 zlicicu salsa verde.

Wasabi majoneza

125gr majoneze
3 zlicice wasabi paste
1 zlicica soya sosa
2 zlicice rizinog octa

Drugi dio tune iskoristim za Nicoise salatu,koja je predibna,a to drugi puta !!:)
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Red Wine and Pear Sorbet

I made this a while ago before this blog was born and really liked it so when my stash of pears from Boston Organics started building up, I thought it was high time to make this again. The original recipe from Martha Stewart has directions for how to make this without an ice cream maker, but seeing as how I have one, it seemed silly not to use it.


Red Wine and Pear Sorbet (adapted from Everyday Food)
makes about 1 quart
1 cup dry red wine
3/4 cup sugar
1 pound ripe pears, peeled, cored, and cut into 1-inch pieces (2 cups)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Coarse salt

In a medium saucepan, bring wine, 1 1/4 cups water, and sugar to a boil over medium heat, stirring often, until sugar dissolves. Add pears; reduce heat, and simmer until tender.

Stir in lemon juice and a pinch of salt; cool completely. Transfer to a blender or use an immersion blender to puree the mixture. Chill thoroughly in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.

Once chilled, churn in your ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's directions. Transfer to a container, cover, and freeze overnight or for several hours to harden.


Although the original recipe said it would only take 5-10 minutes, I ended up having to cook the pears for over 20 minutes before they were tender. This may have been because I used one Bartlett pear and one green pear instead of just Bartlett pears like the original recipe said. Because I was cooking the mixture for that long, I figured I would have boiled off most of the alcohol, but there was still enough left to make this a pretty soft sorbet. It's also kind of gritty in the way that pears are naturally gritty. Not a bad thing, but if you don't like the texture of pears, you might want to pass on this recipe. But if you like poached pears, you definitely need to try this out. It tastes elegant and sophisticated, like something that should be served in a goblet vs. a normal dessert bowl. I would totally serve this as a palate cleanser or at the end of a heavy dinner of say, steak.
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Frittata od lososa i sparoga

Lagana vecera,a puno puta kasni dorucak !!

2zlice maslinovog ulja
1 glavica luka
3-4 veca krompira
1 svezanj sparoga
200gr dimljenog lososa
60gr kozjeg feta sira
6 jaja
100ml vrhnja za kuhanje(moze mlijeko)

Krompir skuhati,ali ne prekuhati!
Pustiti da se ohladi.

U meduvremenu isjeckati luk i isprziti do “karamel’boje.
Isjeci na snite i poslagati u posudu u kojoj cete praviti fritattu.
Za ovu kolicinu je potrebna od 2 litre.

Preko krompira ja sam posula karamelizovani luk,zatim sparoge
(treba ih blanzirati)i odozgo poslagala losos.
Prelila umucenim jajima i vrhnjem,u koje sam dodala malo bibera i malu
zlicicu Vegete

Staviti peci u zagrijanu pecnicu na 180C i peci oko 40 minuta,da fino porumeni .

Peceno servirati uz sezonsku salatu.
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Kuglof od meda

Cim malo zahladi,a vrucine mi je bilo i preko glave,ja razmisljam o hrani,necem mirisnom i zasitnom,tako da sva cula uzivaju :)
Volim kuglof iz razloga sto me posjeca na neko davno vrijeme,vrijeme kada se nije imalo puno,a svejedno se pravila fina i ukusna jela.

Moj kuglof je nesto izmedu,jer ima pekan oraha,koje sam probala tek dolaskom ovdje gdje zivim,do tada je bio samo nas domaci orah,od kojeg mi ruke budu crne,dok ga ocistim od debele zelene,mesnate korice,a to vec spada u meni davno vrijeme....

Za KUGLOF je potrebno:

175gr maslaca
1/3 case secera
1/2 case meda
2 jaja
2.5(cup) casa brasna
1 prasak za pecivo
200ml mlijeka

3/4 case brasna
1/4 smedeg secera
50gr maslaca
1 zlica instant espresso kave(prah)
1/4 case pekan oraha(sitno isjeckati)
2 zlice meda

Zagrijati rernu na 160C.
Namazati masnocom kalup za kuglof.

Napraviti streusel .

U zdjelu staviti secer i brasno,dodati maslac i napraviti mrvice,
dodati kavu i med i sve izmrviti izmedu prstiju.Ostaviti na stranu.

U drugu zdjelu staviti maslac i secer i mutiti mixerom,dodati med i dalje
mutiti da bude fino "barsunasto",onako fine svjetle boje.
Dodati jedno po jedno jaje,polovinu brasna,malo mlijeka i sve tako dok se sve ne utrosi.

U kalup za kuglof prvo staviti tanki sloj smjese s jajima ,zatim posuti streusel,ponoviti sloj smjese,posip i na kraju smjesa od jaja i meda.

Staviti u predhodno zagrijanu rernu na 160c,oko 50minuta,a mozda i koji minut vise,zavisi od sporeta.

Jednostavno probajte sa iglomk ili drvcetom,pa ako je suho pri izlasku iz kuglofa,znaci gotovo je,ali ako se na igli ili drvcetu zadrzi malo tijesta,
treba jos peci
Preliti s otopljenom cokoladom ili secernom ocaklinom u koju dodate malo espresso instant kave.

Moze se posluziti toplo uz dodatak ulupanog slatkog vrhnja,kao desert.
Prijatno !!;)
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Riba u sosu od povrca

Prvi puta kad sam ugledala ovaj Recept,odusevila sam se jer mi jako puno imamo problema s ribom,naime,nismo bas ljubitelji,a riba se jesti mora,pa vec kad se mora onda gledamo da pojedemo hranu u kojoj cemo uzivati!!
Mi stvarno uzivamo u ovoj juhici.

Za juhu vam je potrebno:

400g fileta ribe
2 zlice maslinovog ulja
2 vece mrkve
1 korijen persuna
1 veci luk
malo korijena celera
2 paradajza
1-2 feferone (ako volite ljuto)
paprika,sol,biber,persinov list
temeljac od povrca
1 zlica paradajz paste

Na ulju przite sitnije isjeckan luk,pa dodajte zlicu paradajz pirea i zlicu crvene mljevene paprike(prah).

Dodajte isjeceno povrce, feferone i zalijte temeljcem od povrca ,tako da povrce bude pokriveno,posolite i kuhajte dok povrce ne omeksa.

Juhu stavite u blender i izblendajte,vratite u serpu,pa dodajte filete ribe .
Pustite da kuha jos 15 minuta,zatim zacinite po zelji i posluzite.

Ako vam je sos pregust dodajte jos temeljca.

Gotovo jelo pospite persunovim listom.

Ja sam juhu posluzila uz PALENTU,a za nju vam je potrebno :

500ml povrtnog temeljca
250ml mlijeka
90gr instant palente
20gr svjezeg parmezan sira

U serpi zakuhati temeljac i mlijeko,smanjiti vrenje i polako sipati palentu.
Pazljivo jer lako moze da opece!!
Skuhanoj palenti dodati sir.
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Kruh (razni oblici)

Kruh jedemo svakodnevno,svijezi ili stariji ,nije vazno,ali ga svi volimo.Ponekada mi ostane kruha,tada se obicno pravi slana verzija pudiga od kruha,jer przenice im vise nisu kao nekada fine :/

Ponekad i ja sama zelim da pojedem fin topli komadic kruha ili pogace :)
Ove receptice cesto koristim,jer su stverno jednostavni a brzi.

Za ovako par oblika potrebna vam je dobra volja,vrijeme i namirnice,koje uobicajeno imate u kuci!!


Irski kruh sa sodom,Australski Damper,Bosanska pogaca,toliko su identicni,namirnice,oblik pravljenja gotovo da im je isti.

Brz za napraviti,jednostavan za pripremiti,a nista manje ukusan za jesti !!

- 400gr brasna+po potrebi
- 1zlicica sode-bikarbone
- 1zlicica soli
- 50gr integralnog brasna
- 1zlicica meda
- 2dcl jogurta
- 2dcl mlijeka +2 zlice(za premazati odozgo)


Zagrijati rernu dok se priprema tijesto.
Uzdjelu staviti brasno i sodu bikarbonu;napraviti udubljenje,
pa dodati jogurt i mlijeko ,
koji zajedno izmijesate prije nego dodate u brasno.

Mijesiti tijesto dok se ne dobije zeljena cvrstoca tijesta.
Napraviti okrugli oblik,staviti na pobrasnjen lim,premazati s 2 zlice mlijeka,posuti
odozgo brasnom,pa razrezati po sredini u kriz.

Staviti peci u predhodno zagrijanu rernu na 220c

oko 30minuta.
Treba da bude zlatno-zute boje.
Jesti uz corbe,juhe ili pomazano s maslacem

Vec kad sam na stranici sa kruhom,evo jos recepata!!


- 450gr brasna
- 1 zlica suhog kvasca(ja stavila 12gr svjezeg)
- 1 zlica secera
- 1 zlicica soli
- 250-300ml toplog mlijeka

- 75gr paradajza susenog iz ulja
- 100gr sira(feta ili obicni)
- 1/2 case sjeckanog,svijezeg bosiljka
- 20gr parmezan sira
- mlijeka -za premazati kruh

Tijesto zamijesiti kao i za svaki kruh!

Ja odmah pomijesam kvasac,vodu(mlijeko),i ostale sastojke,
umijesim tijesto,kada je kompaktno,premazem
stranice zdijele,u kojoj ostavim tijesto,uljem,

i stavim prozirnu foliju i ostavim tijesto na toplo mijesto.

Kad se volumen udupla, stavim tijesto na radnu povrsinu,
podijelim u 8 komada,
priblizno jednakih,zatim svaki razvijem u krug
(oko 10cm),stavim nadjev,pa stisnem tijesto okolo,
da nadjev ne ispadne.

Slozim u malu tepsiju za kruh(11×21,da je dublja,oko 8cm)
tako da skupljene strane idu gore.

Sloziti jedno do drugoga i prekriti ponovo folijom da se ponovo
tijesto podigne,
Premazati mlijekom,posuti parmezanom i staviti peci

na 200C oko 30 minuta


- 150gr tikvica(izrendati)
- 250gr brasna
- 1 prasak za pecivo
- 1 zlicica soli
- 1zlicica secera
- 125gr sira(cheddar)koji imate
- 2 zlice vlasca(sjeckanog)
- 12kom.crnih maslina(sjeckanih)
- 2 jaja
- 250ml mlijeka
- 3-4 zlice maslinovog ulja

Zagrijati rernu na 200C.
Pripremiti lim (20×10),namazati i pobrasniti ili
staviti papir za pecenje.

Rendane tikvice dobro iscjediti od njihovog soka.
Pomijesati ih s brasnom ,praskom za pecivo,sirom,vlascem,maslinama.

U manjoj zdjeici izmijesati jaja,mlijeko,ulje,pa dodati u prvu suhu smjesu.

sve sastaviti i sipati u kalup za pecenje.

Peci 35-40 minuta



- 2 case brasna
- 1/2 praska za pecivo
- 80gr parmezana
- 2/3 case vrhnja za kuhanje
- 3/4 case mlijeka
- brasna za mijesenje


U zdjelu prosijati brasno s praskom za pecivo,pa dodati
sir,vrhnje i mlijeko.
Pomocu tupe strane noza,napraviti tijesto.

tijesto istresti na pobrasnjenu radnu povrsinu i zamijesiti rukama

Razviti na debljinu 2cm i vaditi kruhove promjera 5cm.
Sloziti na lim za pecenje(staviti papir za pecenje ili malo namazati i pobrasniti)
premazati mlijekom(pomocu kista).
staviti u predhodno zagrijanu pecnicu na 210C i peci oko 12 minuta!!
Posluziti toplo uz corbasta jela ili samostalno,premazano maslacem !!
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Anzac keksici


1 casa zobenih pahuljica
1 casa brasna
3/4 case sitnijeg secera
1/2 case kokosa
125gr maslaca
1/4 case golden syrup(moze med)
1/2 zlicice sode bikarbone
1 casa cokoladnih komadica(choc-bits)


Zagrijati rernu na 160C
U zdjelu staviti:
zobene pahuljice,secer,kokos,brasno.
U serpici otopiti maslac,golden syrup ili (med),pa kada se otopi,dodati sodu bikarbonu i mijesati da se pojave mjehurici.
tom smijesom zaliti suhe namirnice u zdjeli.

Dobro izmijesati,pustiti malo da se prohladi,pa dodati cokolane komadice.
Sve skupa promijesati i zlicom stavljati hrpice na lim koji smo pripremili
(stavili papir za pecenje) za kolacice.

Zlicicom malo pritisnuti hrpicu i staviti peci na 160C,oko 10-15 minuta!!

Mora se paziti da ima dovoljno mijesta izmedu hrpica (kolacica)jer ce se
pecenjem rasiriti.

kolacici moraju biti mekani kada ih izvadite iz rerne,a hladenjem ce postati cvrsci !!


Kolacici se mogu cuvati u hermeticki zatvorenoj kutiji do 4 dana .
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Pita od sira

Ako volite sir u kolacima,ova poslastica je za Vas!:)

potrebno je
- 10 listova za pitu
- 100gr maslaca(istopiti)
- kalup za tortu(22cm)


- 700gr ricotta sira(moze,domaci)
- 125 gr secera u prahu
- 1 vanilin-secer
- 3 jaja
- 100gr bijele cokolade
- 50 gr pinjola
- cimet,saffron(ako volite,imate)
- korica od 1 narance, rendana)


- 150ml (svjeze iscjedeni) sok od narance
- 100ml vode
- 100gr secera

Zagrijati rernu na 180C.

Otopiti maslac i pustiti da se prohladi,a u meduvremenu napraviti FIL.

Za FIL,sve namirnice staviti u multipraktik i napraviti finu gladku smjesu.
Cokoladu usitniti prije dodavanja u sir!!

Kalup ,obloziti listovima za pitu,tako da svaki list premazete otopljenim maslacem,pomocu kista,tako se najbolje razmaze i listovi se ne kidaju.

Listove ostaviti da malo vire preko kalupa ,jer ce nam trebati za pokriti fil.

znaci kad smo slozili sve listove,okolo istresti fil,vratiti list,po list i sve fino poravnati,premazati s malo maslaca i staviti peci oko 1 sat.

Pita se fino podigne i porumeni.

Izvaditi je iz pecnice i ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi!!
Dok se pita hladi u serpicu staviti sve za sirup i kuhati na laganoj vatri,tako ce se fino secer istopiti,a sirup dobiti gustinu i bice spreman ,za preliti pitu.

Pitu preliti samo sa pola sirupa,ostali sirup se servira uz svaki komad pojedinacno .


Ako volite miris cimeta,u sirup dodajte 1cimet u obliku drvceta,dace jako fin miris sirupu !!

Posto su listove/kore,svuda razliciti,samo da dodam da sam koristila “Antoniou”Fillo pastry od 375gr,a utrosila sam oko 120gr,a od ostalih sam napravila jos jednu poslasticu :)

Potrebno je:

- listovi/kore za pitu
- secer,sasvim malo ,samo da razdvoji cokoladu
- 3-4 vrste cokolade,izrendati ili isjeckati
- 100gr orasastih plodova(orasi,ljesnjak,badem,..)
- maslac,za premazivanje kora

Maslac istopiti,pa pustiti da se prohladi.
kore staviti na vlaznu salvetu i brzo premazivati s maslacem(pomocu kista),sve okoloi po sredini,zatim na sredinu ,duzinski staviti smjesu orasastih plodova i cokolade,preklopiti jednu stranu lista,pa zatim drugu stranu i smotati kao "sarmu".

Uraditi sa svima korama tako.
ako koristite dvije kore,obavezno ih premazati!

slozene "sarmice"staviti peci na 220C,dok ne porumene(20minuta),ohladiti,pa zaliti sa sirupom.
1 casa secera
2 case vode
sok od jedne narance

Sve staviti u serpicu i kuhati na laganoj vatri dok se ne dobije sirup.
Ja sam kuhala dok se pita hladila,tada sam potpuno ohladenu pitu,zlicom lagano
polijevala sa sirupom.
Ohladiti i posluziti !!
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Alphabet and Rosemary Cheddar Crackers


I love Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers, so when I saw this post on how to make your own, I was really excited to try it out. I don't have any teeny, tiny goldfish cookie cutters, but I do have rather small alphabet fondant cutters, so I thought it'd be fun to make alphabet crackers.

Cutting out the alphabet crackers

Alphabet crackers

Baked alphabet crackers

I'm used to the bright orange color of the original crackers, so I wanted to find some bright orange cheese to use, but I couldn't find any. So I tried the next best thing and added some yellow food coloring to half the dough since I don't have any orange food coloring, and didn't want to end up with a peach color like I did the last time I tried mixing red and yellow. But the dough was too stiff coming out of the fridge, and I didn't have the patience (or the daylight left) to knead it through properly, so it ended up looking kind of marbled. Which is fine because you can't even tell in the finished product, and ironically enough, the non-yellowed crackers turned out more orange-ish!

Baked alphabet crackers

While the dough was chilling overnight in the fridge, I remembered that I still had some fresh rosemary left from making the duck fat French fries and thought it'd be nice to add some to the cheese cracker dough. So I added some rosemary leaves to the other half of the dough (after all, rosemary cheddar crackers are for adults and don't need artificial food coloring).

Rosemary Cheddar Crackers (adapted from Ellie's Home Cooking)
makes about 1 quart of crackers

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup white whole wheat flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper (optional)
4 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
8 ounces shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves
3-4 tablespoons water

Flour, salt, and pepper

Pulse the flour, salt and pepper in a food processor, then add butter and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse meal.

Add unsalted butter

Add grated cheese a little at a time until the mixture again resembles coarse meal.

Add shredded cheese

Pulse in 3 to 4 tablespoons of water, one tablespoon at a time, until the dough forms into a ball. It will probably take a minute or so.

Add the rosemary

Remove from the food processor and knead in the rosemary. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for 20 minutes or up to 24 hours.

Roll out the dough

Roll the dough out to 1/8th-inch thickness directly onto a baking sheet. You don't want to roll them paper thin, neither do you want to roll them too thick. If they are too thin, they will not puff up as much. If they are too thick, they will not be as crispy.

Using a knife, pizza cutter, or cookie cutters, cut into desired shapes.

Cut out the crackers

Bake at 350° F for 15-20 minutes or until crackers are golden brown. Watch them after the 10 minute mark.

Rosemary cheese crackers

I didn't roll the dough out as thin as I should have for some of the crackers, and they were definitely not as crispy as the thinner ones. They did puff up so that they were almost cubical, though, so I threw them on top of a salad because as someone pointed out, they looked just like croutons.

I don't think these tasted exactly like Goldfish crackers, but that's because they don't taste like something you can buy in a store. Which is to say, these tasted like the fresh ingredients they were made out of. I definitely preferred the rosemary crackers to the ones without; the herb added a nice aromatic, almost astringent note to the richness of crackers. Next time I might try adding a bit of Tabasco sauce to the dough to add some heat.

Lastly, you can make this using only all-purpose flour or only whole wheat flour. I tried using half all-purpose and half white whole wheat and will probably try all whole wheat next time since it doesn't seem to make a huge difference.
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