

Banana bread/muffin-gluten free

Banana bread ili banana muffin

(gluten free)

50gr suhih visanja,borovnica ili brusnica*Brusnice su meni najbolje !!
110gr maslaca
110gr sitnijeg secera

-sve dobro izmijesati u dubljoj zdjeli,pa dodati:

2 jaja,jedno po jedno i dobro izmjesati poslije svakog dodavanja.
3 vece zrele banane(da imaju tockice po kori)izgnjetici dobro vilicom prije dodavanja,sada k tome dodati 

175gr rizinog brasna

50gr skrobnog brasna
2zlicice bezglutenskog praska za pecivo
prstohvat soli

- sve rucno kuhacom izmijesati i staviti peci..sipati u kalup za kruh ili u mufens kalupe,kako zelite..peci na 180c oko 25 minuta.

English version

Banana bread

Soft,speckled bananas are best for this recipe.
The mixture also makes adorable little muffins if you cook them in individual cases.

40gr sulatanas
70gr crambrries
110gr butter,softened
110 gr caster sugar
2 large eggs,preferably free -range
3 large ripe bananas
175 gr fine rice flor
50gr cornflour
2 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

*1kg loaf tin,lined with parchment paper or 12 paper muffin cases

Preheat oven to 180C.
Cream butter and sugar together until pale,light and soft.Add the eggs,one by one,and beat well between each addition.

Mash the bananas and add to the creamed mixture.Sift the rice flour,cornflour,gluten free baking powder and salt together and fold into the banana mixture. Very gently,stir in the cranberries and sultana,so that they are evenly distributed through the mixture.
Pour the mixture into the loaf tin or muffin cases and bake in the oven for about 1-1, 1/2 hours for loaf,25 minutes for the muffins,until golden on top and skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Remove the loaf from the tin and cool on wire rack, muffins on a rack in their cases.

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