

Sretni praznici !!


Provedite nastupajuce praznike u zdravlju,blagostanju i sreci ..da vam Nova godina donese pregrst ljubavi i sladite se cijelu nastupajucu godinu !!!

Sretn Bozic I Nova 2012-a godina !!!!!!!
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Broccoli and Potato Fry

           Usually it is just the potato fry or the stir-fried broccoli, thought of bringing them together in this fry with a little garlic and black pepper, the end result was really good. People who find it hard to swallow broccoli alone can try this combo..

Need To Have:
  • Broccoli chopped - 2 cups
  • Red potato - 3 medium sized
  • Garlic - 3 pods 
  • Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Chilli powder - 3/4 teaspoon
  • Pepper powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Curry leaves - a few
  • Mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Jeera seeds - 1/2 teaspoon

          Chop the potatoes with the skin. Heat oil add mustard and jeera seeds, add the potatoes, saute for a few mins, add the salt, turmeric and chilli powder, mix . Add the chopped garlic, mix and cook without covering. Cook the broccoli separately either in the microwave or stove-top. Once the potato is cooked add the broccoli and pepper powder, mix well cook for 5 more mins. Add curry leaves, mix and serve. Goes with rice, roti and dal.

Don't cover when the potao is cooking, it'll become mushy.
When I updated the pictures, I had used the regular potatoes, not the red ones.
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Eggless Chocolate Cake

            Hello everyone, Welcome to my blog, Aromatic Cooking. The recipes will be mostly of Indian origin, but I always like to try anything new, a slight change in the spices or vegetables added would sometimes end up in an entirely new dish. Most of the recipes will be my experiments in my kitchen. Thought I should start on a sweet note..

            This is a very easy cake, just mix in all the ingredients and bake, how much simpler can it get, an eggless version, but still very moist and light, and I would say, a low-fat version too..
Need To Have
  • All Purpose flour or Maida - 1 cup    
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar - 3/4 cup
  • Baking powder - 3/4 teaspoon
  • Baking soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Fat free evaporated milk - 1 cup
  • Curd - 1/2 cup
  • Oil - 1/4 cup
  • Vanilla extract - 3/4 to 1 teaspoon
  • Butter scotch chips - 1/4 cup melted in little milk

Preheat the oven to 350F. Grease a 9" cake pan, I used a loaf pan. Take all  the dry ingredients in a large bowl, add the wet ingredients, mix well. The batter will be watery like idli batter. Pour it in the pan, mix in the melted butter scotch chips, bake it for 25 to 30 mins. Keep checking after 25 mins, cool it. Slice and serve it as such or with ice cream.

If evaporated milk is not available, can use milk that has been boiled to reduce to half the quantity.
Can leave out the butter scotch chips, can increase the sugar to 1 cup if you need a very sweet cake.
If you like frosting, can do the same, I left it out because everybody at home likes it plain.
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Okra Kurma

  Okra is one vegetable that the whole family enjoys, but when I got bored with the regular okra sambar and fry, I tried out this..
Need To Have:
  • Okra - 10-15
  • Onion - 1 big
  • Tomatoes - 1 big
  • Garlic - 5 pods
  • Ginger - 1" piece
  • Chilli powder - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Coriander powder - 2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Oil - 2-3 teaspoons
  • Curd - 1 tablespoon
  • Cloves - 4
  • Cinnamon - a small piece
  • Curry leaves - few
  • Coriander leaves to garnish

To Grind:
  • Coconut - 1 tablespoon
  • Roasted gram dal -1 tablespoon
  • Small red onions - 3
  • Poppy seeds - 1/2 tablespoon
  • Fennel seeds - 2 teaspoon

           Grind all the ingredients given under 'to grind'. Wash and chop okra into 1" pieces. Chop the onion, garlic and tomato, grate the ginger. Heat oil, add the cloves and cinnamon, add the onion and garlic, saute for a couple of minutes, add the okra, mix, cover and cook till half done or for 8 mins. Add all the powders, salt, tomatoes curd and ginger, mix, cover and cook till the tomatoes soften. Now add the paste, water, cook for 5mins, garnish with curry leaves and chopped coriander. Enjoy it with rice or roti.

Can add more coconut to make richer kurma.
Can saute the tomatoes separately and grind with the coconut and add to make a thicker gravy.

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Cokoladne tortice



 600gr brasna
 200gr secera u prahu
 2 vanilin secera (burbon okusa)
3 zlice kakao u prahu
120gr mljevenih oraha-krupnije mljevenih
400gr maslaca limunova korica

  Glazura od cokolade:

250-300gr kvalitetne cokolade za kuhanje malo ulja,
Marmelada za spajanje tortica bijela cokolada za saranje

 Napraviti prhko tijesto od navedenih sastojaka i odmah mozete poceti praviti tortice,...znaci tijesto ne treba odmarati. Tijesto ce malo biti sipkavo,nece bas da se fino sastavi ,ali valjanjem ce lijepo da se "zagladi" i tortice se molgu lako rezati. Staviti tortice na papirom postavljenu tepsiju/lim za pecenje i peci u predhodno zagrijanoj rerni na 190C oko 12 minuta.

 Za glazuru,cokoladu otopiti nad parom i dodati toliko ulja koliko volite da vam bude gusta glazura..ja sam dodala 3 zlice i potrosila dosta cokolade ali je sloj cokolade bio dovoljno gust i glazura se fino osusila. Glairala sam samo gornju torticu,osusila je i spojila sa donjom torticom koju sam namazala marmeladom.

 Po zelji mozete isarati bijelom cokoladom,koju isto otopite na pari uz dodatak ulja i njome sarate tortice.
original recept

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Punjene lignje


Potrebno je:
maslinovo ulje-po potrebi
1 glavica luka
malo cesnjaka(2 cenja)
2 snite prsuta
1 crvena paprika
patlidzan,oko 200gr
4 vece lignje
1 salica mrvica
(od svjezeg kruha)
1 limun,korica i sok
1 zlica puna sjeckanpog bosiljka
1-2 jaja
mljeveni biber,malo bijelog vina,kiwi

Napraviti mrvice od dan starog kruha.
Ocistitit lignje.
Krakove proprziti na grilu i isjeckati ili ih dinstati u sitno isjeckanom luku koji najprije proprzimo na maslinovom ulju,dodamo zatim krakove.

Podliti sa malo bijelog vina,..kada vino ispari dodati,prsut,crvenu pepriku isjeckanu na kockice,pomijesati je nekoliko minuta samo da omeksa,zatim dodati na kockice izrezan patlidzan.
Dodati jois ulja ako je potrebno.

Kada je povrce dovoljno proprzeno(zavisi od vaseg ukusa koliko volite da bude mekano povrce),skloniti u stranu.
Svjeze mljeveni biber i kosani boliljak dodati na kraju ,kao i mrvice i lagano umucena jaja.
Najprije dodati jedno jaje,pa ako se smjesa ne povezeuje,dodati i drugo jaje.

Probati okus i nadjevom puniti lignje.

Napunjene lignje zatvoriti cackalicom i naglo ispeci na rostilju ili tavi.


**Ako su lignje stare/zilave,to mozete vidjeti kod krakova kada ih pecete..tada lignje stavite u 2 kiwia koje ogulite i zgnjecite.Drzite ih do punjenja nadjeviom.
Isprati lignje vodom i ce ih omeksati i bice mekane ,posebno ako se peku u tavi.
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Trokuti s okusom narance


Potrebno je:

200gr secera
vode,samo da pokrije secer(oko 100ml) -
150gr mljevenih oraha -
150gr zele bombona(isjeckati) -
50gr badema (u listicima) -
1naranca(korica i malo soka) -
50gr topljene cokolade


Uspinovati secer, kao za slatko(bude puno mjehurica),
skloniti sa sporeta, dodati cokoladu

Brzo mijesati da se otopi, vratiti na sporet,
dodati sve ostale namirnice.

Prozirnu foliju staviti u kalup,
popuniti smjesom, sto smo je napravili, ostaviti par sati
na hladno, dase stegne,

Lijepo izrezati na trokutice i posluziti..!!

Ako je smjesa previse gusta, dodajte jos malo soka od narance
ili ako je rijetka, jos oraha ili cokolade(moze kakao u prahu)


Glazura od cokolade

100gr cokolade+2 zlice ulja,ako zelite preliti trokutice s cokoladom !!
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