

Bacon Caramel Corn

Author's note: I just woke up from this beautiful dream where I was staying at this hotel (true) in NYC (also true) where I was possibly going to be snowed in (dreadfully true), and the hotel had a restaurant run by Tony Maws (owner of Craigie on Main and so, so disappointingly false). See, if that were true, I would have had absolutely no problems with being stuck in that hotel because I knew I would at least be fed well. But alas, I am staying at a hotel that doesn't even have a true restaurant attached to it. And if I get stuck anywhere in NYC, it will probably be at LaGuardia, which has even less of a restaurant attached to it. Anyway, I think Chef Maws might approve of this recipe because not only does it not waste any part of bacon (and I even used Trader Joe's uncured bacon), I also used organic popcorn!

Organic popcorn

It starts with the best and healthiest of intentions. When I saw that Boston Organics was offering organic popcorn as an add-on, I thought, "Ooh! I love popcorn; I should order some!" And then once I received it, I thought, I could use my air popper (thanks, Susan, I'm still using it after all these years!) to pop this. But then the evil food fairy that sits on my left shoulder said, "Yes, you could, but what's the unhealthiest thing you could do with this?"

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you bacon caramel corn.

With all the hoopla over bacon the past couple of years, I figured (correctly) that I couldn't have been the first person to come up with the idea and googled for a recipe. I used the one I found on, and the only changes I made were omitting the almonds, using a cup of light brown sugar and a cup of dark brown sugar instead of 2 cups of golden brown sugar, and popping the popcorn in bacon fat, just because I had some and wanted to see what popcorn popped in bacon fat tasted like.

Bacon Caramel Corn (based on bunrab's recipe)
makes 3 pints

1/2 pound bacon
1/3 cup organic popcorn kernels*
1 cup butter
2 cups brown sugar (I used 1 cup light and 1 cup dark just because)
1/2 cup light corn syrup
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon baking soda

Cut bacon into a fine dice and fry until crisp. Reserve 2 tablespoons of the bacon fat.

Heat the bacon fat in a large pot with a cover. Add 3 popcorn kernels and cover. Listen for all three kernels to pop, and add the rest of the popcorn kernels. Cover and shake until popping stops. Put popped corn in a non-stick roasting pan, making sure to remove the unpopped kernels.

Preheat oven to 200°F.

Heat butter, brown sugar, corn syrup and salt in a saucepan over medium high heat until it reaches 300°F on your candy thermometer.

Adding the bacon to caramel

Remove from heat, stir in baking soda and bacon (the caramel will explode in volume at this point so make sure you use a large enough saucepan) and pour this caramel mixture over the popcorn (do this quickly so that the caramel doesn’t cool and stiffen).

Adding the caramel to the popcorn

Stir the mixture with a couple wooden spoons and place in the oven for a total of an hour rearranging the popcorn to evenly distribute the caramel and bacon every 15 minutes. Add more salt (if necessary) during this process. Cool and break into bite-sized pieces.

Bacon Caramel Popcorn

*Popping 1/3 cup of organic popcorn kernels gave me ~6 cups popped corn plus quite a few unpopped kernels. I'd guess if you are using a gourmet popping corn you may need to use less than 1/3 cup of kernels to get 6 cups of popped corn, which is the amount you need for this recipe.

Popped corn and unpopped kernels

So I tried some of the bacon fat-popped corn before dousing it with the caramel, and while I could taste a whiff of bacon, I personally think butter pairs better with popcorn. Bacon and caramel, however, pair together wonderfully (a fact which I will devote the next post to). Do I really need to describe how awesome bacon, caramel, and popcorn taste together? It's so good I had to hide this from some of my vegetarian friends for fear they'd give up their convictions just to try some. See what a good friend I am?

Bacon Caramel Popcorn
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Julka snite

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Iako sam davno otisla iz Slavonije,posebno svog rodnog mijesta,jos uvijek listajuci slike iz djetinjstva,kroz glavu mi produ moje mladalacke,djecije dogodovstine.

Bilo je to vjencanje moje najstarije sestre Ane.Obicaj je da se nakon vjencanja ide mladozenjinoj kuci i u njihovom dvoristu se igra kolo.Sva djeca koja se tu nadu, ulaze unutar kolai cekaju mladu! Tada se pojavi mlada ili mladenka,noseci korpu s jabukama, ali nisu to obicne jabuke :)
U svakoj jabuci ima novcic....znajuci za to i ja sam se nasla ,zajedno sa ostalom djecom i dobila jabuku s novcicem.To dobiju djeca mladozenjine rodbine,gdje meni nije bilo mijesto,ali....
Zatim sam za vecerom nestala ,trazili me svuda,samo ne u ostavi gdje su bili kolaci,a da su slucajno tamo pogledali...nasli bi me gdje jedem svoj omiljeni kolac"Julka snite"!!
Na ovom dogadaju cu stati,jer nebih bas da otkrijem sve moje nestasluke :)
Za ovaj fini kolac vam je potrebno:

300gr brasna
1 jaje
200gr masti
3 zlice secera
3zlice vrhnja
1 zlicica praska za pecivo

Tamni biskvit
5 jaja(odvojiti)
100gr cokolade za kuhanje
80gr mljevenih oraha
200gr secera

500ml mlijeka
200gr secera
5zlica brasna
1 maslac(250gr)
2 vanilin secera
+sok od pola limuna i rendana korica


Ja najprije skuham fil i ostavim da se ohladi!
Od 500ml mlijeka oduzmite par zlica mlijeka,toliko da se moze brasno razmutiti u njemu.
Ostalo mlijeko i secer zakuhajte,kada provri,maknuti u stranu,pa sipati brasno uz stalno mijesanje,da se ne naprave grudvice.
Serpu s filom vratiti ponovo na sporeti skuhati fil do kraja.
Pustiti da se prohladi,pa dodati maslac,koji treba da bude mekan,da se lakse umuti.

Ako brasno slucajno ima grudvica,procijedite ga prije nego dodate u mlijeko !!

Za tijesto,pretezno koristim maslac,kao zamijenu za mast.
Dakle sve stavim u multipraktik i pusiram da se stvore krupnije mrvice tijesta,zatim prebacim tijesto na radni stol i rukama doradim tijesto da bude glatko.

Podijelim na pola.
Jedan dio razvijem na papiru za pecenje,u velicini POLEDINE tepsije u kojoj ce se peci kolac.

Peci na 180C oko 10-15 minuta.
Pecen odlozim na stranu,pa preokrenem tepsiju i sada drugi dio tijesta stavim unutra u tepsiju.

Preko tijesta staviti Crni biskvit.

koji napravite ovako:

Odvojiti jaja ,zumanca i secer dobro izmixati,dodati ,na pari otopljenu cokoladu i na kraju snijeg od 5 bjelanaca,koji lagano rukom umijesamo u cokoladnu smijesu.

sve zajedno peci na 180c,oko30 minuta!


Prvo ispecete samo donju koru,oko 10 minuta,ohladite,pa tek onda stavite crni biskvit.
Ja pecem sve skupa!!!

Ohladiti,pa preko toga sipati ohladeni fil,poravnati i "poklopiti"korom,koju smo pekli na poledini pleha,koju smo sacuvali na strani.

Posuti secerom u prahu i rezati snite!!
Prijatno !!

Ako mijenjate sastav namirnica,automatski se mijenja i struktura tijesta..ovoj puta sam ponovila pripremu tijesta sa masti i

2011-06-06 001

Stavila sam tijesto u zamrzivac,jer nisam pekla isti dan kolac.
Dva dana kasnije,izvadila sam tijesto iz zamrzivacai pocela da pravim kore za kolac.

Nisam imala nikakvih problema..prvu koru koju treba ispeci na poledini pleha,sam bez dodatka papira za pecenja,prenijela na pleh i ispekla,ali bila je pretanka i kada sam je skidala pecenu sa pleha ,pocela se lomiti.

2011-06-08 001

Kora je bila dimenzija30x40cm.

Sada sam promijenila pleh/tepsiju(30x20cm)i sve ostalo radila kako je u receptu.

U kremu sam dodala narendane korice limuna i sok od 1/2 limuna.
jos samo da kazem da je mast bila u cvrstom(krutom) stanju,kada sam pravila tijesto,bas kao i maslac kada koristim za prhka(sipkava) tijesta!!
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Faux Momofuku Brussels Sprouts

Momofuku Brussel Sprouts

I remember when I was growing up in elementary school, one of the two vegetables most hated by my peers (the other being lima beans) were brussels sprouts. Because of that, I never even tried a brussels sprout (or a lima bean for that matter) until much later in life, probably college. I do remember after trying my first brussels sprout thinking that they were absolutely delicious and so extremely cute, like a baby cabbage.

<Aside> The vegetable I truly detested in elementary school were green beans. I couldn't stand the smell of them when they were being served in the school cafeteria. I still don't really like them this day, but I can handle them when they're cooked fresh Asian style (stir-fried with garlic) or smothered with the sodium-bearing medium that is cream of mushroom. </Aside>

I'm lucky enough to get to go to Manhattan for work every month or two but I'm took chicken to go downtown by myself since I usually stay uptown. So when a co-worker and fellow foodie joined me on my last trip, I told her in no uncertain terms that we were going to go to a Momofuku for dinner. I've been wanting to try the steamed pork buns forever! After a bit of research, I decided to go to the Momofuku Ssam Bar because the Momofuku Bakery and Milk Bar was just next door, and I also wanted to try the chess pie and cereal milk.

After all the hype about the steamed pork buns, it's probably not that surprising that I wasn't totally blown away by them, but I most certainly was a huge fan of the fried brussels sprouts. They were served with a mint and fish sauce dressing and topped with these crunchy, seasoned pieces of puffed rice, like Rice Krisipies. As soon as I got home, I had to google for the recipe to see if I could try to recreate the dish. Luckily, there was a version on Epicurious that roasted the sprouts instead of deep frying them, since I dislike deep frying at home. (And I totally missed the fact that those brussels sprouts had been deep fried!)

I decided to skip the whole puffed rice bit so simplicity's sake. And while the mint in the original version added a very interesting note to the sauce, but I didn't really feel like buying some just for this recipe, and the same goes for the cilantro stems and Thai chiles. Plus, I still very much dislike cilantro. So I simplified the recipe even more by making the dressing with just the fish sauce, sugar, water, and garlic. Oh, and instead of roasting the sprouts in oil and then tossing them with butter, I just roasted them in duck fat because I had some on hand. And it's okay if the leaves start coming off of the sprouts when you're halving them. Throw them in along with everything else because they'll get really nice and crispy and totally be first thing you'll want to pop in your mouth when these come out of the oven.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Faux Momofuku Brussels Sprouts (very much inspired by David Chang's recipe on Epicurious)
makes enough for two as a side, or one hungry girl

1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved lengthwise
2 tablespoons duck fat, melted (or regular canola oil)
1 tablespoon Asian fish sauce
1 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 tablespoon minced garlic

Preheat oven to 450°F with a rack in the upper third of the oven. Trim and halve the Brussels sprouts, toss with oil, and roast, cut side down on baking sheet, for 20-35 minutes, depending on size and desired taste. They should brown but remain somewhat firm.
Meanwhile, stir together the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl. Heat in the microwave for a minute to dissolve the sugar.
When sprouts are done, transfer to a serving bowl and add just enough dressing to coat.

Momofuku Brussel Sprouts

That's it! You won't believe the depth of flavor you'll get from so few ingredients. They were so good I just kept eating them with my hands instead of taking the time to get a fork. The only downside to this is that the fish sauce can be quite stinky, especially if you're just smelling it and not eating any so you don't get the oral context for what your nose is telling you (kind of like how dumplings can be smelly if you're not the one eating them; a fact which I was unaware of for most of my life because I was usually the one eating them!).

Honestly, I think I might have liked these better than the Momofuku version because the mint in the original kept jumping out and saying, "Here I am! I am mint!" And nobody likes to be interrupted when eating something this yummy.
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Tortice od limuna i limete

Limunasto i osvjezavajuce ukusno !!!!

- 250gr brasna
- 100gr secera u prahu
- 110gr maslaca(ne slanog)
- 1 jaje
- 3 jaja
- 3 zumanceta
- 160gr secera
- 100ml svjezeg iscjedenog soka od limuna
- 200ml vrhnja za kuhanje

Usecerene narance

- 2 narance
- 750ml vode
- 500gr secera
- 4 kardamona
- 1 stapic vanilije
- 20ml brandy-a


Najprije treba napraviti usecerenu narancu.

Dan ranije isjeci narance u tanke snite i potopiti u hladnoj vodi.

Sutradan iscjediti vodu ,pa nasuti datu kolicinu vode(750ml)i dodati ostale sastojke ,te pustiti da zavrije.
Smanjiti temperaturu i kuhati lagano,dok se ne ukuha secer,treba da bude kao za slatko,(kao dem).


Napraviti TIJESTO.

U zdjelu dodati brasno ,secer,maslaci prstima napraviti mrvice,dodati jaje,te umijesiti tijesto,ili sve uraditi pomocu kuhinjskog pomagala.
Ostaviti tijesto da se odmori u frizidero 30 minuta.

Ogladeno tijesto razviti i vaditi 6-8 krugova za kalupice u kojima cete peci tortice.

Ja sam dobila 8 tortica jer sam imala manje kalupe!
Potrebni su dublji kalupici ,promjera12cm.

Napuniti kalupice tijestom,staviti preko njih papir za pecenje i suhi grah/rizu.

Peci tako na 190c,oko 10minuta,zatim sve skloniti i ostaviti na stranu.

Napraviti NADJEV.
U dubljoj posudi izumiti lagano (samo da se poveze)jaja,secer,limunov sok i vrhnje,pa sipati u unutrasnjost kalupica-popuniti tijesto.

sipajte do vrha,jer ce se pecenjem nadjev stisnuti.
Vratite tortice nazad u rernu,smanjite temperaturu na 175C i pecite jos narednih 20-30 minuta!!

Ohladite i servirajte uz usecerene komadice narance .
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Nutella Ice Cream

It was World Nutella Day a couple of weeks ago; a day I'd love to celebrate but always seem to forget about until I start reading about it in everyone else's food blog. I first heard about Nutella in high school when one of my friends came back from a trip to Europe and told me about this amazing chocolately spread that they had on bread almost every day. But I don't think it was until college that I finally got to try it when I saw it for the first time at Wegmans. Ah, Wegmans. Where every good thing comes from. Kinda like God. ^_^

This Nutella ice cream was one of the first ice creams I made when I got my ice cream maker. In fact, it may be the reason I got an ice cream maker in the first place. It has two ingredients. Two! Can you tell I like the simple recipes? Or rather, I like recipes with high yumminess to number of ingredients ratios. On a scale of one to ten, this one scores about a thousand in my book.

Nutella Ice Cream*

Nutella Ice Cream (from Chocolate and Zucchini)
makes about 3/4 quart

350 grams (1 1/2 cups) Nutella
410 grams (1 1/2 cups + 1 tablespoon) evaporated milk

Pre-freeze the bowl of your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Combine the Nutella and evaporated milk in a medium mixing bowl, and stir with a whisk until they become one, voluptuous and smooth. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled. Whisk again and churn in your ice cream maker.

Transfer to a container, cover, and freeze overnight or for several hours to harden.

Nutella Ice Cream*

I made a batch for a small party I hosted, thinking I'd have leftovers that I could use to take pictures of the next morning when I had sunlight. Yeah, that didn't happen. This stuff was gone before I could save any. So all I have are the pictures of when it was churning. But if you look at the blurry part of the ice cream (and not the lumpy, grainy part), you'll get an idea of how it tastes. It is smooth and voluptuous, just like Clotilde described. Other words I'd use to describe it are luscious and velvety. In fact, it's almost chewy, like Turkish ice cream. And since the only two ingredients are Nutella and evaporated milk, it tastes just like Nutella: rich cocoa and fragrant hazelnuts. The only thing is, it's so sweet, I might add even a little more evaporated milk next time. Clotilde's solution was to use an all-natural, organic hazelnut-cocoa spread. Anyone know where I can get some in Boston? Unfortunately, it may take a couple of more years before a Wegmans comes to Massachusetts....

p.s. For those who don't have an ice cream maker, Clotilde does explain how you can make this without one, although it's pretty labor intensive.
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Trobojni trokutici

Trobojni su jer ih je Snjezana tako napravila,a ja se zaljubila u njih na prvi pogled :)
Svi u porodici volimo okus kokosa u kolacima,a kako su vrucine i nije vrijeme da se puno radi oko sporeta,tada oni dolaze na red,kao divna,jednostavna i nadasve ukusna poslastica!!
Da se razumijemo,ukusna za kokosoljubce !! :)

Iz toga razloga "sarici" su presli u "trokutice",jer sam ih radila onako kako meni vise odgovara !!
Za ovu poslasticu Vam je potrebno:

600gr kokosa
200gr šecera u prahu
250gr mlijeka u prahu
3 dcl vrelog mlijeka

za bojenje smjese,jos trebate:
1 žlicu kakaa
2 žlice ruma
1/2 bocice ekstrata od jagode za boju i okus
200gr cokolade za kuhanje,2 zlice ulja

Zatim uradite ovako:

Sve suhe sastojke izmiješati u zdjeli pa preliti vrelim mlijekom
Dobro zamijesiti da se dobije fina smjesa,koju cete
podijeliti na tri jednaka dijela.
Jedan dio ostaviti bijeli, u drugi dodati prosijani kakao i rum,
a u treci dio dodati ekstrat jagode.

Kalup za trokutice obloziti prozirnom folijom i naizmijenicno redati smjesu,bijelu,cokoladnu,rozu ili kako vi volite.

Foliju koja je bila preko kalupa,sada je prklopite po vrhu trokutica i
ostavite na hladno mijesto da se stegne .

Smijesa je jako fina za oblikovanje i mozete cak praviti i kuglice !!

U meduvremenu stavite cokoladu u zdjelicu i otopite nad parom.

Ohladene trokutice izvaditi iz kalupa ,zajedno sa prozirnom folijom,koju sada odstranite(bacite),a trokutice prelijete otopljenom cokoladom!!
Morate raditi brzo,jer se cokolada jako brzo steze,zbog hladnog kolaca.

Rezati cokoladne trokutice i posluziti !!
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Cokoladna panna cotta

Lagana poslastica,pa jos cokoladna!!
Posto se blizi Dan zaljubljenih,odlucila sam napraviti ovu poslasticu u obliku srca:)
Nisam osoba koja vjeruje da se moze samo jedan dan biti zaljubljen,ali kad svi slave,sto nebi i mi !

Za ovu jednostavnu poslasticu Vam je potrebno :

(Sastojci za 2 osobe)

- 1/2 case slatkog vrhnja
- 1/4 case mlijeka
- 60gr tamne cokolade
- 2 zlice secera
- 1 zlicica zelatine
- 1 zlica vrele vode(za zelatinu)
- kalup u obliku srca,voce-ukras
- 50gr cokolade(za ukras)1 zlicica ulja


Namazati kalup(ja posprejam uljem)i staviti na tacnu.

U serpici polako otopiti na niskoj temperaturi secer,cokoladu,
mlijeko i vrhnje.
Kada je otopljeno(NE SMIJE prokuhati)dodati zelatinu,koju naprije

otopite u vreloj vodi,pa tek tada dodate u cokoladnu smjesu.
Lagano izmijesati i popuniti kalupe,pa staviti u hladnjak da se stegne .

Prije nego preokrenete iz kalupa na tanjur,polako ostrim nozem,prodite po ivicama kalupa,samo odozgo i staviti 1 sekund u toplu vodu,samo donji dio,ne smije voda preliti preko deserta,zatim stavite tanjur na kalupic i preokrenite,tako da tanjur bude dole,a kalupic gore,skinite kalup i ukrasite desert !!

Na pari otopiti cokoladu s 1-om zlicicom ulja,prohladiti,sipati u deblju

vrecicu za zamrzavanje ,osjeci cosak i polako kapati cokoladu po panna cotti,praveci oblik srca !!
Servirati uz jagode ili neko drugo voce !!


Moze biti bilo koji oblik kalupa ,zapremnine 1/2 case od 250 ml
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Snite od limuna,limete i kokosa

Jednostavno,brzo,ukusno !!!!!!
Pravim ove snite,cesto jer su stvarno jednostavne,ali nisam
nikada dodavala limetu??,pa sam ovog puta i nju dodala jer obozavam njen miris!!
Ovih dana se cesto nalazi u bokalu zajedno sa mentom i vodom,najljepse pice za sparne dane .

Za snite Vam je potrebno:
Donji dio
125gr maslaca
60gr secera(finijeg,sitnog)
150gr brasna
60gr kokosa

100gr marmelade od limuna i limete
Gornji dio

100gr maslaca
75gr secera
10ml rendane korice limuna
10ml rendane korice limete
2 veca jajeta ili( 3 manja)
160gr kokosa
50gr brasna

Zagrijati rernu na 200C.
Obloziti lim (30x20)moj je bio manji,pa je kolac visi.
Izmijesati maslac i secer,dok ne postanu kremasti,pa dodati kokos i brasno.
Pritisnuti dobiveno tijesto u oblozeni lim i staviti peci oko 12 minuta.
Izvaditi upola pecen kolac,te ga premazati marmeladom,koju malo izmijesate radi lakseg mazanja po tijestu.
Napraviti od preostalih namirnica gornji dio.
Prvo smanjiti temperaturu na 180C !
U zdjeli dobro umutiti maslac i secer,da ponovo bude kremasto,dodati rendane korice limuna i limete,jedno po jedno jaje i na kraju kokos i brasno.
Sve premazati preko marmelade i staviti peci ,jos 20 minuta.

Ohladen kolac sjeci u uske i duze snite.
Moze da stoji do 3 dana i dobro zatvorenoj posudi .
Prijatno !!
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Brandy Snaps

Danas mi je palo na pamet da ih napravim !!
Jos uvijek je dosta sparno,vlaznost zraka je velika i stalno nam se trazi neko osvjezenje.
Sladoled je postao poput vode,hocu reci da ga jedemo kao sto i vodu pijemo,misleci da ce nam biti bolje,ali samo budemo vise zedni,no sto je tuje!
Imala sam vremena i sjetila sam se kosarica koje sam nekada pravila od cokolade,onako da se otopi cokolada,napravi krug na papairu za pecenje,pa se stavi na preokrenutu zdjelicu da se stvrdne,zatim se napuni sladoledom i uzivamo ,malo sladoleda,malo cokolade.
Ovaj puta sam ih radila od secernog sirupa(Golden syrup).
Kosarice sam napravila bez problema,ali valjcici su me zezali jer su se sporo hladili,tj vlaznost zraka im nije davala da zadrzavaju svoj oblik,pa su svako-toliko isli na hladenje u frizider !!
Evo kako sm ih napravila .

Potrebno je:

- 100gr maslaca
- 100gr sitnijeg secera
- 60ml golden sirupa(syrup)
- 5ml brandy-a
- 100gr brasna
- 1 zlicica mljevenog dumbira


Zagrijati rernu na 160C.
Papair za pecenje staviti u dva velika lima.
U manju serpicu staviti brandy,maslac i secer i otopiti na niskoj temperaturi.

Brasno i dumbir pomijesati ,pa dodati u otopljenu smjesu u serpici.
Zlicicom ili zlicom stavljati hrpice na papir ,ali ostavljati dovoljno mijesta izmedu jer ce se hrpice rasiriti !!

Peci oko 10 minuta,tj da dobiju finu smedu boju .

Izvaditi i pustiti da se prohlade,zatim ih motati oko kutlace(drske)
ili neceg vama pogodnijeg.pustiti da se potpuno ohlade i tada treba da zadrze svoj oblik .

Mogu se praviti i kosarice,tako da na manju zdjelu,koju okrenete naopacke ,stavite jedan od krugova i pustite da se ohladi .
Kasnije mozete da posluzite sladoled u nj.

Valjke/trupcice/snaps mozete puniti slatkim vrhnjem u koji dodate malo kandiranog dumbira.

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Lemon Pudding Cake

The concept of a pudding cake--a dessert made from a single homogeneous batter that separates into two layers, one cake-like and one pudding-like, while baking--has intrigued me for a while, so when I found myself with a lemon in my Boston Organics delivery, I figured it was time to try Baking Bite's Lemon Pudding Cake.

Lemon Pudding Cake

It was easy to halve her recipe (which calls for 2 lemons), and instead of making one big cake, I was able to three individual size servings in little Pyrex cups. I filled them up about three-quarters of the way, and they didn't rise too much after baking.

Like magic, the batter separated into a dense lemony custard at the bottom of the dish and a light, fluffy sponge cake at the top. You can serve them either in the cups or unmold them so that the custard is on top.

Lemon Pudding Cake

Lemon Pudding Cakes (from Baking Bites)
makes 3 individual servings

1 egg, separated
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1/3 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 350°F. Place a 9-inch cake pan, filled with about 3/4 inch of water, into the oven. Grease 3 small souffle cups.

In a large bowl, whisk together sugar, flour, and salt. Add in egg yolks, lemon juice, lemon zest, milk and vanilla and whisk thoroughly. In a medium bowl, beat egg whites to soft peaks. Stir egg whites gently into lemon mixture, until well combined.

Pour mixture into prepared souffle dish and gently place in water bath.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, until the cake has risen and begun to pull away from the sides of the dish.

Lemon Pudding Cake

This was so good, I ended up making another batch the next time I got a lemon from Boston Organics! I couldn't believe how good this tasted considering no oil is added, and the only fat comes from the egg. I did end up saving one overnight in the fridge, and it tasted just as good the next day, even when I ate it cold. I have a feeling I'll be making orange pudding cakes the next time I end up with an orange that I don't know what to do with.
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Pita od spinata i sira

Volim svoj duguljasti lim s pokretnim dnom :)


- 15gr suhog kvasca
- 3/4 cup toplog mlijeka (dodati ako treba vise)
- 1.5 cup bijelog brasna
- 1cup integralnog brasna
- 1zlica secera
- 1zlicica soli
- 2zlice ulja

( 1cup=250ml)

Nadjev od spinata
- 100gr spinata
- 1glavica luka
- 1cenj cesnjaka
- 1zlica ulja
- 250gr sampinjona
- 1 crvena paprika

Nadjev od sira - 200gr svjezeg sira
- 1/3cup parmezana
- 2 zumanjka
- 1zlicica limunovog soka
- 8-10 crnih maslina

Tijesto zamijesiti na uobicajen nacin.
Staviti brasno u zdjelu i dodati ostale sastojke,
pa zamijesiti tijesto,da bude glatko i elasticno.

Zdjelu pokriti prozirnom folijom,a ostaviti
na toplo mijesto,da naraste.

Spinat ocistiti i oprati,staviti u cjediljku,pa

preliti vrelom vodom.
Pustiti da se ocijedi.
Na ulju dinstati sitno isjeckan luk i sampinjone,
pa nakon10minuta dodati spinat.
Svepromijesati,dodati zacine i ponovo
staviti u cjedilo da se sva tekucina ocijedi.

Staviti svjezi sir u zdjelu,dodati zumanca i parmezan
pa dobro u mutiti(kao namaz),dodati limunov sok
i malo soli.

Tijesto razviti u velicini lima u kome se pece.
Neka malo prelazi preko ivica(to ce trebati za ukrasavanje)
Sloziti nadjev od spinata,pa prekonjega ,nadjev od sira.

Ivice tijesta fino poravnati,pa ostacima tijesta ukrasiti
strucu(kao kad sjeces baklavu),pa u svaki kvadrat staviti
crnu maslinu.

Peci na 180-200c oko 30minuta!

Posluziti kao samostalni obrok uz salatu…

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Kolac od visanja/tresanja

Divna kombinacija prhkog tijesta,badema i kiselkastih visanja!!
Kolac sam pravila poslije Bozica,kada smo imali dosta finog sezonskog voca.Danas je sve manje i sve skuplje,ali se uvijek mogu upotrijebiti visnje iz kompota !!

- 1+2/3 case brasna
- 1/3 case secera u prahu
- 2 zumanceta
- narancunog soka -po potrebi(da se napravi tijesto)
- 125gr maslaca

Nadjev - 100gr maslaca
- 1/2 case secera
- 1 jaje
- narancine korice(izrendati)
- 1/4 case brasna
- 1 casa badema
- 300gr visanja(iz kompota)bez kostica
- 1 zlica gustina

Tijesto napraviti u multipraktiku ili rucno,obloziti manji kalup(20cm)
za kis ili tortu !Najbolje je kalup sto mu se dno podize !!

Staviti 5 minuta u zamrzivac(ne smije zamrznutu,samo se fino stvrdnuti)

obloziti papirom za pecenje i staviti suhi grah ili rizu,pa peci na 200C oko 10 minuta,skloniti papit sa grahom i ostaviti tako u rerni,a rernu iskljuciti.

Ocijediti visnje iz kompota !!

Napraviti nadjev.
Umutiti maslac i secer,dodati jaje,rendanu koricu od narance,
bademe i na kraju brasno.

Visnje dobro osjediti,pa im dodati 1 zlicu gustina i izmijesati.

Rernu ponovo ukljuciti na 160C,a
izvaditi tijesto da se malo ohladi,pa puniti nadjevom.

Odozgo poslagati visnje i staviti peci u zagrijanu rernu i peci
oko 40 minuta,da lijepo porumeni i ispece !!

Pusti da malo “stane”,pa posluziti !!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad