

Chocolate Kalakhand

          Do I need a special occasion to make or eat sweets, definitely 'no'. But then, I don't make them that often, because my husband and daughter, not being that big fans of sweets, I end up eating most of it. Last week, I had to finish up some milk, either I had to make some paneer and freeze it or use up the milk, making some sweet with it. I decided to make kalakhand with it and made a chocolate one, it needs just four ingredients and is very easy to make too..

Need To Have

  • Milk - 1 litre/1000ml
  • Lemon Juice - from 2 small ones
  • Sugar - 5 tablespoon
  • Cocoa Powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Ghee - a little to grease the tray


          Heat the milk, when it starts boiling, add the lemon juice till the milk starts curdling. When it's completely curdled and the clear whey water separates, pour away some of the whey water.

          Put the milk with a little whey water back on the stove and keep heating, the water is almost gone. At this stage, add the sugar and keep stirring.

          When it all comes together like a sticky dough, add the cocoa powder and mix it well. Now put this on a greased tray (with ghee), and spread it smoothly and at least 1/2 an inch thick. Leave it to cool for 20 minutes, then slice it. When it's completely cooled remove the slices and serve.

You can use the whey water for making dough for rotis.
If you find it difficult to remove the slices, keep the tray in the refrigerator for sometime and then remove it, it'll be much easier.

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