

Cereal Milk Ice Cream and Pie

If you're not tired of all the cereal milk creations yet, here's two more:  Cereal Milk Ice Cream and Cereal Milk Ice Cream Pie.  First, the ice cream. The recipe in the Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook called for powdered freeze-dried corn, which I just didn't feel like looking for or buying off the internet.  Luckily, I found this recipe on-line that doesn't use freeze-dried corn but instead steeps the ice cream base in caramelized cornflakes, which were similar enough to Cornflake Crunch that I just used that instead.

Cereal Milk Ice Cream (adapted from Cafe Fernando)
makes almost a quart

1 recipe Cornflake Crunch (you really only need 3 1/2 cups, and you should have that much left over if you made the whole batch just to garnish the panna cotta)
4 cups whole milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 large egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a large bowl, combine 3 1/2 cups cornflake crunch with the whole milk and let steep for an hour.

Strain the milk with the help of a fine-mesh sieve (make sure to press on the cornflakes with a spatula to extract as much liquid as possible).  You should get about 2 cups of cereal milk out of this.

Combine the cereal milk and salt in a small pot and bring to a boil over medium heat.

In the meantime, in a medium pot, whisk together egg yolks with sugar. Slowly pour the warm milk mixture into the yolks while whisking constantly. Pour back into the pot and place over medium heat, stirring until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon.

Pour the custard through a strainer into a medium bowl and add the heavy cream and vanilla extract.  Stir to combine.

Chill the mixture and then freeze in an ice cream maker.  Serve with remaining cornflake crunch.

As soon as I tasted this ice cream, I remembered why I like Jeni's ice creams so much; all I could taste were the egg yolks.  I had gotten so used to making ice cream without eggs that the taste was kind of overwhelming.  After a couple of bites I got used to it, though, and other than that initial reaction, I really liked it.  It also makes the best root beer float you've ever tasted.

And it goes great with the cornflake crunch as a topping.  Which means it'll go even better with the cornflake crunch as a pie crust!

Cereal Milk Ice Cream Pie (from Momofuku Milk Bar)
makes 1 pie

1/2 recipe Cornflake Crunch (2 cups)
25 g melted butter (2 tablespoons)
3 cups Cereal Milk Ice Cream

Using your hands (or a food processor if you prefer), crumble the cornflake crunch clusters to half their size.

Toss the melted butter into the crumbled cornflake crunch, mixing well.  Using your fingers and the palms of you hands, press the mixture firmly into a 10-inch pie tin, making sure the bottom and sides of the pie tin are evenly covered.

Use a spatula to spread the ice cream into the pie shell.  Freeze the pie for at least 3 hours, or until the ice cream is frozen hard enough so the pie is easy to cut and serve.  Wrapped in plastic wrap, the pie will keep for 2 weeks in the freezer.


I thought the pie was the perfect ratio of ice cream to cornflake crunch and a fun way to serve ice cream at a gathering.


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