

Beetroot Poriyal/ Curry

          There are very few dishes that I make with beets and I have posted some of them. Somehow whenever I did this poriyal, something went wrong, either I was in a hurry or I couldn't take pictures, so never got a chance to post it. It's in fact a very simple recipe which goes very well with rice and sambar or morkuzhambu. Apart from grated coconut, I also add some grated ginger and coriander powder which gives a nice flavor to the dish..

Need to Have

  • Beets - 3 cups, chopped
  • Green Chillies - 3 slit
  • Grated Ginger - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Grated Coconut - 2 tablespoon
  • Urad Dal/ Black Gram - 1 teaspoon
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Coriander Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 10


          Heat some oil, add the urad dal and mustard seeds, when it starts spluttering, add the asafoetida, green chillies and curry leaves. Saute for a few seconds, then add the chopped beats, mix, add salt and 1/2 cup of water, cover and cook till done.

          Remove the lid, let any extra water to dry up. Then add the grated coconut, ginger and coriander powder and keep mixing for another 5 minutes. Remove and serve it with rice or roti, along with some dal.

If you like you can double the amount of coconut.
If the beets are not that sweet, then add a teaspoon of sugar at the end, this gives a nice taste to the poriyal.
Use homemade coriander powder, it has more flavor.
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Moong Dal/ Payatham Paruppu/ Green Gram Sambar

          When I make idlis or dosas, the standard side dish that I make with it, is either some kind of a chutney or sambar. The sambar that we make for tiffins is slightly different from the ones that we make for rice, we add very little or no tamarind at all. I make two varieties of sambar, the one using tuvar dal/ split pigeon peas is here and the other one is, using moong dal/ husked, split green gram, which is today's post. Both are equally delicious and when had with idlis and dosas make a complete meal. I don't add any sambar powder to this sambar, it gets its taste and flavor only from the fresh green chillies, coriander leaves and curry leaves, it has a fresh taste and very easy to make too..

Need To Have

  • Moong Dal/ Husked Split Green Gram - 1/2 cup
  • Small Onions/ Shallots - 1/2 cup, peeled
  • Tomatoes - 3 medium, chopped
  • Carrot - 1/4 cup, chopped
  • Fresh Green Beans - 1/2 cup, chopped
  • Small Eggplants - 2 diced
  • Green Chillies - 8
  • Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Fenugreek Seeds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Urad Dal/ Black Gram - 1 teaspoon
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 15
  • Chopped Coriander Leaves - 1/2 cup


          Cook the moong dal with the turmeric powder till well cooked but not mushy. Heat some oil, add the mustard seeds, urad dal, cumin seeds and fenugreek seeds. When it starts spluttering, add the onions, green chillies and asafoetida and saute for 2 minutes. Then add the beans, carrots, eggplants and saute for another 2 minutes.

          Then add the chopped tomatoes and mix for another minute. Then add the salt and 1 cup of water, cover and cook till the vegetables are done. Now add the cooked dal and another 1/2 cup water and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Finally add the curry leaves and coriander leaves, mix and remove. Serve it hot with idlis and dosas.

Use sour tomatoes.
Chop the shallots into two, if they are too big.
You can do the sambar with only the onions, leaving out the vegetables.
You can cook the moong dal in the pressure cooker along with some salt and turmeric powder, so that it doesn't turn mushy.
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Date And Walnut Sandwich

          It's a known fact, dates and nuts go together very well, especially dates stuffed with almonds is very common. I wanted to try dates with walnuts and also I wanted to make a sandwich with it. To make a spreadable mix, I combined dates, walnuts and cream cheese together, and spread it on toasted bread slices, the result was delicious..

Need To Have

  • Bread slices - 4
  • Cream Cheese - 4 teaspoons
  • Chopped Walnuts - 3 teaspoons
  • Dates - 6, chopped finely
  • Fresh Cream Or Milk - 1 tablespoon
  • Honey - 2 teaspoons or to taste


          Bring the cream cheese to room temperature, mix it with chopped nuts and dates using the fresh cream or milk to bring it together.

          Toast the bread slices on both sides, spread the date and mixture on one slice, drizzle a teaspoon or more of honey on top, cover with another slice of bread, slice and enjoy.

Chop the nuts and dates as finely as possible, I have not done it so finely, hence it was difficult to spread.
Beat the cream cheese with the fresh cream, milk, then mix in the nuts and dates.
If you like, arrange a layer of sliced banana pieces, then drizzle with honey, bananas go very well with dates and walnuts.
The amount of cream cheese, dates, nuts and honey can be increased or decreased according to your taste.
Can also use maple syrup in the place of honey.
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Eggplant And Capsicum Subzi

          Sometimes when I run out of vegetables, when I have a little of this and that, I try to make something with what I have in hand, this Eggplant and Capsicum Subzi is one such dish. It's a very simple subzi, the eggplant and capsicum make a nice pair and the garlic and black pepper give it a nice flavor. This would go very well, both with rotis or as a side dish to rice and dal and it's also very easy to put together..

Need To Have

  • Diced Eggplants - 2 cups
  • Diced Capsicums - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 medium, chopped
  • Garlic - 5 cloves, chopped
  • Coriander Powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Black Pepper Powder - 11/4 teaspoon
  • Cumin Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Curry Leaves - 10
  • Salt - to taste


          Heat some oil, add the cumin seeds, when it starts spluttering, add the onions, garlic and curry leaves, saute lightly till you get a nice flavor.

          Now add the eggplant and capsicum pieces and keep sauteing for another 2 minutes. Then add some salt, cover and cook on reduced flame for about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the lid, add the pepper, turmeric and coriander powders, mix, saute for another 5 minutes, remove and serve it warm.

Use more or less pepper powder as per your spice level.
Use fresh pepper and coriander powders ( not store bought ones ) for more flavor.
You can use whatever eggplants that is available, big ones or small ones.
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Banana bread/muffin-gluten free

Banana bread ili banana muffin

(gluten free)

50gr suhih visanja,borovnica ili brusnica*Brusnice su meni najbolje !!
110gr maslaca
110gr sitnijeg secera

-sve dobro izmijesati u dubljoj zdjeli,pa dodati:

2 jaja,jedno po jedno i dobro izmjesati poslije svakog dodavanja.
3 vece zrele banane(da imaju tockice po kori)izgnjetici dobro vilicom prije dodavanja,sada k tome dodati 

175gr rizinog brasna

50gr skrobnog brasna
2zlicice bezglutenskog praska za pecivo
prstohvat soli

- sve rucno kuhacom izmijesati i staviti peci..sipati u kalup za kruh ili u mufens kalupe,kako zelite..peci na 180c oko 25 minuta.

English version

Banana bread

Soft,speckled bananas are best for this recipe.
The mixture also makes adorable little muffins if you cook them in individual cases.

40gr sulatanas
70gr crambrries
110gr butter,softened
110 gr caster sugar
2 large eggs,preferably free -range
3 large ripe bananas
175 gr fine rice flor
50gr cornflour
2 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

*1kg loaf tin,lined with parchment paper or 12 paper muffin cases

Preheat oven to 180C.
Cream butter and sugar together until pale,light and soft.Add the eggs,one by one,and beat well between each addition.

Mash the bananas and add to the creamed mixture.Sift the rice flour,cornflour,gluten free baking powder and salt together and fold into the banana mixture. Very gently,stir in the cranberries and sultana,so that they are evenly distributed through the mixture.
Pour the mixture into the loaf tin or muffin cases and bake in the oven for about 1-1, 1/2 hours for loaf,25 minutes for the muffins,until golden on top and skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Remove the loaf from the tin and cool on wire rack, muffins on a rack in their cases.

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Bezglutenski recepti


     Nisam sigurna da li mi pomaze uvijek ali jesam sigurna da pomogne  na promjene vremenskih razdoblja,zasto tada ,ne znam ?

Za sada sam osjetila promjene i tegobe sa zelucem u proljece,javi se i u jesen ,no ne tako jako kao sada,kada me muci i alergija ,pa mi sve smeta,od hrane,do nezahvalnih ljudi,ali oni nemaju nikakave veze sa mojim zeludcem ili mozda imaju od njih mi je muka.....zalosno ali istinito.

Da bih malo lakse prebrodila svu tu siotuaciju  u kokoj se nadem i sebi da olaksam  ja po potrebi svoga organizma ,promijenim malo ishranu,tj. izbacim na par dana brasno,zamijenim ga bezglutenskim i  za sada se pokazalo ok.

Samo par primjera sta sam ovih dana pravila....

Prhka pita od piletine i gljiva

1.2 litra pileceg temeljca
700gr pilecih prsa/bijelo meso
*1 mjera  bezglutenkog tijesta za pite
*2 mjere gljiva u soosu
*1/2 mjere bezglutenske zaprske
1 zlica tarragona
jajae-za premazivanje tijesta

 Piletinu staviti kuhati u siru serpu,tako da bude meso u jednom sloju i pokriveno tekucinom.
Kuhati na laganoj vatri oko 7 minuta,ohladiti.

U meduvremenu napraviti Bezglutensko tijesto za pitu.

S ovim tijestom je malo teze raditi jer se kida,ali je jako ukusno za pite i kiseve.

Za 1 kolicinu je potrebno:

75gr rizinog brasna
75gr kukuruznog fino mljevenoh brasna
75 grkrumpirovog brasna
1 zlicica vrhom puna "xanthan gum"
prstohvat soli
150gr maslaca
1 jaje
ako je potrebno dodati vode

  Sve umijesiti rukama ,ako je potrebno dodarditi i dodati jos brasna,tijesto mora biti glatko na dodoir.
Zamotati u prozirnu foliju i ostaviti u frizider da odmori.

Sada napraviti glive u sosu/umaku:

Ovako napravljene gljive su jako ukusne  za punjenje bezglutenskih palacinki,zatim omleta,kao sos za pastu,dodatak za paprikase,....

20gr maslaca
80gr ,manja glavica luka
225gr gljiva
Zlicica limunovog soka
125ml vrhnja za kuhanje
malo persunovog lista ili vlasca

 U tavi na opoljenom maslacu proprziti sitno,najsitnije isjeckan luk,kada zazuti
dodati jos malo masnoce pa proprziti nasjeckane gljive,zaciniti,dodati limunov sok i vrhnje,pustiti da se pojave mjehurici,zatim dodati 1/2 mjere bezglutenske zaprske.

Probati okus i dodati jos zacina po ukusu.


110gr maslaca
50gr skrobnog brasna
50gr rizinog brasna

 U serpu staviti isjeckan na kockice maslac i obje vrste brasna,lagano otopiti  a se brasno ravnomjerno przi na maslacu,oko 2-3 minuta

**ova se zaprska koristi i za Besamel/bijeli sos sos je jos potrebno:

50gr maslaca
25gr skrobnog brasna
25gr rizinog brasna

600ml mlijeka
mala glavica luka
par zrna bibera,
celer jedna stapka
pola mrkve
lovorov list,mazuran

Napraviti zaprsku i zalivati lagano prohuhalim mlijekom koje prije dodavanja zaprsci procijedite.

1 zlicica secera
22ml tople vode
10gr suhog kvasca
175gr rizinog brasna
80gr krumpirovog brasna
50gr tapioca brasna
25gr mlijeka u prahu
1,1/2 zlicia bezglutenskog praska za pecivo
1 zlicica xanthan gum
1 zlicica soli
1 zlicaulje
1 jaje
  Od datih namirnica zamijesiti tijesto.pusiti da naraste,premijesiti i oblikovati picu.
Tijesto rastanjiti za picu i pokriti prozirnom folijom da naraste,zatim staviti paradajz sos i povrce odozgo,ispeci i servirati.

tijesto ce biti mozda malo ljepsljivo ali slobodno dodajte brasna da se fino oblikuje.
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Papaya Milkshake

          Papaya, I have never been a big fan of this fruit in the past, the smell was too strong for me and for all other unknown reasons, I had avoided it. But now, I have developed a liking for this fruit, I think, might be the hybrid varieties available don't have the very strong smell and also, knowing the health benefits of this fruit, you want to set a good example for your kids. At home, we like it ripe but at the same time firm, not overripe and mushy and we just have it as such. The other day I tried out this simple milkshake with it, it turned out very good. I didn't add any flavors to it, just milk, papaya and honey, very healthy and tasty. Only, one warning, make this milkshake fresh and just have it right away, it might taste a little bitter with time..

Need To Have

  • Papaya Pieces - 1 cup
  • Cold Milk - 1 cup
  • Chilled Water - 1/2 cup
  • Honey Or Sugar - 1 teaspoon or as needed


          Blend the papaya pieces with half the milk, till it turns into a smooth mixture. Then add the remaining, milk, honey or sugar and pulse it lightly. That's it, serve it immediately.

If needed, you can add some cardamom for flavor.
If you refrigerate, it not only tends to turn bitter, but also thickens up.
If you use fat free milk, then you can avoid the water, just make the milkshake as thick or thin as you prefer.
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Salted Butter Caramel Apple Pie with Vodka Pie Crust

My church went apple picking last weekend, and I went with the express purpose of picking apples to make this pie.  Or more precisely, so I could make this pie crust from America's Test Kitchen.  I first made the vodka pie crust three years ago with Tammy.  It made the flakiest, most flavorful pie crust I had ever eaten, but it uses shortening, an ingredient I don't usually have on hand.  Luckily, my new roommate had some from when she made this same pie crust (it's her favorite, too!).

*photo by Tammy Hui

According to America's Test Kitchen, the addition of the vodka helps to keep the pie dough tender because it inhibits the formation of gluten while still acting like a binder for the dry ingredients.  The shortening also helps to prevent gluten from forming because unlike butter, it doesn't contain any water.  Yay, science! 

*Pro-tip:  If you don't have a rolling pin, the vodka bottle works!

I adapted the filling and salted caramel sauce from Sally's Baking Addiction.  Sadly, I took my sugar off the heat too soon, and my sauce is more of a blond sweet butter sauce than a caramel, but it still tastes uber delicious!

If you can, try to use a variety of apples for the pie so you have some sweet and some tart, some softer and some firmer.  I picked Macintosh, Golden Supreme, and Honeycrisp apples for this pie.

Salted Butter Caramel Apple Pie with Vodka Pie Crust
makes 1 pie

For the pie crust:
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 1/4-inch pieces and chilled
8 tablespoons vegetable shortening, cut into 4 pieces and chilled
1/4 cup vodka, chilled
1/4 cup ice water

Process 1 1/2 cups flour, sugar, and salt together in food processor until combined.  Scatter butter and shortening over top and continue to process until incorporated and mixture begins to form uneven clumps with no remaining floury bits.  Sprinkle remaining 1 cup flour over dough and pulse until mixture has broken up into pieces and is evenly distributed around the bowl.

Transfer mixture to a large bowl.  Sprinkle vodka and ice water over mixture.  Stir and press dough together, using stiff rubber spatula, until dough sticks together.

Divide dough into 2 even pieces.  Turn each piece of dough onto a sheet of plastic wrap and flatten each into a 4-inch disk.  Wrap each piece tightly in plastic and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

For the caramel sauce:
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup room temperature water
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
2 tablespoons heavy cream

Combine the granulated sugar, salt, and water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is dissolved.  Turn the heat down to medium-low and cook without stirring, until the syrup becomes a medium dark amber caramel, about 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from heat and immediately stir in the room temperature butter and cold heavy cream. Do not worry if the butter starts to separate; it will come together as the caramel cools. Transfer the caramel to a medium bowl and whisk until the caramel begins to come together.  Set aside.

For the apple pie:
2 teaspoons fresh lemon zest
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
6 large apples, cored, peeled, and thinly sliced (use a variety for better flavor, such as Macintosh, Golden Supreme, and Honey Crisp)
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon milk

Put the lemon zest and lemon juice into a very large bowl. Add the apples and toss gently. In a small mixing bowl, combine the flour, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and sugar. Pour over the apples and gently toss to combine. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 400°F.

On a floured work surface, roll out one of the balls of chilled dough (keep the other one in the refrigerator). Turn the dough about a quarter turn after every few rolls until you have a circle about 12" in diameter. Carefully place the dough into a 9"x2" pie dish. Tuck it in with your fingers, making sure it is smooth.

Fill the pie crust with the apples. There are a lot of apples, but pile them tightly and very high. Drizzle with 1/2 cup of the salted caramel, reserving the rest for topping.

Roll out the other ball of dough to a 10" circle.  Carefully place on top of the pie.  Fold over any excess dough and crimp all the way around.  Cut a few slits into the top with a sharp knife.

Make an egg wash by beating the egg yolk with the milk.  Brush the top with a very thin coating.

Place the pie onto a large baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Keeping the pie in the oven, turn the temperature down to 350°F and bake for an additional 40-50 minutes. If the top of your pie is getting too brown, cover loosely with aluminum foil. The pie will be done when the caramel begins to bubble up. A small knife inserted inside should come out relatively clean.

Allow the pie to cool for 4 hours before serving. Drizzle the pie with the extra caramel sauce to serve.

Previously:   Sweet Corn Ice Cream with Black Raspberry Swirl
Next:  Apple Cider Donuts
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Sweet Corn Ice Cream with Black Raspberry Swirl

I finally got some corn in my Boston Organics delivery and knew immediately that I wanted to make this ice cream.

Growing up in Ohio has its share of pros and cons, but one of the perks is being able to buy sweet corn in the summer from roadside stands.  You can actually see the fields where the corn was harvested, and it's so amazingly fresh and sweet that all other corn just tastes like dust in comparison.

This recipe is another one from Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams at Home, which has basically become my ice cream making bible.  I couldn't find any black raspberries at the farmer's market or the grocery story, so I did as she suggested and made the sauce with half red raspberries and half blackberries.

Sweet Corn Ice Cream with Black Raspberry Swirl (from Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams at Home)
makes about 1 quart

To make the black raspberry swirl: 
2 cup black raspberries or red raspberries and blackberries
1 cup sugar

To make the ice cream base:
1 ear of fresh, sweet corn, husked
2 cups milk
4 teaspoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons cream cheese, softened
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
2/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons light corn syrup

Combine berries and 1 cup sugar in a 1-quart saucepan over medium-high heat, and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 8 minutes; strain and chill.

Slice the kernels from the corn cob, then "milk" the cob by scraping it with the back of your knife to extract the liquid; reserve the kernels and liquid.

Mix about 2 tablespoons of the milk with the cornstarch in a small bowl to make a smooth slurry.  Whisk the cream cheese and salt in a medium bowl until smooth.

Combine the remaining milk, cream, sugar, corn syrup, corn kernels and juices in a 4-quart saucepan, bring to a rolling boil over medium-high heat, and boil for 4 minutes.  Remove from the heat and force the mixture through a sieve into a bowl, leaving the corn "cases" behind.

Return the mixture to the saucepan and gradually whisk in the cornstarch slurry.  Bring back to a boil over medium-high heat and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 1 minute.  Remove from the heat.

Gradually whisk the hot milk mixture into the cream cheese until smooth. Pour mixture into a 1-gallon Ziploc freezer bag, seal, and submerge in a bowl of ice water until chilled. Pour mixture into an ice cream maker and spin until thick and creamy.

After churning, alternate layers of ice cream and berry sauce in a storage container before freezing.

The black raspberry sauce is really yummy but may overpower the delicate flavor of the sweet corn.  When I make this again I'll probably reduce the amount of sauce I layer in and increase the salt in the ice cream base a bit just to bring out the flavor of the sweet corn even more.

Previously:  Lobster Bisque
Next up:  Salted Butter Caramel Apple Pie with Vodka Pie Crust
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Vesnina Jevrejska bijela torta

                        Ovaj recept je zapisan kroz druzenje meni drage osobe

..upoznale se ni manje ni vise nego na Bgd aerodromu,da bilo je to vrijeme kada je svako od nas trazio izlazak iz krize i tezio boljem sutra.

Prosle su godine,jos uvijek smo tu gdje jesmo,sretni ,zadovoljni koliko to mozemo biti i opet gledamo nase bogastvo koje smo doveli sa sobom,nasu djecu koji su sada vec odrasli ljudi....

 Da uspomene nikad ne izblijede....   

Za korice je potrebno:

 10 bjelanjaka
10zlica smedeg secera
250gr mljevenih badema


10 zumanjaka

10zlica smedeg secera

250gr bijele cokolade
250gr maslaca
Izrada korica

   Bjelanca izmiksati u pjenu i postepeno dodati secer..mijesati sve dok se secer ne istopi i dobije se gusta bijela pjena.
rucno umijesati mljevene bademe.

Staviti papir za pecenje na pleh na kome cete peci koricu,moj pleh je bio 30x40cm .
Peci u predhodno zagrijanoj rerni na 180c oko 20 minuta.

Pecenu koricu prerezati na 2x,dobicete 3 lista biskvita.

Priprema kreme

 zumanjke izmutiti sa secerom da zapjeni,zatim staviti u mikrovalnu na 2 minuta(mikrovana je 1000w)
Izvaditi ,promijesati dodati iskidanu na komadice bijelu cokoladu i ponovo vratiti 1 minut.

To je sasvim dovoljno za kremu,sada je samo malo prohladiti pa dodati izradeni maslac...sve pomijesati i premazivati slojeve torte i tortu izvana .


  • zumanjke dobro izmutiti na pari sa secerom oko 10-15 minuta,da bude krema gusta i kuhana,zatim dodati maslac i ukrasitit tortu.
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